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Classical Classical
6 Be2, 6 Bc4, 6 g3, Levenfish [B70-74]
(Moderator: MNb)
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help me.
1.e4.c5 2. nf3d6 3.d4cd 4.nd4 nf6 5. nc3 g6 6be2 bg7 7.00 nc6 8nb3 00 9re1 a6 10.bf1 b5 11 nd5 e6 (nd7 12bg5 h6 bh4 g5 bg3 e6 may be better)12nf6 bf6 13 c3 qc7 14bh6 rd8 15qf3 be7 16qg3 e5 17 f4 ef 18...

Started 01/12/18 at 07:28:32 by petertohen
0 9806 Last Post 01/12/18 at 07:28:32
By: petertohen
Normal Topic
B70 Giri - Hou
Since there is not that much activery at this forum I post a game I saw tody that was played yesterday in the Tata Steel torunament,
[pgn][Event "75th Tata Steel GpA"]
[Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"...|/pgn]

Started 01/19/13 at 12:38:00 by bragesjo
0 3038 Last Post 01/19/13 at 12:37:59
By: bragesjo
Normal Topic
Classical Dragon
I've just started to play Sicilian, and really like to get into the dragon. Just know studying Wards last book on it. I have also picked up some anti-sicilian books to cover up alternate white approac...

Started 04/18/04 at 06:09:29 by Faja
1 2103 Last Post 04/29/04 at 18:45:21
By: Faya (Guest)
Normal Topic
Dragon 6.g3
I played a game against R. Vasquez (2558), he surprised me with:
6.g3 Nc6 7.Bg2 Nd4 8.Qd4 Bg7 9.a4!? 0-0 10.a5!? Bd7 11. Qb4 with some pressure on my queenside;
up to this game I di...

Started 08/04/05 at 11:49:57 by gewgaw
6 3575 Last Post 08/10/05 at 21:12:57
By: MNb
Normal Topic
Classical Dragon
I was wondering if you guys could help a brother out i want to start playing the white side of the classical dragon. No more Yugoslav i want to surprise some people. Does any one know of a good site t...

Started 06/06/05 at 23:46:50 by basqueknight (Ex Member)
5 3200 Last Post 06/07/05 at 05:22:36
By: MNb
Normal Topic
6.Bg5... is it dangerous?
Hi Guys,
There is an interesting article on Jeremy Silman's site that claims that 6.Bg5 is problematic for black. I want your opinion on this.

Started 11/30/05 at 15:56:00 by kriegerstein
1 1939 Last Post 11/30/05 at 20:04:12
By: lost highway
Normal Topic
strange variation
Hi guys,
Would like your opinion on best moves in this position,
1 e4 c5 2 nf3 nc6 3 d4 cd 4 nf6 nc3 5 be3 g6 6 be3 bg7
7qd2 ...
Is it better here to immediatly hit the bishop with...

Started 05/06/04 at 05:39:40 by muffler
3 2934 Last Post 05/07/04 at 21:19:26
By: AmateurDragoneer
Normal Topic
More Classical Dragon
In the classical approach to the classical Dragon Fritz 9 suggest a novelty 15..  g5
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.Be2 0–0 8.0–0 Nc6 9.Nb3 Be6 10.f4 Qc8 11.h3 Rd8 12....

Started 04/25/06 at 17:23:38 by Bragesjo(Guest) (Guest)
8 5374 Last Post 05/30/06 at 01:55:25
By: MNb
Normal Topic
playing h4 without f3
Hi Guys,
I played this game recently where white attacks with Be2 and h4 without playing f3. Black won, but white missed something big somewhere. See if you can find it. Wink
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d...

Started 07/20/05 at 12:00:31 by krigerstein (Guest)
0 1457 Last Post 07/20/05 at 12:00:30
By: krigerstein (Guest)
Normal Topic
Vitolin's dragon attack.
I was hoping the dragon board could look at this position and assess it. Ward's book's don't have any actual games and I could not find any strong players that played the position.
I am wondering...

Started 11/09/04 at 11:54:58 by Teyko
1 2306 Last Post 11/09/04 at 21:46:01
By: MNb
Normal Topic
Levenfish Attack
What is the current status of Levenfish Attack
After 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 f4 Nc6
There are 3 candidate moves :
7 Nxc6
7 Nf3
7 Bb5
What is the ...

Started 06/13/06 at 12:31:48 by photophore
0 2298 Last Post 06/13/06 at 12:31:47
By: photophore
Normal Topic
Classical Dragon - where to start? (books etc.)
Hi all - first of all I admit having not read the threads of this section, so please direct me if necessary to useful threads/posts.
For a few years now I am contemplating including the Classical...

Started 12/14/15 at 12:47:17 by chk
8 15248 Last Post 05/04/16 at 21:14:33
By: MNb
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
6.Bg5,7.Bb5+ system
I know Ward doesn't think highly of this system but Martin recently did a couple of articles on it at "".  I think its quite dangerous.  I recently started reviewing some of the recomm...

Started 03/20/04 at 23:12:01 by Glenn Snow
10 9628 Last Post 01/12/09 at 11:17:13
By: bragesjo
Normal Topic
classical dragon sideline
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be2 Bg7 7. Be3 0-0 8. g4 (!?). None of the dragon books i have seem to discuss this line, and my abridged ECO (2nd edition) also does not mention t...

Started 02/01/09 at 02:00:22 by anthonydoncordova
8 13592 Last Post 05/30/09 at 08:49:18
By: will smith
Normal Topic
New possible trend
After playing at ICC after a long inactive time I noticed a new trend.
When I played White vs serveral different Najdorf players they often transposed to Dragon after Be2 allowing me to play my W...

Started 08/23/13 at 10:53:12 by bragesjo
1 5965 Last Post 08/23/13 at 22:40:09
By: MNb
Normal Topic
A modern way of classical dragon
how about this line:
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be2 Bg7 7. Be3
White waits with 0-0.
7... O-O
Black should maybe wait too and wait with 7. S...

Started 04/21/06 at 09:11:58 by e2e4
4 3302 Last Post 04/26/06 at 04:37:01
By: rooksway18
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New idea in Levinfish (6 f4)
Lets discuss this line. any comments? This variantio creates a more complicated position than 6 __ Nc6 that can become realy boring.
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 g6 6. f4...

Started 09/08/08 at 13:19:04 by bragesjo
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5 6354 Last Post 09/09/08 at 09:22:33
By: bragesjo
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
B72-B75: Exploiting 8.a4
In a recent game, 
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 a6
my opponent played 8.a4
I sunk into thought. White has played f2-f3 and a2-a4. Where will his ...

Started 02/11/10 at 05:01:28 by Peter Rhodes
12 12846 Last Post 09/21/11 at 15:34:08
By: MNb
Normal Topic
Dangerous Weapons Be3 Be2 Qd2 system
Quite an interesting system as recommended in the 07 Dangerous Weapons book.
I recently played a game with white against a young junior who appears to have found a way to diffuse the problems.<br...

Started 09/19/09 at 18:58:54 by Mikejrw
6 7224 Last Post 09/24/09 at 10:23:15
By: Mikejrw
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Classical dragon question
After searching the dragon forum it became obvious to me that most of that posts were geared toward the Yugoslav attack, which is logical because it is the most aggresive and the most controversal of ...

Started 06/22/07 at 01:27:29 by everalexfor
5 5930 Last Post 07/07/07 at 22:58:06
By: thibdb13
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