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Sub-Boards in 'Anti-Sicilians' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
86 | 858 |
08/31/24 at 12:19:31 In: Re: 2 c3 d5 -- dxc5 pawn-... By: cathexis |
Bb5 Systems
Rossolimo Variation [B23], [B30-1], Moscow Variation & Hybrid [B51-2] Moderators: Bibs, trw
57 | 492 |
11/17/22 at 19:30:25 In: Re: Nice miniature by Nun... By: ErictheRed |
36 | 367 |
06/21/17 at 17:27:10 In: Re: Closed - Black Doesn'... By: an ordinary chessplayer |
45 | 484 |
07/19/22 at 14:30:16 In: Re: 2...a6 against the Gr... By: kylemeister |
33 | 901 |
11/09/21 at 00:59:39 In: Re: History of the 'Morra... By: NiceNike |
2.c3, Moscow, Rossolimo, Closed, GPA, Morra, etc. [B20-31 & B50-55] with IM David Fitzsimons (Moderators: trw, Bibs)
Topics: 193
Posts: 2517 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10 |
Interesting variation with Bishop e2 and then f4
A good read (free Ebook) with many games' analysis is "Gagner avec Zébulon".
Started 03/16/24 at 08:18:43 by Philippe |
0 | 515 |
03/16/24 at 08:18:43 By: Philippe |
The anti-anti-Alapin Gambit
In their book "The Anti-Alapin Gambit" authors Hansen and Lakdawala dismiss 5.Nc3 after 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 Nf6?! (my evaluation) 4.Bb5+ Nbd7 as "harmless". Even if they are right, what's the harm in Whit...
Started 03/19/23 at 11:10:15 by George Jempty |
4 | 2151 |
07/22/23 at 13:15:08 By: bragesjo |
Any books with good coverage against 2.Nf3 e6 3.c3
I guess my title says it all. I'm looking for good study material in the line 2.Nf3 e6 3.c3 (3...d5 4.e5). Interestingly I play 2.c3 against the Sicilian but plan on a transposition from the French ...
Started 03/16/23 at 12:59:50 by George Jempty |
4 | 2095 |
05/23/23 at 11:58:54 By: Kerangali |
2.d4 and 3.Qxd4
I've encountered the following lines. Is there anything written on these. Its not clear to me if black should be starting with e6 or going for a dragon setup. For example it seems to me if black is no...
Started 07/04/22 at 02:12:21 by kevinfat |
5 | 2021 |
07/08/22 at 16:46:47 By: shuda2 |
Coffeehouse repertoire vs Sicilian
Gawain Jones wrote a book called Coffeehouse repertoire.
Its a 1 e4 book in two parts, I bougt part 1 and are waiting for part 2. I was mainly thinking about Sicilian part in the book. <br ... Started 08/10/21 at 19:27:12 by bragesjo |
2 | 2427 |
08/13/21 at 10:02:32 By: MartinC |
New book : The Carlsen Variation
At my local chess shop I saw an new book order it today.
I will write a review here next week. The Carlsen Variation goes s 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4 Nc6 5.Qd2 followed by b2-b3 and ... Started 08/29/20 at 17:45:04 by bragesjo |
7 | 4756 |
09/05/20 at 13:19:11 By: bragesjo |
Any opening book with these lines?
I am interested in lines like these as White against the Sicilian
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bb5 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nf3 and 4. d4 probably Started 06/20/20 at 22:05:25 by VGA |
4 | 2965 |
06/21/20 at 05:56:08 By: Fllg |
My new repertour vs Sicilian
I have stopped playing Open Sicilian in over the board games after many years and I have deviced an new repertouar.
Corr games convinced me that it is not worth the effort of mainting it and my m... Started 05/14/20 at 10:54:20 by bragesjo « Pages 1 2 all » |
15 | 10312 |
06/14/20 at 13:58:14 By: bragesjo |
Recent sources on the Antis for Black (2..d6)
I just read the Vigorito excerpt on the Najdorf, and was blown away. As far as one can tell by a few promotional sample pages, this is excellent! So, while happy with my current 1..e5, I... Started 11/14/19 at 17:39:34 by IsaVulpes |
14 | 8184 |
04/19/20 at 19:58:22 By: TopNotch |
Alapin Sicilian e6 vs d6
1.e4 c5 2.c3 Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.d4 cxd4 5.cxd4
It seems to me that there are at least three ways to handle this position as black. I'm not entirely sure of this but it seems like there are the option... Started 11/16/19 at 23:55:44 by kevinfat |
10 | 7209 |
11/30/19 at 17:34:35 By: IsaVulpes |
1 e4 c5 2 Bc4
Everybody laughs at this line, myself included (does it even have a name?). But in Marin's book 1 c4 e5, he calls the line 2 g3 Nf6 3 Nc3 Nc6 4 Bg2 Bc5 the Karpov variation (is this standard?) and cla...
Started 11/17/09 at 07:38:00 by Librarian « Pages 1 2 all » |
22 | 34207 |
09/29/19 at 23:10:09 By: FreeRepublic |
Anti-Sicilian Rep ideas
Hey All,
Just looking for some suggestions on a cohesive repertoire that pairs well with the Kopec System. I understand that the Kopec system only works against the 2..d6. What are some ideas aga... Started 02/21/19 at 13:39:01 by FizzySoda |
3 | 4186 |
02/21/19 at 23:35:09 By: fjd |
Sam Collins' bias towards White
For quite some time now I have been having the feeling that Sam Collins, in his updates for the Anti-Sicilian section, has a rather strong – and hence, in my view, unjustified – bias towards White. Hi...
Started 06/21/17 at 09:57:58 by Pessoa « Pages 1 2 all » |
20 | 23935 |
06/27/18 at 00:18:04 By: fjd |
Carlsen's latest idea
Any thoughts on Carlsen's recent game with Wojtaszek at the Gashimov Memorial?
That started 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Qxd4 Nc6 5. Qd2. The follow up was b3, Bb2 and 0-0-0 with f3... Started 04/25/18 at 10:34:14 by RdC |
9 | 9430 |
06/07/18 at 16:15:02 By: kylemeister |
Finally a Black rep Chessbase DVD
I'm glad he covers anti's involving 2. ...Nc6 Started 05/15/14 at 12:48:55 by ghenghisclown « Pages 1 2 all » |
16 | 24692 |
10/04/17 at 02:51:47 By: ghenghisclown |
Best book on the Anti-Sicilians for Black?
Considering that it's increasingly more difficult to play the Open Sicilian with Black (at least from my experience), what is in your opinion the best book on the Anti-Sicilians for the Black player? ...
Started 06/11/16 at 06:39:19 by grandpatzer |
12 | 12160 |
06/27/16 at 07:17:29 By: CanadianClub |
4. Qxd4 Sicilian for Black
What is the best way for Black to play in the main line of the 4. Qxd4 line? (10. Rhe1) [pgn][Event "?"] [Site "?"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Enter New Ga...|/pgn] Thanks! Started 01/14/16 at 18:15:45 by NegiRefutes (Ex Member) |
7 | 7307 |
02/02/16 at 21:35:31 By: Mainline_Novelty |
Positional, quiet and solid variations vs Sicilian
For White, what are the variations that tend to lead on average to the most positional, solid, safe, quiet, slow, boring and strategic positions (i.e. the least sharp, aggressive and tactical... Started 07/23/15 at 11:53:06 by Marc Benford |
6 | 5881 |
11/09/15 at 12:14:56 By: codekiddy |
Non-delayed wing gambit?
What is the point of playing 2.b4 rather than 2.Nf3 and 3.b4? 2.b4 allows this d5 stuff. The only thing that I can think of that 2.b4 avoids is 2...g6. Is there something else?
Started 07/14/15 at 14:43:08 by gauss |
4 | 4705 |
07/23/15 at 17:19:11 By: gauss |
1. e4 c5 2. Sf3 e6 3. g3 a6
This 3. g3 is getting popular, and I was thinking about how a Kan player who is also a Najdorf player can exploit this for an advantage. Even if the Kan player is no Najdorf player, if s/he is willing...
Started 05/17/15 at 04:43:47 by DenVerdsligeRejsende |
4 | 5117 |
06/17/15 at 17:37:50 By: ErictheRed |
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