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Kings Gambit
[C30-C39] (Moderators: trw, Jupp53, Smyslov_Fan)
Topics: 143
Posts: 2848 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8 |
KG - The Schlemmer Countergambit / 3...d5
I want to play the Schlemmer (more generally 1.e4 e5 2. f4 Bc5 3. Nf3 d5) against the KG and found this nice resource:
http://hem.passagen.se/tjmisha/theschlemmercounterg.html Does anyone have exp... Started 12/10/09 at 09:29:14 by Meat |
3 | 3949 |
11/03/22 at 13:58:35 By: juergenwolf |
Computer move 4. h4 d5!?
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. h4 and Stockfish seems to consider 4...d5 on a par with 4...g4. My opening books mention 4th move alternatives such as Be7 and f6 and Nf6 but nothing on d5. Has this b...
Started 12/17/21 at 11:25:03 by bof |
6 | 2227 |
03/07/22 at 22:38:48 By: RoleyPoley |
The King's Gambit in 2016
I came across this very recent game at the US Federation website:
[Event "52nd American Open"] [Site "?"] [Date "2016.11.29"] [Round "?"] [White "Gareyev, T."] [Black "Kh... Started 12/15/16 at 02:13:07 by Paddy |
14 | 9262 |
09/15/21 at 16:50:07 By: Keano |
A Book on the Muzio Gambit
I remember buying a book about the Muzio Gambit, around 2004 (but I am not sure about the year). It was some sort of a “labour of love” by the author, who analyzed it for an entire life and then publi...
Started 12/11/20 at 21:35:30 by grandpatzer |
10 | 4143 |
12/13/20 at 17:43:05 By: an ordinary chessplayer |
King's Gambit unamed variation
If you happen to be watching chess played at the 1600 level and you see a Kings Gambit punted, more often than not Black will just defend with 2. .. d6 . If 3. Nf3, Black's idea could be to transpose ...
Started 01/15/20 at 09:13:59 by RdC |
5 | 3015 |
01/15/20 at 18:04:19 By: RdC |
How to meet 1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.Nf3?
Assuming that you are a Falkbeer Countergambit player, how would you meet the seemingly absurd, at first sight, 3.Nf3? If 3...dxe4 4.Nxe5 and then you are virtually forced to play 4...Be6, not to meet...
Started 03/05/17 at 19:00:08 by grandpatzer |
4 | 4871 |
03/07/17 at 21:50:31 By: Paddy |
C37: King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit
I am intending to launch a topic for fresh analyses only about Muzio Gambit(1.e4-e5 2.f4-ef 3.Nf3-g5 4.Bc4). I really like this romantic variation, and whenever i get opportunity, i play it with pleas...
Started 10/27/11 at 21:35:41 by Ferit Tuncer « Pages 1 2 all » |
19 | 28549 |
12/18/16 at 19:39:35 By: Jonathan Tait |
Adelaide Counter Gambit
There have been very few recent game in this, which is also attributed to Australian IM Alex Wohl, the late Tony Miles and Wahls of Germany.
I don't think there's a di... Started 05/02/16 at 23:02:13 by RdC |
1 | 5201 |
05/06/16 at 02:28:16 By: urusov |
King's gambit game number 2
Another game from the 2015 Australian Correspondence Chess championship.
Started 11/09/15 at 00:01:57 by flaviddude |
0 | 3432 |
11/09/15 at 00:01:57 By: flaviddude |
King's gambit game number 1
Attached is a correspondence game that I played in this year's Australian Correspondence Chess Championship. My opponent is an ICCF Lady Grand Master.
Started 11/08/15 at 23:30:13 by flaviddude |
0 | 2845 |
11/08/15 at 23:30:13 By: flaviddude |
Curious novelty never played before. Any info?
I've been fiddling around with the Falkbeer Counter Gambit lately (from the black side), preparing for an upcoming tournament. As I found a variation for white that I wasn't happy playing against, I d...
Started 07/05/15 at 01:49:45 by cramie10 |
4 | 5784 |
07/05/15 at 23:21:32 By: cramie10 |
C30: KGD (split from Petrov thread)
I wonder if black has no impovements up to this point in the KGD. Yes, 2...d5 3.Nf3 exf4. on 01/13/14 at 19:43:28: The computer seems to love 11...Nd7 here, with the possiblity of retaken with the d7 knight in c... This g Started 01/13/14 at 21:45:24 by MNb |
4 | 6600 |
11/28/14 at 01:51:39 By: HgMan |
C30-C39: Ginger GM on the King´s Gambit
GM Simon Williams now works for Chessbase and has produced a two-part DVD about the King´s Gambit.
Seemingly Chessbase has learned something since in their shop one can see which variations are c... Started 05/30/14 at 18:14:52 by Fllg |
9 | 13202 |
06/21/14 at 20:20:39 By: TopNotch |
King's Gambit as per Surtees
I can only find one game in the Surtees line ( 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 c4) but can confirm that Surtees did play this line against Hebden in Nottingham 2012.
[Event "Huddersfield Open (Rapid)"] ... Started 07/28/13 at 09:13:06 by snakebite |
1 | 2665 |
07/28/13 at 09:45:18 By: MartinC |
Not so favourable in the Vienna / KG Declined
I would like to start a discussion about a variation of the King’s Gambit Declined. I reach the following position with White via the Vienna Game: 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.f4 Bc5 4.Nf3 (Thomas Johan... Started 07/24/13 at 18:12:23 by Lanark |
3 | 3281 |
07/26/13 at 14:56:49 By: RdC |
C30: New variation King's Gambit
Black equalizes quickly in the King's Gambit:
1.e4 e5 2.f4 f5! 3.exf5 Qh4ch 4.g3 Qf6 5.Qh5ch Kd8 6.Qg5 exf4 7.Qxf4 d5 8.Nc3 c6 9.d3 Bd6 10.Qf2 Qxf5= Started 01/16/13 at 00:56:46 by sloughter |
8 | 7340 |
02/04/13 at 15:50:46 By: Markovich |
46 | 43430 |
10/24/12 at 03:32:11 By: Schwebbz |
C33: Kings Gambit - Is there Any Novelty Here ?
Recently I finished An kings Gambit Game in LSS Chess server. Just curious If there is Any novelty Played ?
[pgn][Event "RB-2011-0-00155"] [Site "Lechenicher SchachServer"] [Date "2011.12...|/pgn] Started 03/27/12 at 02:04:34 by Master Om |
8 | 6555 |
03/28/12 at 05:40:57 By: micawber |
C30-C39: Best King's Gambit book isb...
Many thought that's easy to write a decent King's Gambit book, but everybody who dared to write one quickly noticed the hard and dark side on writing such project.
I shall mentioned project "King... Started 08/28/11 at 05:33:58 by rossia |
13 | 11997 |
02/04/12 at 23:33:37 By: Sylvester |
C34: KGA line in Fischer Defence
As a subscriber of the 1.e4 e5 section I sent this mail to Victor Mikhailevsky:
---------------------------------------------------------- "Hello Victor, Thanks for a great 1.e4 ... Started 11/21/11 at 21:21:27 by Claus Jensen |
1 | 2116 |
11/22/11 at 00:15:18 By: MNb |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8 |
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