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[B10-B19] (Moderators: proustiskeen, Hadron)
Topics: 286
Posts: 3459 |
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Most positional/quiet/slow Caro-Kann variation?
For White, what should I play against the Caro-Kann that is positional, strategic, quiet, slow, theory-light?
Against the Caro-Kann, there are multiple variations that are positional, strategic, ... Started 05/25/24 at 20:21:45 by Marc Benford |
1 | 1432 |
05/26/24 at 13:10:44 By: FreeRepublic |
Caro-Kann Smyslov line (5 Nf3)
Has anyone experimented with Galkin's move in the 5 Nf3 line of the Smyslov Caro?
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3 Ngf6 6 Ng3 b6!? Instead of 6 ... e6 followed by 7 ... c5 or the immedi... Started 06/16/06 at 13:02:45 by HgMan |
0 | 1543 |
06/16/06 at 13:02:43 By: HgMan |
Caro-Kann, best implementation of Ktf4
I have a soft spot for the plan of putting a Knight on -f4 in the main-line Caro-Kann 1. e4 c6 ; 2. d4 d5 ; 3. Ktc3/d2 de ; 4. Ktxe4 Bf5 ; 5. Ktg3 Bg6.
White can choose between two routes 6. Kt... Started 09/29/06 at 13:23:56 by Uberdecker |
1 | 1789 |
09/29/06 at 20:38:23 By: MNb |
Caro Exchange
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 exd5! I've always had good results, but people always seem to bad-mouth it. Why? It's more dynamic than the French exchange, but far less popular... What does ev... Started 01/26/06 at 02:19:35 by nexirae |
9 | 4920 |
05/30/06 at 05:58:28 By: 8arms |
6 | 3649 |
05/07/06 at 17:38:14 By: HgMan |
Wrong link in e4 May 2012 update Section Caro Kann
in the section Caro-Kann - Two Knights 6.Be2 [B11] you refer to a match Ibragimov-Dreev. Trying to open this link no Caro Kann match was shown..... . Instead the match Iordachesc... Started 05/20/12 at 13:43:40 by Merlin43 |
3 | 2797 |
05/21/12 at 11:45:00 By: GMTonyKosten |
The Caro-Kann is calling me back...
Hello Everyone,
Well, after much soul searching, I have gone back to my first love: the Caro-Kann. When I first took up chess I read that the Caro was the soundest response to 1.e4 and that it w... Started 11/22/06 at 17:47:30 by smrex13 |
3 | 2314 |
11/24/06 at 23:12:42 By: HgMan |
Karpov's Book on Caro-Kann Advance
I'm trying to get a good treatise on the CK Advance variation (as White). Is it better to get Karpov's book on the CK Advance or should I get Jovanka Houska's recent book?
Started 02/02/09 at 22:17:30 by ChessMonkey |
2 | 2039 |
02/03/09 at 01:54:38 By: ChessMonkey |
Caro 1.e4 c6 2.Nf3 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.d4
I get this line unbelievably often in blitz games, I guess it's easy enough equality but what's the best way to play it?
I usually play 4...Nc6 5.Bd3 Bg4 6.c3 e6 7.0-0, what do people prefer here... Started 10/19/10 at 21:35:09 by Katalyst |
3 | 3775 |
10/22/10 at 23:03:30 By: TN |
No coverage of Advance variation in GM Caro Kann
Grandmaster Repertoire 7 The Caro Kann doesn't seem to cover this line: 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5!?. What's surprising about this omission is the publication date of the Grandmaster Repertoire book c...
Started 04/19/15 at 04:27:49 by HagenWatch1 |
7 | 5905 |
05/21/15 at 07:41:43 By: Lauri Torni |
making a repertoire versus 1.e4 c6 2.c4
notations: "OFBAT Karpov": Openings for Black according to Karpov by KHALIFMAN (2001) "KarpovPanov": Caro-Kann - Panov Attack by KARP... I play 5..e6 6.Nf3 B[b]e Started 08/15/09 at 09:01:20 by HoemberChess |
9 | 8046 |
08/24/09 at 01:35:31 By: dfan |
Caro-Kann Short Variation
Hi guys!
I'm considering to add the Short Variation (1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nf3!?) to my white side repertoire. Do you know any good books which cover it. My caro books are way to ol... Started 04/21/05 at 15:40:11 by CheckMate (Guest) |
3 | 5045 |
04/25/05 at 01:09:50 By: lnn2 |
Caro Advance 4.Nd2 e6 5.g4!? (or is it ?!)
Of course Vallejo won a nice game v. Karpov with this, but I do like this move order since a lot of players seem to avoid 4.Nc3 e6 5.g4 with 4. ...Qb6. Even if nothing comes of the kingside attack I ...
Started 07/31/09 at 04:58:09 by refutor |
1 | 1522 |
07/31/09 at 21:40:50 By: BPaulsen |
The Carro-kann Novelty?or a karpov idea??
i play in the simul against IM Schoer in ICC our opening phase start with the following move order of the carro kann
Schroer(IM)-Anagua ICC Simul Jul 13 2003 11am Result 1/2-1/2 1.e4 c6... Started 07/14/03 at 01:09:48 by Anagua |
1 | 2494 |
07/18/03 at 08:28:28 By: confused (Guest) |
Caro Advance Question
Hi there everyone,
I was wondering if you Caro players might share your thoughts on a particular line of the advance. I usually get decent, solid positions against the advance variation. Howeve... Started 12/10/04 at 13:49:32 by Scott Rex (Guest) |
3 | 1994 |
01/05/05 at 14:47:04 By: Guest (Guest) |
12 | 10124 |
10/12/16 at 16:54:03 By: ErictheRed |
ABC of the Caro-Kann (DVD) Question for A. Martin
In game two of this DVD,after the introduction and the first of the Capablanca variation between Ye Jiangchuan 2648- Azmaiparashvili 2671 -Torch Real state cup 26.06.05, that was a draw, I found an in...
Started 12/01/06 at 22:40:50 by Mortal Games |
1 | 1866 |
12/02/06 at 07:48:42 By: Alias |
Advanced Variation debacle
I lost a handful of games when playing against this variation:
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 bf5 4. Nf3 e6 5. Be2 c5 6. c4!?.... I check my database and there are not much grandmasters who played... Started 01/01/10 at 07:26:18 by ayen |
0 | 1477 |
01/01/10 at 07:26:17 By: ayen |
Caro-Kann (with g6) For the KID/KIA player
Hi all!
Basqueknight and others, including myself, have been discussing what's the best line for a KID/KIA player against 1.e4. The topic has turned to the Caro-Kann variation: 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3... Started 09/20/05 at 00:46:07 by Smyslov_Fan |
9 | 3919 |
09/23/05 at 00:28:18 By: Willempie |
Need some ideas in the Advance CK with 3...c5
Hi! In the recent Sants Tournament, Barcelona, I was faced with a line of the advance CK and I still didn't find a good way to face it. The line goes: 1.e4 c6, 2.d4 d5, 3.e5 c5, 4.dxc5 Nc6, 5.Nf3 Bg4,...
Started 08/30/10 at 21:23:06 by Jorge Fernández Vázquez |
12 | 11852 |
07/08/14 at 12:58:54 By: GMTonyKosten |
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