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Sub-Boards in '1. e4 e5 Spanish' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
58 | 662 |
02/20/24 at 13:40:24 In: Re: Kotronias on Breyer &... By: DogPlayDead |
40 | 364 |
03/08/23 at 20:20:01 In: Re: The Modernized Marsha... By: FreeRepublic |
32 | 340 |
11/20/24 at 23:44:48 In: Re: Opinions of Arkhangel... By: cathexis |
29 | 531 |
11/17/24 at 20:52:06 In: Re: Spicing up Black's pl... By: FreeRepublic |
28 | 232 |
03/24/23 at 11:51:35 In: Re: what is most dynamic... By: George Jempty |
46 | 780 |
02/03/22 at 17:11:32 In: Re: Chessable LTR Berlin... By: MW |
Schliemann Gambit/Jaenisch 3...f5 [C63] and Delayed Schliemann [C70] Moderators: proustiskeen, trw
22 | 434 |
09/13/23 at 18:56:47 In: Re: Deffered Schiliemann By: PlayerCorres |
1. e4 e5 Spanish
(Ruy Lopez) [C60-99] with IM Harry Grieve (Moderators: proustiskeen, trw)
Topics: 164
Posts: 3213 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9 |
The Modern Steinitz -- what's wrong with it?
I’ve noticed there’s been a bit of interest on the Forum recently (from Bibs and others) in the Modern Steinitz, so I thought I’d open a couple of new threads on it. This one is intended to be general...
Started 03/12/08 at 00:30:08 by Michael Ayton « Pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 all » |
76 | 40249 |
08/30/23 at 00:00:09 By: kylemeister |
Ruy Lopez : How to attack with Black
I am an attacking player , even with Black , and I need initiative
Formerly , I used to play Open Defence I had good chances with Dilworth or McKenzie , but 9 Nbd2 has killed all that s... Started 02/15/06 at 11:58:58 by photophore |
6 | 5178 |
02/20/06 at 11:21:23 By: John Simmons(Guest) (Guest) |
Ruy Lopez Russian Variation
Does anyone have any ideas for white after:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 d6 6. ?? So far I have seen the following line: 6. d4 b5 7. dxe... Started 06/14/06 at 03:52:54 by Dinomike100 |
1 | 2039 |
06/14/06 at 18:56:00 By: JEH |
Please help me pick a new ruy lopez defense
I've been playing chess for 5 years now, and i'm trying to achive my CM title. I played 1...e5 for the last year and really enjoyed it. When i get bored by chess i usually start to look at a new openi...
Started 07/18/09 at 23:33:17 by Raoh |
5 | 3794 |
07/19/09 at 10:42:56 By: CraigEvans |
Worrall Attack
I played the Worral attack for quite a long time because no many players prepare for it, and I won quite a few times. However, is this opening sound, and what is the statistics in this opening? I saw ...
Started 12/21/06 at 13:02:52 by sssthepro |
4 | 3984 |
12/22/06 at 01:12:37 By: sssthepro |
Ruy Lopez variations and books
Hello to everyone!
I want to know which books are the best for each variation of the Ruy Lopez for the black side. Also I invite someone experienced to rank variations for black into three cat... Started 09/23/07 at 20:04:55 by rossia |
11 | 6172 |
09/27/07 at 18:49:03 By: Markovich |
1...e5 and Ruy Lopez expert
Hello dear chess lovers. I am looking for a role player/specialist on 1...e5. I know many players play 1...e5 .....in lets say top 100 but is there any real specialist who has played 1...e5 almost exc...
Started 11/11/13 at 01:38:28 by Bogojump |
12 | 11887 |
02/13/14 at 04:34:58 By: BladezII |
Good book that explains the ideas in the Spanish
Hi there,
I am a 2100 FIDE player and I have decided to switch from the Pirc to playing 1...e5. I have the book Play 1 e4 e5 by Nigel Daives, which I find to be quite good. However, I would like... Started 10/05/06 at 18:52:20 by Antillian |
8 | 7651 |
10/07/06 at 11:38:16 By: Antillian |
9. d4 Spanish
Now that the Breyer seems to be extremely difficult to crack, why haven't elite players been switching over to 9. d4? When Giri played this against Carlsen, he got a pretty decent position and I also ...
Started 12/29/15 at 18:26:04 by NegiRefutes (Ex Member) |
13 | 9586 |
12/31/15 at 13:20:31 By: RdC |
Which lines from Ruy Lopez complex best fits in following criteria:
1. razor sharp tactical 2. tactical 3. tactical/strategical 4. strategical 5. strategical/endgame-ish ... Started 08/24/08 at 21:36:25 by rossia |
1 | 2295 |
08/24/08 at 22:05:01 By: kylemeister |
Elementary Tactics
There are some openings where Black can play his third and fourth moves in any order. So there's the very common sequence 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0. It isn't possible to win a pa...
Started 04/04/15 at 04:43:56 by RdC |
1 | 3083 |
04/05/15 at 07:13:25 By: TN |
Modern Steinitz Understanding
In the modern Steinit of the Ruy Lopez, a variation american GM Hess has been playing his whole career successfully, I don't quite understand why 3..a6 is played and then 4..d6; why not just play 3..d...
Started 10/06/10 at 17:24:57 by Reverse |
13 | 13303 |
08/19/11 at 08:16:57 By: NeverGiveUp |
A ´new´ kingside fianchetto for Black in the Ruy!?
I just noticed an interesting game played today in the German Bundesliga:
However, the line cannot exactly be called new. Checking Megabase the earliest encounter I could find was this game: [pgn][Event "Tarrasch ...|/pgn] There is nothing new under the sun... The line looks interesting to me and maybe Black can use this move order to avoid some of the problem lines in the Cozio-Defence. But I am sure White will find ways to put Black under pressure here as well. Does anybody know about some published analysis on this line? Started 05/01/18 at 16:21:25 by Fllg |
7 | 7243 |
07/22/18 at 07:37:18 By: tipau |
Russian Defence
The Russian Defence (C79) is 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 d6!?. It is currently quite out of fashion, but is it bad? I don't think so. It leads to interesting and complicated positions. ...
Started 09/28/11 at 09:36:23 by NeverGiveUp |
8 | 5905 |
09/30/11 at 13:27:28 By: NeverGiveUp |
Russian Defence 5. ..d6
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 d6
I think this is called the Russian defence, but I can find little information on it. Any reason why it's not popular? Can you point me to any so... Started 05/19/16 at 14:26:18 by JEH |
6 | 6416 |
05/27/16 at 11:16:05 By: George Jempty |
the Bird
Hi all,
I am wondering what people think of 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4??? Is it playable? Up to what level? Thanks, Zatara Started 01/21/09 at 23:30:45 by Zatara |
4 | 3241 |
01/26/09 at 10:53:27 By: realpolitik |
Which Ruy lopez line is the most popular nowdays?
Hi! I've been wondering... Which ruy lopez line is the most popular right now? I think the marshall and anti-marshall system are extremly popular right now, but which takes the second place? The Zaits...
Started 01/10/09 at 11:40:28 by Raoh |
5 | 3746 |
01/10/09 at 20:00:44 By: Raoh |
Worral a la Gajewski!
I had an idea which i haven't checked thouroughly which is to play a la Gajewski!
After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.Qe2 (or 5.O-O 6.Bb3 Be7 6.Qe2 b5 7.Ba4 O-O 8.c3) 5...b5 6.Bb3 Be7 7.O-O 7.... Started 07/29/09 at 10:19:11 by Ametanoitos |
3 | 3476 |
07/30/09 at 12:52:58 By: Ametanoitos |
Help with a Ruy Lopez book
I wonder if anyone could help me to find title and author of a book that I miss a lot.
When I quitted chess 25 years ago I sold almost all of my chess books. Six years ago when I was sure neve... Started 06/12/10 at 13:56:12 by Göran |
3 | 3281 |
06/12/10 at 14:38:49 By: Göran |
6.d4 in the spanish
Recently I was going over The life and games of Mikhail Tal. I noticed a game in the Ruy Lopez which caught my eye. Usually I would check chesslive.de for a search of the games played in this line but...
Started 07/28/09 at 15:14:32 by Jormechea |
5 | 4748 |
11/02/09 at 17:53:15 By: TopNotch |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9 |
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