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Italian Game 3 Bc4, Evans Gambit, Giuoco Piano, Bishop's Opening, Max Lange Attack [C50-55] (Moderators: Jupp53, trw, Smyslov_Fan)
Topics: 134
Posts: 1564 |
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7 |
C50: Advantage without risk against Rousseau?
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 f5 What do you recommend to get += , and to limit Black attacking chances? I do not want lines with heavy tactics Edited: 2...Nf6 was originally written ~SF 12/02/2011 Started 01/10/08 at 14:25:20 by Dzambus « Pages 1 2 all » |
19 | 18731 |
01/02/12 at 10:48:28 By: CraigEvans |
From Rohde, an Evans gambit position (6.Qb3)
Hi, this is my first post here... nice to meet you all
I am reading GM Rohde "The Great Evans Gambit Debate", but I am bit confuse about how his assessment on the following position (whi... Started 04/09/07 at 21:51:52 by vindalooman |
3 | 2747 |
04/10/07 at 02:02:51 By: MNb |
Dubov's Italian
End of last year Dubov won with a stunning idea a marvelous game against Karjakin in the Russian superfinal.
After that I saw online a very quick raise of the popularity of that idea. Countless m... Started 08/26/21 at 05:54:46 by brabo |
2 | 1952 |
08/27/21 at 15:27:38 By: MartinC |
C55: Max Lange Gambit 10.Nd2 instead of 10.Na3
All the resources on the following line consider 10.Na3 best
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.0-0 Nf6 5.d4 Bxd4 6.Nxd4 Nxd4 7.f4 d6 8.fxe5 dxe5 9.Bg5 Qe7 10.Na3 I have yet to find anything tha... Started 02/02/14 at 11:15:08 by kevinfat |
5 | 5962 |
02/13/14 at 22:15:25 By: chandrashekharkoravi |
Lucchini Gambit in the Italian Game. New or not?
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d3 f5 - the Lucchini Gambit. This was discovered by someone who notified IM Eric Rosen. He posted this line just today on YouTube. Apparently this line is JUST starting t...
Started 08/30/20 at 21:22:56 by HagenWatch1 |
14 | 5723 |
08/31/20 at 21:42:17 By: an ordinary chessplayer |
C54: Giuoco Piano for black
Can some one please tell me how to play this line with black..White has all sorts of plans..How can we play with black So can we play with black
Edited: Note: edited to correct the spelling of the opening in the title, and to provide an ECO code for the opening. ~SF March 1st, 2014 Started 03/01/14 at 14:33:24 by chandrashekharkoravi |
9 | 10864 |
03/04/14 at 19:52:59 By: RdC |
The trendy a4 Modern Italian
Dear ChessPubbers, It has been some time since the Forum analysed any openings and variations in a collaborative manner. I thought I will attempt to begin a discussion in the very old Italian game.<br...
Started 10/30/16 at 12:46:07 by GabrielGale |
11 | 9189 |
08/03/17 at 11:32:04 By: Keano |
Giuoco Piano C54, with 7.Nbd2
I'm trying to switch to open games from Colle. One book recommended is "A simple chess opening repertoire for white" by Sam Collins and many of he's recommendations lead to a IQP.
In the Italian ... Started 10/24/18 at 15:16:17 by msiipola |
12 | 7621 |
08/02/22 at 14:13:37 By: cathexis |
Best Italian Repertoire Book?
Hello, I'm wondering which repertoire books that feature the italian game against 1. e4 e5 you all think are the best? I'm pretty unfamiliar with resources involving 1. e4 e5, having played 1. d4 excl...
Started 06/03/16 at 06:56:02 by up and comer « Pages 1 2 all » |
24 | 23563 |
05/23/22 at 13:38:35 By: cathexis |
C55: Need Help in the Two Knights Defense
I have a question in the Two Knights (by Transposition).
Last night, I was Black in the following: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.O-O Nf6 5.d4 exd4. Thus far, this follows every that Mar... Started 07/27/11 at 11:13:03 by DieHardMetsFan |
13 | 7924 |
08/15/11 at 04:28:19 By: MNb |
The Max Lange Attack
I wondered what peoples thoughts on the Max lange attack with (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. O-O ) with 5....Nxe4 does this equalize the game? If not why not? what is whites b...
Started 04/14/05 at 20:24:38 by beezaman (Guest) |
1 | 2191 |
04/14/05 at 22:18:57 By: M.Nb (Guest) |
Jude Acer's book
Dear Chessfriends.
I found interesting lookin book about Italian Gambit (this line is now considered sound, I think) : http://www.amazon.com/Italian-Gambit-Guiding-Repertoire-White/dp/1553696042<... Started 04/20/09 at 11:45:07 by Ender « Pages 1 2 all » |
17 | 10900 |
05/28/09 at 19:42:52 By: SWJediknight |
Has anyone seen Jude Acers book on the Italian.
I am interested to know if the Italian gambit is worthwhile in terms of a plausible system for e4 players?
1. e4 e52.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d4 Bxd4 5. Nxd4 Nxd4 6. Be3 any thoughts? Started 04/16/04 at 02:17:55 by Teyko |
5 | 7823 |
09/29/04 at 14:53:06 By: tracke |
How does Jude Acers Italiangambit book rate?
How does Jude Acers Italian Gambit book rate? Started 05/07/05 at 10:45:19 by RedLance |
2 | 2468 |
05/11/05 at 13:47:13 By: Gerod (Guest) |
Bishop's Opening Question
After 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. d3 Bc5
Which continuation would you choose for white? This continuation isn't even covered in the Bishop's Opening book I have access to, so I'm trying to figure it ... Started 05/18/09 at 10:56:36 by BPaulsen |
12 | 6364 |
05/22/09 at 21:32:38 By: MNb |
C50-C59: Repertoire based on the Max Lange Attack?
I'm trying to figure out a repertoire based around the Max Lange Attack. This is what I have so far:
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Could play d4 and try to get a max lange attack but I'd... Started 02/26/11 at 07:11:36 by kevinfat « Pages 1 2 all » |
27 | 26215 |
03/08/11 at 21:41:28 By: Stefan Buecker |
A couple of annoying lines in the Bishop's Opening
For the last few years the Bishop's opening has been my main (actually only!) weapon against 1.-e5. In short, I have a love & hate relationship with this opening. Hate because of the dead-boring posi...
Started 08/18/09 at 23:45:46 by Crapov |
4 | 3518 |
08/19/09 at 09:39:10 By: Stefan Buecker |
Italian Four Knights 7...Qg5
I have seen quite a few people at my level play the Italian Four Knights. I always play the fork trick, 4...Nxe4, after...
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bc4?! I like the open lines and... Started 04/09/10 at 13:28:56 by BirdBrain « Pages 1 2 all » |
15 | 11138 |
05/06/10 at 07:40:08 By: OldGrizzly |
Italian game and Evans gambit , by Ian Pinski
Dit you get this book ?
I got it ,and I find it's full of errors , especially in the Evans gambit section I was to follow it in a correpondence game , and it directed me directly into a losi... Started 05/05/06 at 15:18:10 by photophore |
11 | 6657 |
05/07/06 at 14:12:56 By: photophore |
C52: Evans Gambit and 2 Knights: litterature
Following my questions about e4-e5 (see http://www.chesspub.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1276861434), I'd like to know which books could be recommended to start out with the Evans Gambit and the 2 Kn...
Started 06/24/10 at 17:14:08 by thibdb13 |
8 | 8466 |
06/30/10 at 19:29:46 By: thibdb13 |
Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7 |
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