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Alekhine Alekhine
Alekhine's Defence [B02-B05]
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Surprising piece sac for Black against the Voronez
There is a most surprising possibility for Black against the Voronezh Alekhine. After 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. exd6 cxd6 6. Nc3 g6 7. Be3 Bg7 8. Rc1 0-0 9. b3 you play 9... d5!? and a...

Started 02/25/19 at 20:51:10 by Slowfox
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21 12303 Last Post 03/27/19 at 14:53:00
By: tony37
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Exchange sacrifice on e3 (Rook takes Bishop in e3)
I am coming back to an old post of mine.
Could not find it.
At the time of a famous game Grischuk Riazantzev where White exchanged the exchange on e6 I recalled a similar idea that I have se...

Started 08/25/23 at 12:23:39 by lg
13 2708 Last Post 10/03/23 at 10:50:37
By: lg
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Alekhiene Trap
Now I know that 1.e4 nf6 2.e5 Ne5 3.d4 d6 5.f4 xe5 6.xe5 c5 7.c4 is bad for white because of Nb4! and 1.e4 nf6 2.e5 Ne5 3.d4 d6 5.f4 xe5 6.xe5 Bf5 7.c4 is bad for the same reason. My question is wheth...

Started 08/17/05 at 09:34:45 by Arthur I (Guest)
5 2978 Last Post 08/18/05 at 20:42:03
By: MNb
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Alekhine-Modern - New move??!
I am watching, in, the game
manafof usually plays the Alekhine and after1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4.d6 4.Nf3 he usually has played 4...g6
In this game he play...

Started 03/24/18 at 13:02:05 by lg
0 2542 Last Post 03/24/18 at 13:02:05
By: lg
Normal Topic
Best Refutation of 2..... Ne4?!
1. e4  Nf6
2. e5  Ne4?!
I used to believe that White can win a pawn by playing f3 at the right time.
But it seems to me now that he must be content with a lead in developmen...

Started 04/06/05 at 12:34:31 by THUDandBLUNDER
1 1798 Last Post 04/06/05 at 21:03:52
By: M.Nb (Guest)
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
Thanks to Andy and John; Alekhine 2. Nc3
(1) I would like to express my thanks to Andy Martin and John Cox for an excellent "1. e4..." column this month.  For me, John's material on Alekhine's was particularly worth looking at.  John's recen...

Started 06/22/05 at 11:55:54 by Markovich
12 7234 Last Post 07/05/05 at 10:33:09
By: MNb
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Alekhine 2. Nc3, 4. e6 gambit
1. e4 Nf6  2. Nc3 d5  3. e5 Nfd7  4. e6 fxe6  5. d4 c5  6. dxc5 Nc6  7. Nf3 Nxc5  8. Bb5 Qd6  9. 0-0 was Holler - Vaganian (no less), Bad Worishofen, 1991.  Vaganain erred with 9...a6, spending a temp...

Started 08/26/07 at 20:30:16 by Markovich
5 3203 Last Post 09/18/07 at 01:38:43
By: Markovich
Normal Topic
Alekhine: 2. Qe2 ?
At the FRENCH opening there exists the Anti-French 2. Qe2.
I am asking whether a similar setup can be playable against the Alekhine (1.e4 Nf6, 2.Qe2...), aiming to reach a d3+e4+f4 setup without ...

Started 04/03/05 at 08:08:25 by R. B. (Guest)
7 3701 Last Post 04/05/05 at 15:07:44
By: R. B. (Guest)
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1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 c5?!
How does White punish this?

Started 01/27/19 at 10:48:25 by befuddled
0 1569 Last Post 01/27/19 at 10:48:25
By: befuddled
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Alekhine, Alburt Variation
1. e4 Nf6  2. e5 Nd5  3. d4 d6  4. Nf6 g6  5. Bc4 Nb6  6. Bb3 Bg7.  I've subjected this to study recently.   
One critical line is 7. a4 dxe5 (7...a5 leads to a difficult game for Black) 8. a5 N6d...

Started 01/25/07 at 13:47:51 by Markovich
14 7336 Last Post 01/30/07 at 14:36:18
By: lg
Normal Topic
Balogh 4.Bc4, request from subscriber  :)
I am interested in the line 
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Bc4 Nb6 5.Bb3
where White tries to plant a pawn on e5 and then attack the kingside with pieces rather than pawns.  eg, Qh5, Nc3-e4, R...

Started 01/13/07 at 11:48:12 by katar
1 1687 Last Post 01/15/07 at 13:26:41
By: realpolitik
Normal Topic
Re: Why play Alechin? and what to play vs. 4 pawns
-What type player/person is good for one to be to play this, brave? good defense skills?

The best thing with the Alekhine is that there is no fixed pawn structure. This means that you can often...

Started 03/11/07 at 08:21:30 by Alias
6 3953 Last Post 03/12/07 at 20:57:31
By: MNb
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
Alekhine four pawns with 5.Bf5
Does anyone know the theoretical status of the following variation in the Alekhine four pawns attack:
e4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 c4 Nb6 f4 Bf5 - statistics of 6. Nf3/ 6. Be3 and 6. Nc3 are not so bad fo...

Started 05/18/09 at 22:02:10 by Gilmour
10 4752 Last Post 06/02/09 at 17:26:31
By: lg
Normal Topic
Alekhine variation
Some time ago I was confronted with 3. e3  after 1.d4, e6 2. c4, c5. I transposed to some kind of Tarrasch Defense then, but it was no fun. So I've been thinking of 'punishing' this move next time wit...

Started 04/14/05 at 02:42:46 by elspringer
1 1407 Last Post 04/14/05 at 05:47:25
By: MNb
Normal Topic
Alekhine: 3 Nc3 line
A quite recent book on gambits by N. Davies (see Everymanchess) suggests (according to
the sketch of summary given in the everymanchess website) a gambit line
for White after 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5...

Started 05/26/07 at 15:30:20 by lg
4 2348 Last Post 05/27/07 at 23:48:33
By: X
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Alekhine Kengis variation, Motylev-Calton
Hi all.  I wanted to share my game against GM Motylev from the Chicago Open.  It is from the Kengis variation of the Alekhine, and represents my greatest success with the opening to date.  Included ar...

Started 07/14/05 at 19:16:05 by billcalton
2 2207 Last Post 09/20/05 at 23:04:28
By: basqueknight - Ex Member
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Alekhine-Four Pawns (9 ...Qd7 10.d5
First. Thanks to John Cox for his magnificent book.
Here are two questions.
In the normal variation of the Four Pawns attack,
there are 5 options on move 9 for black. One of
them i...

Started 04/18/05 at 15:12:11 by lg
6 3207 Last Post 04/24/05 at 11:43:05
By: lg
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Alekhine Line 4...Nc6 in the modern
In this line 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3, I played Bg4. Nowadays the line is bad for black so i change to 4...dxe5 however, lately i saw a few games where black plays 4...Nc6 and he is ok. In my d...

Started 04/09/08 at 17:03:37 by peon4rey
2 1956 Last Post 04/10/08 at 12:19:06
By: tipau
Normal Topic
Sutovsky - Reinderman Corus Alekhine's Defence
Alekhine's Def. game, Sutovsky - Reinderman, Rd1, Group B,  Corus. Any thoughts as it develops?
I am watching it live on ICC, move 18.
Black seemed to get an awkward position and then try to...

Started 01/16/10 at 14:15:32 by Bowen
9 4876 Last Post 01/21/10 at 18:57:06
By: Bowen
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
Book(s) on Alekhine with most material on Balogh
What would be the book or book(s) on the Alekhine with the most material on the Balogh variation?  Even if the book(s) is/are somewhat out of date -- there probably won't be that much material on the ...

Started 01/21/13 at 21:43:50 by George Jempty
14 12270 Last Post 06/16/13 at 17:46:28
By: katar
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