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Sub-Boards in 'Open Sicilians' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
241 | 2892 |
01/04/24 at 19:00:36 In: Re: Santos' White Reperto... By: kylemeister |
Sveshnikov (1 Viewing)
Sveshnikov/Pelikan, Kalashnikov, Lowenthal & Grivas Sicilian [B32-33] Moderator: proustiskeen
100 | 849 |
03/18/24 at 12:30:53 In: Re: Modernized Sveshnikov... By: H-HH |
132 | 1692 |
01/17/25 at 21:27:50 In: Re: Spectacular early nov... By: FreeRepublic |
Richter-Rauzer [B60-69], Classical Sicilian, Boleslavsky Variation & Sozin Benko [B56-59] Moderator: proustiskeen
63 | 724 |
01/05/24 at 23:36:36 In: Re: Is the Classical Sici... By: FreeRepublic |
Scheveningen (1 Viewing)
Scheveningen, inc. Keres Attack, Perenyi, Sozin Velimirovic Attack [B80-89] Moderator: proustiskeen
46 | 727 |
Yesterday at 06:30:05 In: Re: New Scheveningen book... By: kylemeister |
Open Sicilians
Najdorf, Sveshnikov, Kan & others [B32-33, B40-49, B54-69 & B80-99] with GM Michael Roiz (Moderator: proustiskeen)
Topics: 241
Posts: 3412 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13 |
Carlsen essays the Fischer-Sozin
A bit of a blast from the past, I'd say, with Carlsen today (vs. Keymer) playing an old favorite of John Emms: 6. Bc4 e6 7. a4. The continuation was 7...Be7 8. 0-0 0-0 9. Be3 Qc7 10. Qe2 Bd7 11. a5 Ng...
Started 10/05/23 at 15:00:03 by kylemeister |
0 | 1922 |
10/05/23 at 15:00:03 By: kylemeister |
GM John Fedorowicz's December Open Sicilians update, and 6 updated eBooks, have just been posted at http://www.chesspublishing.com/
Started 01/05/03 at 19:11:01 by yaltmax |
8 | 4253 |
03/18/08 at 05:34:45 By: DoubledPawns |
What is 5Bd3?
Please excuse my ignorance.
I should much appreciate some starting pointers about 5Bd3 in an Open Sicilian with the usual e4 c5, Nf3 d6, d4 cxd4, Nxd4 Nf6. Is there theory around this line (... Started 06/17/07 at 13:27:40 by Frankly |
7 | 3799 |
02/27/08 at 15:06:44 By: CheckMate |
"draw by repetition" lines
It would be interesting to list the most popular "draw by repetition" lines that appear in the open sicilians.
Of course if both white and black are happy with an early 1/2-1/2. For instance... Started 06/07/06 at 12:21:37 by asimof |
2 | 2295 |
06/14/06 at 22:31:03 By: asimof |
Sicilian Repature
I'm 2078 rated player ,i'd like to improve my play and i request you guys to comment on my sicilian repeture if its any good,need any change etc..
1.Sicilian Najdorf=6.Be2 a. ...6.e5=Plan is to p... Started 10/29/05 at 09:42:39 by armtwister |
9 | 6322 |
11/01/05 at 09:06:56 By: Willempie |
Rook sacrifice on c3 in open sicilian
One sacrifice that I see happening fairly often in the open sicilian is a rook sacrifice for white's knight on c3.
If I am playing the najdorf/scheveningen system (5. ...a6 and then 6. ...e6 move... Started 07/13/07 at 22:40:53 by Dinomike100 |
4 | 4236 |
07/17/07 at 16:42:28 By: woofwoof |
Dangerous weapons: the sicilian
Hi everybody
This is the second "Dangerous weapons" book from Everyman - the first is on the Nimzo, see topic in the nimzo forum. I would appreciate it if anybody who owns the book could com... Started 11/07/06 at 12:01:37 by tbirdas |
14 | 9551 |
11/21/06 at 08:36:02 By: Jenny |
taking up shevy as alternative defense ??
I currently play the dragon but would like to ad a back up defense to e4 so i can vary my play against different styles of opponents
ie. anyone i knew would play 9.000 so.... i supp... Started 07/04/08 at 21:16:10 by Chessmoby |
7 | 3823 |
07/08/08 at 10:29:52 By: Chessmoby |
Does anyone writing a new book on Rauzer Sicilian
Hello, I am interested if someone is writing a new book on Rauzer Sicilian. Schiler's books on this subject are simply a database dump. The "must have" Complete Richter Rauzer" by Wells and Osnos is o...
Started 04/30/08 at 13:08:40 by MilenPetrov |
1 | 1443 |
05/08/08 at 14:42:36 By: BlkSabb |
what do u play against e4
What do people who play the semi slav play against e4
I am thinking about playing the sveshnikov or the taimanov Started 03/18/05 at 15:23:34 by shaun "the irish" pilk (Guest) |
5 | 3211 |
05/03/05 at 12:12:23 By: johnmac |
What do Sicilian players against d4 ?
I play various open Sicilians against e4 and really like the Sicilian, I think its the most dangerous answer to e4.
Curious to know what other Sicilian players tend to play against d4 and if thi... Started 05/24/05 at 13:44:49 by Vladislav (Guest) |
4 | 2961 |
06/17/05 at 20:02:59 By: lost highway |
Offbeat Sicilians
Hi I was just wondering whether it would be a good idea for someone to publish a book of "Offbeat Sicilians, in the same sort of mould as
Unusual Queens gambit by Ward or Offbeat Spanish by... Started 08/30/10 at 19:25:20 by najdorfslayer |
14 | 7732 |
09/08/10 at 10:58:50 By: chk |
wheres fed
hey john we need u on the dragon site make a quest appearence also per andreasen says hi eric
Started 05/05/05 at 12:34:39 by eric moskow (Guest) |
0 | 1244 |
05/05/05 at 07:34:35 By: eric moskow (Guest) |
Came across a odd Sicilian in Corr. Chess
I am usally a Pirc or C-Kann player, but sometimes in Coor. Chess I mess around with the Sicilian, as it is a ton of fun to play with, and I have books to keep me from blowing a line that I am prone t...
Started 05/23/06 at 20:43:09 by Distorted Humor |
4 | 2682 |
05/25/06 at 09:40:08 By: TalJechin |
Most O'Kelly coverage other than Dangerous Weapons
Is there another book with good coverage of the O'Kelly besides the Dangerous Weapons book's chapter? Perhaps something with material on the Kan too because of the transpositional possiblities? Some...
Started 09/27/13 at 16:14:04 by George Jempty |
4 | 4488 |
09/28/13 at 16:41:03 By: Aziridine |
Morphy Sicilian 2 d4
In playing through some of the games in the excellent book by Macon Shibut called Paul Morphy and the Evolution of Chess Theory, I noticed that in the Sicilian Morphy often began as white with 1 e4 c5...
Started 10/07/09 at 01:55:45 by sharpplay |
8 | 3891 |
10/08/09 at 21:41:36 By: sharpplay |
Thematic sacs in the Sicilian
Photophore's mention of Levy's book "sacrifices in the sicilian" in the General Section reminded me of an age old problem of mine:
The book of course makes known the various std sacs available; ... Started 05/10/06 at 15:49:06 by woofwoof |
8 | 4679 |
05/13/06 at 19:46:34 By: kylemeister |
Kramnik Life and Games book - Classical games?
My Life and Games - Kramnik, Damsky
http://www.amazon.com/Kramnik-My-Life-games-Vladimir/dp/1857442709 Anyone have this? Just wondering about coverage of Classical sicilian, specifica... Started 02/17/08 at 07:11:24 by Bibs |
1 | 1781 |
02/19/08 at 07:37:56 By: dokusan |
Kasparov and the Najdorf/Scheveningen
After 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 a6 does anyone know what results Kasparov had i.e. the number of timesthat he lost in longplay games during his career. I read an article stating ...
Started 04/12/06 at 13:02:14 by snakebite |
2 | 2258 |
04/17/06 at 14:06:06 By: Paul Hopwood(Guest) (Guest) |
Carlsen games in Starting Out: Sicilian, 2nd ed
Could someone who has the new 2nd edition of Starting Out: The Sicilian please tell me how many games by GM Magnus Carlsen made it into this second edition?
Started 03/28/09 at 03:25:26 by notyetagm |
11 | 5619 |
04/09/10 at 16:44:33 By: fierypawn |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13 |
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