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Sub-Boards in 'Endgames' | Topics | Posts | Last Post |
67 | 627 |
11/27/24 at 07:55:00 In: Re: Capablanca-Yates (Has... By: Poghosyan V |
Endgame theory & discussion! (Moderators: Jupp53, trw)
Topics: 254
Posts: 2671 |
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13 |
A new idea in the endgame
White to move and draw.
Bonus question: Why is this position interesting? Started 09/21/24 at 16:38:59 by an ordinary chessplayer |
2 | 342 |
09/22/24 at 22:32:25 By: an ordinary chessplayer |
Kasimzdhanov Endgame DVD
On the Chessbase site there is a new DVD by Kazimzhadon Endgame for experts. Has anyone seen the DVD ? Comments? What is the targeted audience? Thanks! Started 05/08/08 at 08:34:38 by boki |
4 | 2734 |
05/08/08 at 13:55:32 By: Bibs |
Is a bad bishop really that bad?
Konstantinopolsky – Shtern 1965 (corr.) The game went: 1…Bd6 2.g4 f5 3.gxf5 gxf5 4.Kf3 Be5 5.Bf4 Bd4 6.Bc7 1-0 In their book “Modern Endgame Practice” (Batsford, 2003), GMs Alexan... Started 01/16/07 at 17:10:31 by Ptero |
6 | 4339 |
01/19/07 at 09:26:41 By: VladimirX |
An endgame book without errors
Actually I dont believe there is such a book. First of all endgamebooks from before the computer era contain many errors only brought to light by the tablebases.
There is an amusing story by Hans... Started 06/26/07 at 19:10:24 by micawber |
13 | 7797 |
12/04/07 at 15:28:22 By: Girkassa |
Endgames vs. Opening
I am now fully convinced of Capablanca's statement (at least attributed to him) that the endgame is the most important phase for class players to learn, with middle games and openings being learned in...
Started 07/23/06 at 19:38:54 by Dinomike100 |
10 | 8320 |
07/24/06 at 23:52:56 By: Smyslov_Fan |
how to begin to study endgames
over the last month or so i have realised that this is an area which is seriously letting me down. i make some elementry errors which allow my opponents to often escape from won positions or to win fr...
Started 11/23/08 at 21:58:52 by Chessmoby |
11 | 5915 |
11/28/08 at 18:21:28 By: Smyslov_Fan |
Endgame Manual - 4th Edition
Anyone have it?
I can't imagine too much has changed since the 3rd edition. However, if the blue ink is actually blue this time, I may pick up a copy eventually. The blue print in the first editio... Started 01/07/15 at 07:12:14 by Seth_Xoma |
12 | 10240 |
06/01/20 at 22:13:28 By: ehpotsirhc |
good B-bad B (a sample game of mine)
In the attachment is a PGN for a correspondence game of mine, in which I was Black.
[IMAGE] The position after 22.Be5-f4 I am asking for help regarding this endgame part. (The opening and middlegame... Started 05/27/09 at 18:00:18 by HoemberChess |
8 | 5099 |
06/01/09 at 11:32:22 By: HoemberChess |
MIddlegame or endgame is more time-consuming?
Middlegame or endgame is more time-consuming? At first sight it must be the middlegame, because pieces are more and more combinations are possible. On the other hand I personally spend more time when ...
Started 05/03/07 at 01:11:47 by player2006 |
1 | 1799 |
05/03/07 at 08:01:58 By: chk |
What about R and two connected pawns versus 2 Bs?
I've been recently looking at some variations of the Botvinnink semi-slav that have the potential to lead to a rook + 2 connected pawns (not particularly advanced) versus 2 bishops. At this point I re...
Started 05/29/08 at 20:15:35 by Bonsai |
3 | 2413 |
05/31/08 at 11:11:05 By: Chevalier |
Looking for full game notations
Can anyone provide the full notation for these games?
Larissa Wolpert vs Tatyana Zatulovskaya USSR team championship 1960 The game continued 1...e4 2.fxe4 g4 3.... Started 05/05/10 at 02:28:14 by Lovuschka |
4 | 2712 |
05/06/10 at 18:42:05 By: Lovuschka |
Study Collections
Sometimes I come across an article or an endgame book where a "prize winning study" is presented by the author. When I really like the study my first reaction is that I should write this down because ...
Started 09/13/09 at 09:54:50 by F22 |
6 | 4708 |
01/23/10 at 14:43:18 By: Lovuschka |
Endgame Virtuoso Anatoly Karpov
Has anyone seen this New in Chess book from Tibor Karolyi? Apparently it covers 100 critical games from Karpov's career. I would imagine that the games themselves would be very instructive, but are ...
Started 09/08/07 at 17:02:57 by HgMan |
8 | 6698 |
09/19/07 at 19:42:58 By: micawber |
Endgame Poll
It's been nearly two weeks, and nobody has responded to my last endgame thread. Is it time to cut it out or do people still want them? If we (I) continue, how can we (I) do better? Or,... Started 08/14/05 at 22:29:35 by Smyslov_Fan |
9 | 7050 |
08/16/05 at 16:51:41 By: kevinludwig |
An interesting endgame position
Recently I analysed opening line from my opening repertoire. My analysis appeared to be too deep (introducing two very interesting novelties along the way) and I reached the following position:
[center][fen]5b1r/4p1pp/5p2/2k5/5P1 Started 04/08/09 at 12:50:24 by MilenPetrov |
1 | 2012 |
05/19/09 at 14:33:08 By: Girkassa |
Two questions to a clubgame
hi all,
my clubmates (around 1800) played the following game; in spite of being a little bit stronger, I couldn´t answer the following questions, maybe someone can help. First the game:<br /... Started 06/27/09 at 14:47:37 by gewgaw |
3 | 2276 |
06/27/09 at 21:58:27 By: gewgaw |
Translations of Russian endgame books?
Is any of the following books available in English, German, or Spanish?
Zinar + Archakov, "Harmonia Peshetshnovo Etyuda" Kan + Bondarevsky, [collected works of Grigoriev] Started 07/14/09 at 15:30:08 by theoretical |
4 | 4154 |
01/23/10 at 14:51:23 By: Lovuschka |
Fischer-Taimanov: Help on this classic
Last weekend I was browsing Shereshevsky's Endgame Strategy and hit upon the classic B vs. N endgame that arose in Fischer-Taimanov, Rd 4, 1971:
[i](This is the game in full: 1. e4 c5 2. ... I had the fol Started 07/28/09 at 11:26:17 by chk |
9 | 4531 |
07/29/09 at 13:34:53 By: Smyslov_Fan |
N+B vs K (looking for an old post)
Hi guys!
I remember reeding some months ago a post which explained with some nice diagrams the key positions to know to mate with B+N a K alone. I have looked for it but haven't found it: does an... Started 06/12/08 at 17:43:25 by Chess_Addict |
3 | 2568 |
06/16/08 at 10:26:19 By: Willempie |
2B + 5P vs. BN + 5/4P
Following on from Smyslov_Fan's request in another thread for more positions to analyze, I submit the following, not just because I found it rather interesting, but to inquire as to whether endgame pr...
Started 07/20/08 at 01:44:56 by HgMan |
5 | 3156 |
08/01/08 at 07:17:42 By: Smyslov_Fan |
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