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4 Knights
Four Knights inc. Rubinstein's line, Belgrade Gambit, Glek's 4 g3, Three Knights [C46-49] (Moderators: trw, Jupp53, Smyslov_Fan)
Topics: 39
Posts: 553 |
Pages: [1] 2 |
Scotch Four Knights by Eljanov
^From the link above: We are happy to introduce another fascinating opening pro... Started 12/31/22 at 02:06:56 by fjd |
3 | 4645 |
01/02/23 at 20:41:45 By: cathexis |
C47-C49: Obodchuk on 4Knights
New in chess has announced a new book (acc. to amazon)
http://www.amazon.com/Four-Knights-Game-Andrey-Obodchuk/dp/9056913727/ref=sr_1_1... The Four Knights Game by And... Started 06/10/11 at 11:25:30 by tracke |
2 | 5481 |
06/10/11 at 15:02:32 By: Fromper |
Giri system
We're familiar with the Glek system 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. g3. But what of the Giri system? Young GM Anish Giri, playing as an invited superstar in the London Classic Rapidplay at the weeke...
Started 12/11/14 at 01:14:38 by RdC |
3 | 5173 |
12/11/14 at 21:39:54 By: PANFR |
Gunsberg variation (in 4K)
Anyone using this SOS(vol. 1)-repertoire ? Experiences ??
Started 01/27/06 at 15:06:38 by Strptzr |
11 | 8821 |
09/23/09 at 11:58:39 By: Markovich |
C47: Belgrade gambit
Hi ,
This is THORK . I want to update ideas from the Belgrade gambit 1.e4 - e5 2. Nf3 - Nc6 3. Nc3 - Nf6 4 . d4 - exd4 5 . Nd5 ... At chesspublishing I found only one article about this interes... Started 06/13/11 at 12:26:57 by THORK |
1 | 4079 |
06/13/11 at 12:58:58 By: Fllg |
Four knights with 4. Nxe5
I have a friend who has taken up the following in blitz games 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5. I have no idea what it's called. I couldn't find it in NCO.
Play continues 4. ...Nxe5 5. d4 ... Started 04/11/07 at 21:38:49 by kevinludwig |
10 | 5970 |
04/16/07 at 18:41:36 By: LeeRoth |
Rubinstein 4 knights Question
Hello all
Apologies if this is covered in another thread - please direct me there if so. Playing the Petroff to e4 often presents one with 4 knights, to which I then play Rubinstein's Nd4.<b... Started 09/25/05 at 05:53:27 by Frankly |
5 | 3821 |
09/26/05 at 03:45:43 By: Willempie |
interesting game for your halloween enjoyment
since its october and all, i left fritz playing out of this opening all day while i was at work. time controls are 40 moves in 6 hours. this is where the game is at right now:
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6... Started 10/20/06 at 17:53:09 by Tater_Salad |
0 | 1764 |
10/20/06 at 17:53:08 By: Tater_Salad |
C47: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nxe5 Nxe5 5.d4
I am looking for some analysis and /or articel in this line. Can anybody help me?
Started 01/07/11 at 13:11:22 by nobibla |
3 | 4645 |
01/07/11 at 14:09:19 By: ArKheiN |
C47: Nice attack at 104 F
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4.
Nxe5 Nxe5 5. d4 Nc6 6. d5 Nb8 7. e5 Ng8 8. d6 cxd6 9. exd6 Qa5 10. Bb5 a6 11. O-O axb5 12. Re1+ Be7 13. Qg4 Kf8 14. dxe7+ Nxe7 15. Rxe7 Nc6 16. Re8+ Kxe8 17... Started 07/03/10 at 09:54:29 by gewgaw |
8 | 10344 |
07/11/10 at 01:58:29 By: Vladimir |
C46: 4 Knights 3. ... Bc5 4.Ne5 Ne5 5.d4 Bd6
6. de Be5: and then?
Are there some analysis in this line. Maybe 7. Bd3 is the best way for white. Started 03/18/11 at 09:49:57 by nobibla |
1 | 3748 |
03/18/11 at 14:31:07 By: kylemeister |
Four Knights 4.g3 Nd4!?
The latest update on the 4 Knights is excellent - but there is an omission in the consideration of Black's fourth move alternatives. I saw a game recently (I think it is in Watson's "Chess Strategy i...
Started 09/30/03 at 04:27:50 by alumbrado |
4 | 3973 |
08/25/04 at 07:04:15 By: feb |
C47: Halloween Gambit
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Nxe5
What's the best way to meet this gambit? I recently received a thorough whomping and wondered what the professional sources say. Nigel doesn't mention it, so ... Started 06/15/04 at 17:16:19 by nexirae |
14 | 23464 |
03/14/12 at 11:27:21 By: Knightcut |
C47: Reversed Halloween Gambit!?
While I was lurking around the deepest darkest depths of 4 knights theory just tonight I stumbled across this little curiosity, and remembered reading about it.
1. e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4. g3... Started 03/19/14 at 04:41:55 by cramie10 |
4 | 7361 |
03/19/14 at 17:31:14 By: kylemeister |
Good line in the Four Knights?
Hi, new member here.
This has happened to me a couple of times now. After the move order 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 I play Nc6, and then after 4. Bc4 I don't know what to play other than Bc5, and usually ... Started 02/06/07 at 18:57:52 by MUBAs Opponent |
9 | 5535 |
02/07/07 at 13:39:54 By: MUBAs Opponent |
C48-C49: Spanish Four Knights question
I got a vision and bought two books about Four Knigts game, an opening I had never played before as either side.
Rigtht now I play d3 based Ruy Lopez. One book was Four Knights Move by Move... Started 12/20/13 at 19:13:38 by bragesjo « Pages 1 2 all » |
20 | 28077 |
01/14/14 at 10:43:27 By: bragesjo |
Nd5 by White
If you play the Berlin against the Spanish at a 2000 level, you aren't really expecting the theoretical ending, rather you are trying to provoke 4. d3 or 4. Nc3. In the latter, transposing to the Four...
Started 06/24/15 at 00:36:14 by RdC |
2 | 3972 |
06/24/15 at 01:02:13 By: RdC |
Three knight (main line?)
I have 1902 in rating. That means I have to face alot of so called club opening variations. Well, I have decided not to give my opponents any "free moves" in the future. Free moves=easy to ... Started 01/10/09 at 12:14:31 by DrSnuggles |
5 | 4399 |
01/10/09 at 14:51:03 By: DrSnuggles |
Four Knights Rubinstein
I should greatly appreciate some assistance on the following puzzle in the four knights Rubinstein variation: (i.e. with Bb5 and ...Nd4)
Where White plays Nxe5 and Black answers with Qe7, White p... Started 10/29/07 at 07:22:50 by Frankly |
6 | 4854 |
10/30/07 at 14:36:14 By: Frankly |
Getting into the 4 knights with 2 Nc3
Is there any major downside to getting into the 4 knights with 1 e4 e5 2 Nc3? I realize that 2 Nc3 is not a threatening move like 2 Nf3, but it seems like after almost any black move if white follows...
Started 01/15/10 at 21:14:55 by sharpplay « Pages 1 2 all » |
20 | 22935 |
02/01/10 at 20:59:51 By: Markovich |
Pages: [1] 2 |
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