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Sub-Boards in '1. e4 e5 - Non-Spanish' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
143 | 2848 |
11/03/22 at 13:58:35 In: Re: KG - The Schlemmer Co... By: juergenwolf |
Scotch Game [C45], Scotch Gambit [C44] & Scotch Four Knights [C47] Moderators: trw, Smyslov_Fan, Jupp53
92 | 835 |
07/09/23 at 06:40:22 In: Re: C45: Scotch 4...Bb4+... By: Michael Ayton |
2 Knights
Two Knights Defence inc. Wilkes-Barre Variation [C56-C59] Moderators: Jupp53, trw, Smyslov_Fan
88 | 2027 |
06/05/24 at 00:19:20 In: Re: Ulvestad Variation By: SWJediknight |
Italian (5 Viewing)
Italian Game 3 Bc4, Evans Gambit, Giuoco Piano, Bishop's Opening, Max Lange Attack [C50-55] Moderators: trw, Smyslov_Fan, Jupp53
134 | 1564 |
12/18/23 at 12:10:28 In: Re: Evan's gambit in 2023... By: Dink Heckler |
4 Knights
Four Knights inc. Rubinstein's line, Belgrade Gambit, Glek's 4 g3, Three Knights [C46-49] Moderators: Jupp53, trw, Smyslov_Fan
39 | 553 |
01/02/23 at 20:41:45 In: Re: Scotch Four Knights b... By: cathexis |
78 | 1123 |
12/13/20 at 19:06:45 In: Re: Playing the Petroff b... By: tracke |
47 | 786 |
08/18/22 at 02:30:31 In: Re: C41: Newark gambit By: Gambit |
Vienna (1 Viewing)
Vienna Game inc. Hamppe-Allgaier Gambit, Frankenstein-Dracula Variation [C25-29] Moderators: trw, Smyslov_Fan, Jupp53
51 | 833 |
03/24/23 at 22:13:22 In: Re: The Modern Vienna, by... By: an ordinary chessplayer |
1. e4 e5 - Non-Spanish
Scotch, Petroff, King's Gambit, Vienna etc. [C20-59] with IM Harry Grieve (Moderators: Jupp53, Smyslov_Fan, trw)
Topics: 212
Posts: 4422 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11 |
C22: The Centre Game
I came a bit of a cropper with this in round 4 of the EU Championship:
[Event "EU Championship 4th"] [Site "Liverpool"] [Date "2008.09.12"] [Round "4.24"] [White "Rudd, Jack"]... Started 09/13/08 at 00:51:13 by Jack Rudd « Pages 1 2 all » |
29 | 37583 |
11/24/24 at 10:00:59 By: brabo |
C20: 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5
I used to play this when I was very young. I played it as a joke against my friend recently and he said it loses by force. I'm pretty sure it's bad but I don't think it loses by force and it would b...
Started 05/12/10 at 23:03:08 by vasilicus |
6 | 10692 |
02/20/11 at 11:05:16 By: Jupp53 |
C44: Ponziani Opening by David Taylor
I am co author [with Keith Hayward] of the book Play the Ponziani. New theory has come out since the book was written. I am here to answer any questions about this opening.
Started 11/26/12 at 20:13:40 by Dave Taylor |
2 | 4280 |
11/29/12 at 23:26:07 By: CaptainDunsel |
Does a GM ever take a hand in this forum
I noticed that in some other forums the responsible GM/IM occasionally participates (Eric Prie, John Emms).
Has this ever happened in this forum? I didnt notice a reaction of mr. Davies when... Started 09/27/05 at 18:24:41 by micawber |
0 | 1463 |
09/27/05 at 13:24:39 By: micawber |
Centre Game
I wonder whether IM Andrew Greet could comment on the game
Nepomniashchy-Aronian. Aronian played an apparently weaker variation in the B4 line of AGs "the Centre Game" in Dangerous weap... Started 08/04/09 at 19:42:45 by lg |
0 | 1615 |
08/04/09 at 19:42:45 By: lg |
Opening Repertoire: The Petroff - Lakdawala
Could someoke kindly write what he's advocating for Black vs the non-2.Nf3 lines in this book? King's Gambit etc.
Started 08/17/19 at 17:47:37 by grandpatzer |
12 | 8395 |
09/08/19 at 10:52:52 By: Seeley |
Sharp Black systems
Before asking my question, I would like to apologize for 2 things : First, my English, which might be bad, as I'm French. Secondely, I'm sure the question I'm going to ask has already been asked by ma...
Started 05/04/07 at 12:49:02 by Tournevyks |
11 | 5848 |
05/04/07 at 22:18:46 By: MNb |
1...e5 repertoire based on ...g6 fianchetto
I have Collins' Spanish Fianchetto DVD and saw in some recent NICYB that 3...g6 against the Spanish plays at the high level, especially by Məmmədjarow.
I was thinking of extending th... Started 02/14/19 at 04:43:54 by Leon_Trotsky |
10 | 6913 |
02/22/19 at 00:49:47 By: an ordinary chessplayer |
SO: The Open Games
I noticed the thread here on Davies' old ...e5 book and was surprised not to see any mention of Glenn Flear's upcoming Starting Out book on The Open Games. Despite not being a repertoire book it come...
Started 04/13/10 at 19:37:12 by slates |
11 | 8199 |
01/12/11 at 17:26:49 By: Alias |
World champions play match 1.e4,e5
Two (former) Correspondence World Champions are playing an iccf-webserver match:
GM M.Umansky and GM G.Timmerman. Al 6 games have started 1.e4,e5 (no spanish games) Not all games have finish... Started 10/18/06 at 20:44:19 by micawber |
13 | 5696 |
10/20/06 at 12:31:32 By: glsix |
1.e4 e5 2.d4 Nc6!?
I see some people are into Centre Game here, but can`t black just get around it by 1.e4 e5 2.d4 Nc6? this was a favorite move order by Tony Miles, who of course didn`t mind going into 3.dxe5 Nxe5 4.f4...
Started 05/30/09 at 11:09:20 by downward |
10 | 10320 |
06/30/09 at 08:03:01 By: Schaakhamster |
Thoughts on the Centre Game
1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. Qxd4 Nc6 4. Qe3
And now apparently 4...Nf6 is the book move, but why not 4...b6 to continue to harass the queen with 5...Bc5 ? I'm guessing White will play 5. Bc4 or 5. Bb5... Started 08/15/07 at 19:31:25 by MUBAs Opponent |
5 | 3237 |
08/23/07 at 08:29:57 By: parisestmagique |
Fire on Board Part III : Opening ... 1e4 e5 games
Hello Chessfriends.
I just saw that Everyman plans to release "Fire on Board Part III : Opening Secrets behind 1e4 e5 Games" written by Alexei Shirov " in September/October. This may be so... Started 07/14/07 at 21:25:30 by Anders |
3 | 4203 |
08/18/09 at 16:06:04 By: TonyRo |
Thoughts on Bishop's Opening and f4-f5 Push
I was always under the impression that whatever potency the main line Bishop's Opening held for White lay in the fact that after 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 Black has blocked his f-pawn while White's is still f...
Started 02/19/06 at 03:34:50 by dsanchez |
3 | 2763 |
02/20/06 at 11:37:54 By: Willempie |
3 | 2478 |
12/14/07 at 14:42:05 By: Templare2 |
Halasz Gambit
Hi to all!
I want to know more about Halasz Gambit 1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 f4 I tried it in a tournament between my top chess engines , and White score was ridiculous : Is it poss... Started 04/17/05 at 17:42:17 by photophore |
1 | 2741 |
04/19/05 at 09:45:00 By: guidedbyvoices |
To play Bishop's Opening or Vienna Game?
What are the main differences of playing one or the other? I have noted they lead to similar positions. Plans I have seen: Nc3, d3, e4, Bc4, f4 Nc2, g2, Bg2, Nge2, f4 f4 and... Started 05/08/16 at 12:08:52 by Tibor |
6 | 9250 |
01/13/17 at 02:15:24 By: Arnaudov |
Latvian Nimzo Var.
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5 3 Nxe5 Qf6 4 d4 d6 5 Nc4 fxe4 6 Ne3!?
What is wrong with this move?! In his world-renowned book, My System, Nimzowitsch writes : "Against this move speak (1) tradition, whic... Started 03/03/04 at 21:13:49 by nexirae |
3 | 3806 |
03/04/04 at 13:01:42 By: CraigEvans |
Ponziani / Goering Gambit
I would like some help with the following line.
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 c3 Nf6 4 d4 exd4 5 e5 Nd5!? and here I think 6 cxd4 is best. I think Black has two reasonable answers 6...Bb4+ and 6...d6 7 Bb5... Started 02/22/03 at 22:24:29 by Keith Hayward (Guest) |
4 | 6564 |
08/21/03 at 10:53:09 By: Matthew Malicki (Guest) |
i don't really like playing the petroff with white but i like the scotch. so is 2.d4 after 1.e4 e5 a good way to reach the scotch? if i'm not wrong, Seirawan mentioned something of this sort some tim...
Started 07/19/04 at 13:44:32 by ILS |
13 | 7615 |
07/27/04 at 09:28:40 By: MNb |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11 |
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