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Modern Modern
Modern Defence 1...g6 [B06]
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An idea for the c3 modern from Leela
They've been playing a bunch of moderns in the TCEC lately and this one caught my eye. Maybe interesting if you care about the Nf3/Bd3/c3 modern setups.

Started 12/15/22 at 11:21:31 by RosemarysBaby
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35 5642 Last Post 01/27/23 at 00:24:04
By: RosemarysBaby
Normal Topic
Exploiting Black's move order in Tiger's Modern
Consider the Austrian Attack vs. the Modern with a6:
1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.f4 a6 5.Nf3
Here Tiger (in "Tiger's Modern"), Khalifman (in "Opening for White according to Anand IV") and th...

Started 03/22/10 at 14:33:05 by Lobachevsky
0 3062 Last Post 03/22/10 at 14:33:04
By: Lobachevsky
Normal Topic
Anti-Gurgenidze Variation
Hello all,
I wondered if anybody knows about a variation a clubmate recently played in one of his games.
The game went 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 c6 4.Bc4!? - While this move is quite obvious (p...

Started 01/24/06 at 14:38:23 by IM Christoph Wisnewski
4 3595 Last Post 01/26/06 at 22:04:19
By: WilhelmHH
Normal Topic
Modern -- Averbakh line with ..Ne5
I recently bought the McDonald and Speelman book on the Modern.  In his introductory remarks on the Averbakh, Speelman gives a preview of the included games.  He mentions the line 1.d4 g6 2.c4 d6 3.e4...

Started 02/28/08 at 03:47:00 by LeeRoth
1 2044 Last Post 02/28/08 at 15:41:49
By: parisestmagique
Normal Topic
Modern Defense
8) Looking for as much info on the modern that i can find. i rarely transpose 2 the pirc, so just pure modern info.I own Speelman and McDonald's book and winning with the modern by Norwood. How will ...

Started 08/09/03 at 12:40:25 by htownmmm
0 2424 Last Post 08/09/03 at 12:40:24
By: htownmmm
Normal Topic
Modern defence...h6/h5 defensive resource?
Hi Forum members,
Im looking to take up Modern Defence on my repetoire. Im a fairly strong player but still one thing that keeps perplexing me in this opening. When white launches with h4 (typica...

Started 12/15/09 at 08:25:43 by topandkas
2 2469 Last Post 12/16/09 at 05:46:24
By: topandkas
Normal Topic
Austrian Attack with ...c6
In a recent update, Andy Martin mentioned that there were some unanswered questions in the line 1.e4 g6 2.d4 d6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.f4 c6 5.Nf3 but a quick database search reveals that White is winning game a...

Started 07/23/06 at 21:00:35 by roastednuts
0 1583 Last Post 07/23/06 at 21:00:34
By: roastednuts
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
Combined Anti-Pirc/Anti-Modern/Anti-Gurgenidze
Since I more or less already started a thread on this topic, I apologize for opening a new one; but since the material I obtained is beyond the scope of the previous thread, I hope this thread to be m...

Started 03/22/06 at 07:33:55 by IM Christoph Wisnewski
12 18863 Last Post 03/23/06 at 23:39:17
Normal Topic
Modern Defence 4 f4 Nc6!?
I wonder if someone with a copy of Carpathian Warrior can help me. I recall it discusses the Modern line 3 Nc3 d6 4 f4 Nc6!? 5 Bb5!? a6 6 Bc6 bc 7 Nf3 Nf6 8 0-0 0-0 9 Qe1, and gives a variation (based...

Started 08/28/06 at 23:56:10 by Michael Ayton
2 2458 Last Post 08/29/06 at 21:59:00
By: Michael Ayton
Normal Topic
Why not the Modern and the Nimzo-Larsen?
Hey everyone,
I was recently looking at statistics (yes, I know they are not the definitive test of an opening, but they do help to some degree), and I was surprised to find out that the Modern s...

Started 04/10/05 at 12:53:18 by Scott Rex (Guest)
8 4872 Last Post 05/26/05 at 06:57:23
By: tracke
Normal Topic
Modern Defence - Nc6 line question
-1.d4 g6
2.c4  Bg7
3.Nc3 d6
4.e4  Nc6
5.Be3 e5 
If now White takes 6.d:e5, what is the best plan for Black?

Started 09/19/05 at 09:19:14 by Dzambus
7 3912 Last Post 09/20/05 at 04:27:28
By: alumbrado
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
A question for Modern players
Is the Modern a stand alone opening? Or can White force a transposition into either the King's Indian or Pirc?
Also, is the Modern primarily an ideas opening; primarily variation intense; or abou...

Started 11/17/09 at 00:41:31 by dmp4373
13 7713 Last Post 12/08/09 at 13:48:25
By: Michael Ayton
Normal Topic
Tiger's Modern
In view of the interest expressed in a few other threads, I decided I'd start a new thread specifically for discussion of the analysis and suggestions contained in Tiger Hillarp Persson's fascinating ...

Started 09/21/05 at 05:44:20 by Michael Ayton
3 2761 Last Post 09/29/05 at 07:43:12
By: g3g6 (Guest)
Normal Topic
Rare ideas against the modern
I would like to dedicate this thread to rare ideas that I have faced against the modern in my online practice, and specifically the a6 lines which I am intending to learn. I am looking for suggestions...

Started 01/08/10 at 05:36:11 by MemoryMaster
1 2036 Last Post 01/08/10 at 15:54:59
By: BPaulsen
Normal Topic
Hi i plays in tournaments..n there is this 2300+ player who love to play this variation as black.
1.d4 g6 2.c4 Bg7 3.e4 c5!? or 1.d4 g6 2.e4 Bg7 3.Nc3 c5!?
what kind of structure can i best ...

Started 06/15/09 at 05:29:18 by Valiantangel
4 3505 Last Post 06/21/09 at 09:28:17
By: Valiantangel
Normal Topic
Tiger's Modern
What is the general theoretical opinion on the system laid out in the book "Tiger's Modern", 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.f4 a6? I'm looking for something to play other than 1...e5 or 1...d5 against e4...

Started 04/25/09 at 18:21:41 by zwitter
7 7324 Last Post 04/26/09 at 04:10:59
By: MNb
Normal Topic
Transposing to closed sicilian against Modern
I am wondering whether transposing to the closed Sicilian against the Modern is a good idea?, e.g. like this 1. e4 g6 2. f4 Bg7 3. Nf3 c5 4. Nc3 Nc6 5. Bc4

Started 01/15/10 at 14:21:51 by VikingForce
8 5316 Last Post 01/24/10 at 08:20:34
By: Glenn Snow
Normal Topic
Modern Defence 3 Nc3 d6 4 Be3 c6 5 f4 b5
I've stared long and hard at the position after 1 e4 g6 2 d4 Bg7 3 Nc3 d6 4 Be3 c6 5 f4!? b5!?, but don't really feel I've grasped what's going on. Can anyone advise me on best play/strategy for both ...

Started 08/29/06 at 00:14:28 by Michael Ayton
5 4332 Last Post 09/06/06 at 03:06:22
By: MNb
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
The Hippopotamus Rises?
Batsford seems to publish more books on offbeat openings lately.

Started 11/17/05 at 05:32:39 by Alias
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21 20478 Last Post 04/29/06 at 05:04:00
By: MNb
Normal Topic
modern defence
Hello chessniks.
I play the modern defence and  ???It seems to be very complex.I have books on it,but i`m looking for a cd or dvd on it.Any suggestions?
         THX you all in advance Smiley

Started 07/16/05 at 16:25:21 by howitzer
0 1248 Last Post 07/16/05 at 16:25:20
By: howitzer
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