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Sub-Boards in 'Daring Defences to 1. d4' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
210 | 1836 |
11/01/24 at 18:16:44 In: Re: What to play against... By: TonyRo |
228 | 3588 |
09/08/22 at 10:33:26 In: Re: Marin's Mainline - 14... By: Confused_by_Theory |
88 | 1102 |
01/06/23 at 17:18:50 In: Re: Status of Benko Gambi... By: SteveYorkie |
Budapest Gambit 3...Ng4 & Fajarowicz 3...Ne4 [A51-52] Moderators: CraigEvans, proustiskeen, Hadron
38 | 560 |
05/07/21 at 19:51:50 In: Re: Play the Budapest by... By: tracke |
English Defence
Lines with ...b6: English Defence [A40 & A50], Owen's Defence [B00] Moderators: Hadron, proustiskeen, CraigEvans
53 | 563 |
02/09/16 at 10:09:11 In: Re: 4.Bd3 english defence... By: BenkoFan |
14 | 191 |
08/21/22 at 07:22:02 In: Re: The Amazing Albin Cou... By: Jonathan Tait |
Daring Defences to 1. d4
Grünfeld, Dutch, Benko, etc. [A40, A50-2, A57-9, A80-99, B00, D08-9, D70-99 & E10] with GM Milos Pavlovic (Moderators: CraigEvans, Hadron, proustiskeen)
Topics: 172
Posts: 2713 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9 |
Nimzowitch Defense with e5
I know there is another thread on Nimzo, but it mainly focuses on 1.e4 Nc6 2. d4 d5. I am beginning to take up this defense as my 'second string' system for the times i want to upset a booked up oppo...
Started 06/17/05 at 03:08:57 by FusterCluck « Pages 1 2 all » |
22 | 15326 |
01/12/23 at 04:31:44 By: an ordinary chessplayer |
I need some help with the Blumenfeld Gambit coming off of 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5 b5
I understand the idea here is for black to give up a pawn for a strong center with ideas of d5 later. B... Started 03/28/08 at 02:27:55 by kobesarmy |
3 | 4340 |
04/13/08 at 01:05:59 By: kobesarmy |
Benoni/Grünfeld with Bg5 and f3.
As I am almost an ignorant on the Grünfeld and the White side of the Benoni, I start this thread. The following line might fit well in a repertoire: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.f3 c5 4.d5 Bg7 5.Nc3 d6 6.e4 o-o...
Started 01/05/05 at 16:07:40 by MNb |
0 | 2570 |
01/05/05 at 11:07:34 By: MNb |
d4 a6 my results are good with this
Being a committed (should be) a6 player, i have played the st george in litterally tens of thousands of games, many online and am convinced its not as bad as painted.
I even ... Started 05/09/04 at 18:35:42 by helmet |
7 | 6179 |
06/08/04 at 01:36:24 By: helmet |
Carpathian Warrior 2
The book is out now .
The material in tome 1 was very interesting for me, so I'm looking with joy to this one. Are owners of the book here and can tell me more about ??? Started 02/15/08 at 17:29:23 by pumi |
5 | 9341 |
03/09/08 at 08:45:19 By: JEH |
The hawk - Stefan Bucker idea
On Friday night a junior played a line against me given in another thread
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Nc3 and I only drew. Then I remembered that one of the lines given by Stefan Bucker in... Started 03/31/08 at 10:57:28 by flaviddude |
8 | 6601 |
04/06/08 at 18:34:24 By: Black_Widow |
Last sunday I played a grunfeld in a strange sideline:
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.cd5 Nd5 6.Bg5 There a several lines with Bg5, but have you seen it at move 6? After some thoughts... Started 11/25/14 at 16:00:53 by gewgaw |
0 | 2176 |
11/25/14 at 16:00:53 By: gewgaw |
About 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nc3!?
About 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nc3!?
If you are a Nc6 devotee, what is your choice after 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nc3!? A) 2...e5 !? B) 2...e6 !? C) 2...g6 !? What do you think about the pseudo-french s... Started 02/26/05 at 17:17:57 by Bubu13 |
2 | 3003 |
02/26/05 at 20:08:05 By: Glenn Snow |
laying the englund gambit "bust" to rest
i was looking through the good ol' MCO tonight, because i was curious what it had listed as the most critical line of the englund, and it turned out to be pretty hilarious stuff.
it didn't even ... Started 02/04/05 at 12:58:30 by Kyle Truhe (Guest) |
4 | 4035 |
02/04/05 at 14:16:58 By: Kyle Truhe (Guest) |
"Tartakower Defence" 1 d4 d6 2 c4 g6!?
A book by Yrjola and Tella published a few years ago discussed the defence 1 d4 d6 2 c4 e5. Isn’t 2 …g6!? here no less important and even more neglected? A number of the variations reach, by transposi...
Started 06/18/04 at 23:59:22 by Michael Ayton |
11 | 9428 |
06/30/04 at 13:33:51 By: Michael Ayton |
Odd Nimzo Line
I was wondering what you lovely people out there thought of the line
1. e4 Nc6 2. d4 d5 3. de Qxd5 4. Nc3!? Qxd4 5. Qe2 I think it is quite difficult for Black eg 5... Nf6 6. Nb5 Qd8 7. Bf... Started 07/21/03 at 10:39:54 by not a gm yet (Guest) |
1 | 3358 |
10/08/03 at 22:05:03 By: Glenn Snow |
Barendregt's Averbakh (4...c5)
World Champion Magnus Carlsen, playing black against Duda in the Meltwater final (rapid chess), just recently played a Modern defense and won with 1.c4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.e4 d6 4.Nc3 c5. It's actually s... Started 11/26/22 at 10:59:00 by Confused_by_Theory |
12 | 2542 |
12/18/22 at 19:03:55 By: Confused_by_Theory |
Hello every one,
Happy 2008! Has anyone seen the new video by Dzindzi in which he teaches how to deal with "Bad Openings" as he calls them? These include Budapest, Englund, Elephant and Marshall ... Started 01/05/08 at 08:34:49 by Gambit |
9 | 5357 |
01/07/08 at 00:12:09 By: JonHecht |
move order problem after 1.Nf3 g6 2.c4 Bg7
Hi guys
I'got a move order problem after 1.Nf3: Against the Grünfeld I want to play the Anti-Grünfeld-Line Khalifman supposes in OAK. Now after the moves 1.Nf3 g6 2.c4 Bg7 I wonder what I should ... Started 12/14/08 at 13:41:24 by huibui |
5 | 3605 |
12/15/08 at 18:59:05 By: huibui |
E10/A57 Blumenfeld Accepted
In a recent blitz game, I came across thru A57 move order, 1d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Nf3 e6!? 5.dxe6 fxe6 6.cxb5 d5?!(given in the chesspub PDF book, but the usual choice of modern GMs.) 7... Started 04/29/05 at 19:57:28 by memers |
1 | 1950 |
03/26/06 at 19:23:27 By: HgMan |
The New Old Indian
Hi all,
What do people think of this book?? Carsten Hansen remarked on Chesscafe.com that he didn't know the audience since the book deals with many "styled player". Some times the book has sha... Started 12/24/11 at 06:08:57 by Zatara |
14 | 13206 |
11/12/14 at 18:33:58 By: patkue |
What is Black's best line in the Averbakh?
Hello everybody,
I'm new to this outstanding forum. Currently I'm trying to change my black repertoire (mainly because the stuff that I play with the white pieces does really afford much... Started 12/24/07 at 14:57:57 by CrushingAttack |
11 | 8444 |
05/24/12 at 07:32:06 By: Glenn Snow |
Volga/Blumenfeld hybrid
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 a6
Prompted/inspired by a suggestion by TopNotch on another thread, I'm toying with this opening as an aggressive complement to the Nimzo-Indian. 4.Nc3 c5 5.d5 b5 Two options... Started 09/22/07 at 16:20:57 by HgMan |
9 | 4308 |
09/24/07 at 08:19:41 By: TalJechin |
Sidelines of Leningrad Dutch via 1. d4 d6
I was thinking of adding Leningrad Dutch as a reserve opening, but by avoiding 1. d4 f5 sidelnes like 2. Nc3, 2. Bg5, all sorts of gambits and what have you, by doing 1. d4 d6 then go ...f5/...Nf6/......
Started 04/04/15 at 20:53:26 by DenVerdsligeRejsende |
2 | 5210 |
04/05/15 at 07:39:27 By: TN |
1.d4 e5
Seems crasy, but might work.
1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc5 3.Nf3 Qe7 aint so bad for black, its harly a queen pawn opening anymore. thoughts? Started 02/05/05 at 11:42:48 by Bruce (Guest) |
2 | 2717 |
02/07/05 at 08:07:14 By: Markovich |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9 |
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