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Sub-Boards in 'Anti-Sicilians' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
87 | 859 |
11/25/24 at 00:12:07 In: Alapin and Accelerated Dr... By: FreeRepublic |
Bb5 Systems
Rossolimo Variation [B23], [B30-1], Moscow Variation & Hybrid [B51-2] Moderators: Bibs, trw
57 | 492 |
11/17/22 at 19:30:25 In: Re: Nice miniature by Nun... By: ErictheRed |
36 | 367 |
06/21/17 at 17:27:10 In: Re: Closed - Black Doesn'... By: an ordinary chessplayer |
45 | 484 |
07/19/22 at 14:30:16 In: Re: 2...a6 against the Gr... By: kylemeister |
33 | 901 |
11/09/21 at 00:59:39 In: Re: History of the 'Morra... By: NiceNike |
2.c3, Moscow, Rossolimo, Closed, GPA, Morra, etc. [B20-31 & B50-55] with IM Ezra Kirk (Moderators: trw, Bibs)
Topics: 195
Posts: 2522 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10 |
What is 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 e5 called?
National Master Yefim Treger of New York regularly plays 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 4 e5 against the Sicilian Defense. My question is, what is the name of this variation?
Started 11/21/24 at 05:11:06 by Gambit |
3 | 492 |
11/28/24 at 05:50:22 By: kylemeister |
(Smith-)Morra ...Nc6/d6/a6
Just some historical notes.
In the latest Anti-Sicilians update, IM Palliser refers to this line as an old suggestion of Joe Gallagher (who as I recall advocated it in an anti-anti-Sicilians book... Started 11/28/24 at 05:20:12 by kylemeister |
0 | 118 |
11/28/24 at 05:20:12 By: kylemeister |
A trap in the 2.Bc4 Sicilian?
There is a game (Acers-NN) which went: 1.e4 c5 2.Bc4 b6? 3.Bxf7! and Black resigned. Is Black really lost after 3...Kxf7 4.Qh5+ g6 5.Qd5+ e6 6.Qxa8? How about 6...Nc6 with the idea of Qc7 and Bb7, tra...
Started 01/22/05 at 15:15:03 by creator (Ex Member) |
1 | 3437 |
01/22/05 at 20:47:36 By: MNb |
Nc3 or Nf3-based Anti-Sicilian System?
Like so many others reluctant to play the main line Open Sicilians I have been trying to decide on a simpler alternative (other than 1 d4 hah). I came down to comparing two systemic openings, the "Nc3...
Started 07/01/08 at 01:03:16 by Marno |
11 | 5740 |
07/04/08 at 14:39:22 By: bragesjo |
Experts on the Anti-Sicilian
Somehow the forum seems to have missed a thread on this book, which is out several months now. At least I couldn´t find anything with the search-function.
A PDF-excerpt can be found here: http://... Started 05/02/12 at 17:15:14 by Lou_Cyber |
4 | 6757 |
10/14/12 at 23:03:21 By: Vass |
Need good introduction book for sicilian
Hi all,
I would like to include sicilian defense(s) in my opening repertoire with black. I am a 2100-rated (USCF) player, but I almost never played sicilian in serious games. Any suggestion for g... Started 07/26/05 at 14:52:42 by Antonos |
1 | 1837 |
07/26/05 at 19:04:52 By: TopNotch |
2...g6 for players of Bb5 systems
For those who play Bb5 systems, what is a good answer to
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6 ? Let's assume White doesn't want to enter the main lines of the Accelerated Dragon. Would 3.c3 work? Started 01/24/06 at 23:51:02 by DrFractal |
1 | 2029 |
01/25/06 at 01:58:03 By: BladezII |
'Experts vs' the Nimzowitsch Variation
Looking at Jacob Aagaard's line against the Nimzowitsch in Experts vs the Sicilian I came across a position that looked quite dodgy for White! After 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 he recommends 3. Nc3 d5 4. exd5...
Started 03/01/06 at 13:45:47 by GMTonyKosten |
1 | 2884 |
03/01/06 at 20:18:30 By: Sacapawn |
Playing the Sicilian as White
In an earlier (very interesting) thread,
http://altmax.com/cgi-local/cpf/YaBB.cgi?board=1e4;action=display;num=1100932208, MNB asked Markovich (reply #10): "Still I am curious what Markovich... Started 05/19/05 at 14:17:09 by mad_knight |
8 | 4660 |
05/21/05 at 11:40:06 By: mad_knight |
5. f3 and 5. Bd3
I am no dragon player (maybe one day will see the light!), but always wondered what dragon players are supposed to do after 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. f3!? and 5. Bd3!? ? In both cas...
Started 11/11/05 at 05:59:44 by lnn2 |
4 | 2962 |
11/12/05 at 11:01:39 By: kriegerstein |
Open anti-sicilian with early g3
just have a question,
is there literature on the anti-sicilian that is open with early d4 but then follows with g3? I think this anti-sicilian could be more to my liking than c3 (feels incor... Started 08/30/08 at 07:04:35 by cyronix (Ex Member) |
9 | 5062 |
09/21/08 at 00:43:24 By: MNb |
Kings Indian Attack - Karpov System
I have recently been revising my 5-year-old notes on the KIA, and I have come to the variation 1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3 d3 Nc6 4.g3 d5 5.Qe2, which used to be considered the strongest line, and still score...
Started 09/01/05 at 22:17:26 by bewildered |
3 | 3627 |
09/07/05 at 02:28:56 By: castlerock |
Interesting side lines
Hi all,
What do you guys think of this repertoire: 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 then Grand prix attack if 2...Nc6 then 3.Nf3 if 3...Nf6 then 4.Bb5 ... Started 05/03/08 at 04:35:18 by Zatara |
5 | 3589 |
05/06/08 at 19:02:42 By: urusov |
The Kopec system
There is very little material on the Kopec system. I know just one Foxy DVD.
1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6/e6/Nc6 3. Bd3 followed by c3 and Bc2. Or reached via the 2. Nf3-Alapin move order. Anyone ... Started 09/10/09 at 10:18:16 by Novosibirsk |
6 | 14540 |
08/01/12 at 07:15:12 By: Ender |
Nf6, d5 or something else
Hi all,
What to play vs 2.c3 2...d5 2...Nf6 or something else? I am a tactician who likes semi open/open play. I have heard that Sveshnikov thinks Nf6 is best but Tiviakov likes 2...d5. ALso w... Started 07/19/09 at 04:04:28 by Zatara |
2 | 2210 |
07/19/09 at 06:33:36 By: TN |
[B20] 1. e4 c5 2. b3
This variation looks very playable for White. The Rossolimo Bb5 move and the Grand Prix f4 without Nc3 seems to work best. Nc3 may work well in some cases, but in this one Nbd2 was used. Some good pie...
Started 02/04/18 at 09:21:00 by Mark L |
7 | 7632 |
07/02/19 at 23:29:43 By: XChess1971 |
Move 3 alternatives?
Hi all,
I been wondering, vs the sicilian, after e4 c5, nf3, the based on blacks reply, play either the delayed wing gambit, Smith morra, c3, or maybe bb5. Is it a decent idea? Based on what blac... Started 01/13/16 at 16:06:06 by Mtal |
5 | 5341 |
01/14/16 at 09:54:03 By: chk |
Fighting The Anti-Sicilians - Palliser
Well I have been recently poring through Richard Palliser's provocative Fighting the Anti-Sicilians and finding it quite informative and enjoyable. The chapter on the Closed Sicilian is particularly i...
Started 11/26/07 at 02:12:14 by TopNotch |
4 | 4320 |
01/16/08 at 11:50:22 By: flaviddude |
Must be said, that am usually left underwhelmed by the updates in the anti-sicilian section since the departure of Rowson. Compared with all other sections, it can be seen that the output is considera...
Started 09/20/07 at 15:51:21 by Bibs |
9 | 5024 |
09/22/07 at 08:05:10 By: IMAndrewMartin |
Question about the so-called anti-Sveshnikov
Hello, fellow chess geniuses:
What do y'all think of this line: 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 e5 4. Bc4 d6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. d3 Nf6 7. Ng5 0-0 8. f4 exf 9. Bxf4 Bg4 10. Qe1(d1) Nd4. I've seen this set-u... Started 03/21/05 at 16:36:11 by BearerOfBadNews |
10 | 8840 |
09/26/05 at 01:39:34 By: Glenn Snow |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10 |
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