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Open Variation [C80-C84] (Moderators: trw, proustiskeen)
Topics: 29
Posts: 531 |
Pages: [1] 2 |
Spicing up Black's play vs 6 Re1 in the Open Lopez
At lower levels of play, the otherwise attractive Open Defence to the Spanish is often met by 6 Re1 instead of 6 d4, and after 6..Nc5 Black is OK if he know what he is doing, but the play can become v...
Started 06/30/10 at 17:32:38 by Paddy |
4 | 7418 |
11/17/24 at 20:52:06 By: FreeRepublic |
6 Re1 in the Open Ruy Lopez
I think that 6 Re1 in the Open Ruy Lopez is very underestimated. What Glenn Flear recommends against it in his book Open Ruy Lopez seems to lead to very unclear positions. What do you guys think about...
Started 08/28/08 at 04:42:11 by Anonymous3 « Pages 1 2 all » |
22 | 21699 |
09/08/08 at 01:44:08 By: Markovich |
Ruy Lopez Open with 5.-Nxe4
What is the best way for white to play for an advantage in the Lopez Open? Recently I saw a game between two GM:s that went 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6 ...
Started 07/17/06 at 15:15:28 by Kyodai |
2 | 2971 |
07/17/06 at 21:47:05 By: Dji |
Open Spanish - Berlin move order
I'd like to hear some discussion of white's possible deviations when black attempts to reach the Open spanish using the Berlin move order. An expert or class A player will only get an Open Spanish ab...
Started 09/28/09 at 06:00:36 by Eclectico |
6 | 9598 |
09/28/09 at 14:46:25 By: rdecredico |
ruy lopez , open variation
Hi !
I think about including the open variation of the ruy lopez (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.exd5 Be6) in my repertoire for black, because it seems to be... Started 09/03/07 at 11:27:13 by Strategy_Rules |
4 | 7736 |
04/19/10 at 08:32:23 By: joakimvitriol |
Riga Variation - Berger Line 8.Bg5 (Two CC Games)
2 Recent Riga Variation games. First game is not critical, but may be interesting because Black's position is ugly looking and looks impossible to hold, but a nice resource appears!
The second ... Started 12/03/08 at 02:12:58 by drkodos « Pages 1 2 all » |
26 | 39225 |
04/15/12 at 06:54:50 By: NeverGiveUp |
Ruy Lopez Open
Okay I thought in the line 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Nxe4 6. d4 b5 7. Bb3 d5 8. dxe5 Be6 9. Nbd2 Nc5 10. c3 Nxb3 was suppossed to a huge mistake. Yet it was played in Corus B Gro...
Started 01/28/09 at 01:24:26 by trw |
1 | 4565 |
04/19/10 at 07:52:34 By: joakimvitriol |
Krykun on 1.e4 e5! with Open Spanish
[Less than 30% of the following repertoire book is on the Open Spanish. But as an answer to the Ruy is maybe the most important part of each black repertoire with 1.e4 e5, it‘s probably better to post...
Started 08/06/20 at 16:32:24 by tracke « Pages 1 2 all » |
16 | 8503 |
09/05/20 at 14:11:07 By: rossia |
The Great variation
I imagine many of our readers will not know I'm talking about !?. The "pseudo-called" Great variation is a serie of moves characterized as follows: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 ...
Started 05/19/06 at 22:41:53 by AMM(Guest) (Guest) |
1 | 2527 |
05/20/06 at 09:44:11 By: JEH |
Best lines in the open Spanish
Hi all,
I am taking up the Open Spanish. Yes I have read what seems to be all the posts on the open. I am confused about the opening. most other openings I get but Flear's book confuses me. P... Started 10/15/09 at 03:49:56 by Zatara |
6 | 8728 |
12/09/09 at 09:26:27 By: ANDREW BRETT |
Open Lopez against a low rated opponents
I really liked korchnoi games and start playing open lopez...I play it regularly these days...I had also good results on it..But I found that it is hard to play against a low rated opponent who is pla...
Started 02/20/14 at 08:50:30 by chandrashekharkoravi |
4 | 6419 |
02/20/14 at 14:38:37 By: PANFR |
New Open Ruy Lopez Book?
I think we need a new book on the Open Ruy Lopez since their hasn't been a book on the Open Ruy since GM Glenn Flear's book in 2000. Is their any chance Glenn would be willing to do a second edition o...
Started 07/31/08 at 04:48:07 by Anonymous (Ex Member) « Pages 1 2 3 all » |
31 | 30954 |
11/19/08 at 00:45:09 By: kylemeister |
Riga and Dilworth variations - viable for black?
Reading through Grandmaster Secrets: Openings by Andy Soltis (2002), he recommends both the Riga and Dilworth variations for black saying they can be learned over a long weekend.
How difficult ... Started 03/17/14 at 00:12:08 by RoleyPoley |
12 | 14216 |
03/17/14 at 17:15:34 By: barnaby |
Open Spanish-Dilworth
The eternal question in Dilworth line of the Open Spanish (5..Nxe4; 11..Nxf2 12.Rxf2 f6 ). It's preferable both White two minor pieces or Black rook in the immediate ending ?.
All books not recco... Started 01/05/10 at 14:13:14 by AMM |
0 | 3319 |
01/05/10 at 14:13:12 By: AMM |
Books on Open Ruy Lopez?
What good books are there that deal with the spanish 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Nxe4 ? Latest theory is not especially important as I have informator/NIC/Chesspub.
Thanks in advance. Started 10/23/05 at 01:08:03 by lnn2 |
14 | 11884 |
01/24/07 at 10:51:00 By: Keano |
Open Lopez Questions...
Hello all,
I've recently been test driving 1...e5 in some blitz games and some informal correspondence games, and I was just curious about some theoretical questions. Most books on the Open are ... Started 10/02/09 at 15:00:50 by TonyRo |
5 | 7116 |
10/02/09 at 22:28:34 By: Sandman |
Modernized Open Ruy
At the moment there are 24 new books announced at TP,
among them 14 opening books, for example: The Modernized Open Ruy Lopez by Milos Pavlovic Thinkers Publishing, forthcoming tracke Started 02/25/21 at 22:33:11 by tracke |
14 | 5946 |
03/17/24 at 14:17:10 By: FreeRepublic |
Open Ruy Lopez Literature
There doesn't seem to be much of this lately. There was Flear's book in 2000 and I've heard about Krasenkow's book published mid '90s...but that's all. Anything more recent that I've missed?
Started 08/22/10 at 19:58:17 by Seth_Xoma |
5 | 8869 |
08/23/10 at 12:23:51 By: GMTonyKosten |
Breslau variation in Ruy Lopez - worth it?
Hello all.
I posted this question on a different board and was kindly referred here, to what seems a truly great site. A book first published in 1952, and not altered in the edition I have, ... Started 03/31/05 at 16:02:03 by Frankly |
2 | 3450 |
04/02/05 at 09:01:22 By: Frankly |
Ruy Lopez : a bust for Open Defence?
The game Topalov-Sokolov , Antwerp 1997 went :
1 e4 e( 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 O-O Nxe4 6 d4 b5 7 Bb3 d5 8 dxe5 Be6 9 Nbd2 Nc5 10 c3 Be7 1... Started 02/06/06 at 10:21:40 by photophore |
2 | 5802 |
06/13/17 at 00:06:00 By: FreeRepublic |
Pages: [1] 2 |
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