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Fianchetto Variation
[E62-E69] (Moderators: Bibs, trw)
Topics: 28
Posts: 275 |
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65 | 63617 |
04/14/22 at 13:33:25 By: FreeRepublic |
Looking for a system with g3 against KID
I tried Avrukh's line. I hate to say it but it doesn't make too much sense to me.
I even developed a Fischer like saying of my own. h3 is always bad for White against the KID. I don't re... Started 01/22/11 at 13:38:39 by John |
7 | 8459 |
01/23/11 at 21:52:20 By: kylemeister |
Early ...c5
So, 2014 has been a big year for this line:
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nf3 Bg7 4 g3 0-0 5 Bg2 c5 6 Nc3 cxd4 7 Nxd4 Qc7!?. (to some extent this is a move order trick, since White can avoid this by 6 ... Started 09/29/14 at 20:48:09 by yolocounty |
4 | 4110 |
11/13/21 at 16:52:44 By: FreeRepublic |
Re: Dembo's 7...Bf5 vs. Fianchetto KID
Well, it, like e.g. the Kavalek variation, is the sort of secondary line which has long been given in books as leading to a slight advantage for White -- which should mean it is "sound enough."
Started 05/28/10 at 15:29:26 by kylemeister |
3 | 4883 |
05/30/10 at 06:36:50 By: Daniel |
The Fianchetto Kings Indian
Okay, last night i sat down to play a league match and needing to win i played aggressively so i chose the KID.Next off i was met with the Fianchetto Variation.A highly positional game took place whic...
Started 03/02/06 at 13:32:35 by DarMc2 |
6 | 5832 |
05/03/06 at 07:38:44 By: Holbox |
Fianchetto KID to Grunfeld avoiding English traps
I'd like to transpose from the Fianchetto KID to the Grunfeld - direct d5 rather than c6 lines preferably - but I don't know how to avoid being move-ordered if white stays flexible and hides his inten...
Started 07/31/12 at 13:31:05 by gramsci |
3 | 5919 |
07/31/12 at 16:47:10 By: Stigma |
Kings Indian Fianchetto (9.dxe5 dxe5)
Hi everybody.
I played my first King's Indian (it's been 5 years since the last time). I'm gonna go with that opening. I've been playing the nimzo/queens indian these last years but they didn't s... Started 09/25/04 at 15:42:55 by Armin |
1 | 2552 |
10/08/04 at 19:18:53 By: Armin |
exd4+Bd7 line
I have been looking through King's Indian Defense books trying to find coverage, or the current state of theory, on the exd4+Bd7 line in the fianchetto:
e.g. 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. c4 g6 4. ... Started 03/11/21 at 16:34:32 by Bulldog |
1 | 1070 |
03/11/21 at 20:51:56 By: Confused_by_Theory |
Wojo – Bauer 1997, KID, white fianchetto (Wojo II)
Just started reading Wojo’s weapons volume II
(BTW, I haven’t bought or read volume I yet but I plan to) I like the book so far, though still only in the beginning it has decent explanations... Started 10/07/11 at 21:57:50 by John |
14 | 13406 |
10/11/11 at 01:13:23 By: GabrielGale |
Kings Indian Fianchetto Variation Move Order?
I'm trying to navigate the maze of move order options associated with a White opening repertoire built around Nf3 and c4, ideally using the fianchetto variation against the Kings Indian.
It appea... Started 12/29/13 at 02:19:01 by dave-o |
8 | 10105 |
03/21/14 at 00:52:17 By: RdC |
Gallagher Variation
Marin -Golubev 1996 (E68)
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.d4 Nbd7 7.Nc3 e5 8.e4 a6 9.h3 ed 10.Nxd4 Re8 11.Re1 Rb8 12. Rb1 Ne5 13.b3 c5 14.Nc2 Nh5!? (New move accordi... Started 04/12/09 at 19:54:58 by Günter Amann |
5 | 5018 |
04/14/09 at 15:57:45 By: GMGolubev |
Aggressive against the fianchetto variation
May be You know that I'm only a club player and I'm lurking in this site for many of you are really much better player than me.
I need a suggestion: according to your experience what is the most ... Started 07/12/10 at 09:21:07 by Templare2 |
9 | 9345 |
10/11/10 at 21:55:20 By: TalJechin |
Transposing to Modern Benoni vs Fianchetto KID.
After a deep research I've come to the conclusion the way I want to play the Fianchetto KID is trying to transpose to a Modern Benoni (more dynamic play and better figures than the Panno or any variat...
Started 03/12/11 at 08:28:44 by gramsci |
6 | 8402 |
05/14/11 at 17:39:43 By: OrangeCounty |
Fianchetto with 8...a6
I've been reviewing my "repertoire", such as it is, and came across a series of uncomfortable lines I was apparently planning to play into in the Fianchetto KID. For reference:
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 ... Started 07/29/11 at 17:41:06 by OrangeCounty |
4 | 5559 |
08/05/11 at 21:05:48 By: Anders |
Fianchetto Kings Indian from whites point of view.
As I have decided to continue to build my 1.d4 repertoire with fianchetto systems (as much as possible). Now I am studying the Fianchetto Kings Indian. But I am impressed by its richness and complexit...
Started 01/30/09 at 18:29:52 by Novosibirsk « Pages 1 2 all » |
17 | 14618 |
02/03/09 at 05:57:24 By: Novosibirsk |
New idea by Wesley So
Wesley So played a rare idea against Gawain Jones at this year's Tata Steel tournament. This was meeting an early .. c5 by just taking it. It's been seen before, if rarely. White's novelty appears to ...
Started 01/27/18 at 10:25:59 by RdC |
2 | 4116 |
01/28/18 at 16:06:52 By: Konstriktor |
Best line for black against Fianchetto KID
As the KID Fianchetto Varition is becoming more and more popular nowadays, what do you think is the best line for black?
Started 09/28/10 at 10:04:13 by gramsci |
9 | 12394 |
10/05/10 at 18:13:16 By: Papageno |
Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. g3 O-O 5. Bg2 d6 6. O-O Nbd7 7. Nc3 e5 8. h3 *
Just wondering what you avoid with this move order. Started 12/04/10 at 16:23:40 by MrCookie |
10 | 11787 |
09/08/11 at 17:18:55 By: Smyslov_Fan |
Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
I want to stay in the territory of the king's Indian! I do not want to jump to the Grunfeld when I see g3 (unless I have to of course). What do you think is the best way to face g3 that gives equality...
Started 11/02/09 at 11:54:07 by Pingudon |
12 | 14268 |
08/23/10 at 16:19:16 By: MaSu |
E69 - Another game to understand the KID
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 c6 3. c4 d6 4. g3 g6 5. Bg2 Bg7 6. O-O O-O 7. Nc3 Nbd7 8. h3
Qc7 9. e4 e5 10. Re1 Re8 11. d5 a5 12. Re2 Nc5 13. Ne1 cxd5 14. cxd5 b6 15. Rc2 Ba6 16. Rb1 Qe7 17. Be3 Nfd7 18.... Started 02/05/14 at 18:46:42 by gewgaw |
13 | 15294 |
03/22/14 at 13:59:04 By: tony37 |
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