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[A04-A14] (Moderators: Hadron, proustiskeen)
Topics: 103
Posts: 1338 |
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Question re: reversed classical KID per Ganguly
I see that in a new Chessable course (Lifetime Repertoires: Sidelines and Flank Openings for Black), Surya Ganguly goes for a reversed Exchange: 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 c5 3. Bg2 Nc6 4. 0-0 e5 5. d3 d5 6. e4...
Started 03/04/24 at 19:40:04 by kylemeister |
9 | 1098 |
08/06/24 at 13:36:30 By: FreeRepublic |
Historical note re Mamedyarov game in March update
In Mamedyarov vs. Laurent-Paoli after 1. Nf3 d5 2. b3 Nf6 3. Bb2 e6 4. c4 b6 5. g3 Bb7 6. Bg2 Nbd7 7. 0-0 Be7 8. cxd5 exd5, "White uncorked the cute idea 9 Nd4!? 0-0 10 Nf5."
That gave me a flas... Started 03/14/24 at 00:35:02 by kylemeister |
0 | 584 |
03/14/24 at 00:35:02 By: kylemeister |
The Reti Move by Move
Good to see another book on the Reti in the pipeline. I'm sure Chesspublishing contributor Sam Collins will do an excellent job so looking forward to seeing the content excert on the Everyman website ...
Started 07/02/18 at 07:26:33 by MW « Pages 1 2 all » |
25 | 16999 |
10/21/20 at 18:47:20 By: grandpatzer |
1. Nf3, Nc6
I know I know
but all of a sudden I see this reply three times a day so I start wondering what would be the very best counter (and what suddenly fashionable line are they angling for ?) Started 02/17/09 at 20:35:07 by nyoke |
12 | 9396 |
09/22/18 at 13:43:50 By: Laramonet |
Best answer to KIA?
I was wondering, after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3, what do you think is the easiest way for Black to equalise while still keeping decent winning chances? I realise it's a very general question and in many ways a m...
Started 08/01/14 at 17:55:38 by TN « Pages 1 2 3 all » |
42 | 28431 |
05/15/18 at 08:40:43 By: RdC |
1 Nf3 d5 2 g3 Bg4 3 Ne5 Bf5 4 c4 Nd7 5 d4!?
This move (5 d4) isn't given by Mikhalevski in GM Rep 19 and I can only find one game with it on database.chessbase.com
It seems fairly interesting for White, for example: a) 5... c6 6 cxd5 ... Started 03/10/18 at 23:20:34 by BeeCaves |
2 | 3303 |
03/10/18 at 23:46:17 By: BeeCaves |
Kaufman's "Queen's Indian vs. Reti"
In Larry Kaufman's book, The Kaufman Repertoire for Black and White, one response to 1.Nf3 that he recommends is he gives 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 b6 with the idea of playing the Queen's Indian but avoiding the...
Started 08/03/14 at 06:17:16 by Anonymous3 |
3 | 5425 |
03/02/18 at 18:18:12 By: kylemeister |
1. Nf3 by Ftacnik?
Did anyone order/download this DVD? The video sample seems rather uninspiring, I learned now that 1 Nf3 d5 is a reversed 1 d4 Nf6. Maybe they should include a sample that is not the Introduction?
Started 03/28/12 at 12:41:22 by gwnn « Pages 1 2 all » |
15 | 25696 |
04/14/16 at 09:27:55 By: ghenghisclown |
1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 Nf6!?
This week someone played 2...Nf6 against my Reti. I find it strange that this (for me) annoying move is not mentioned in the books. Only Khalifman does extensive coverage of it. It seems that 3.cxd5 i...
Started 03/03/16 at 13:47:44 by TD |
12 | 8415 |
03/04/16 at 08:11:58 By: TD |
Gurevich Anti-Slav system 1c4-c6
What do people think of the English Anti-Slav system developed by Gurevich?
The early opening moves of the system are 1c4/N-f3, 2N-f3/c4, 3 e3, 4 Q-c2 or N-c3 followed up by 5b3. Unlike the Reti... Started 08/14/08 at 11:39:53 by Caledonian « Pages 1 2 all » |
16 | 21255 |
08/02/15 at 20:39:28 By: Antillian |
What are good books about 1. Nf3 ?
I'm searching for some good books about 1. Nf3, the Zukertort Opening. Preferably I would like books that give a repertoire that gets into solid, positional, quiet, closed and slow po... Started 06/20/14 at 18:08:16 by Marc Benford « Pages 1 2 all » |
22 | 28314 |
05/20/15 at 18:57:57 By: Sylvester |
1 Nf3 Repertoire
Hello! I'm somewhat new to 1 Nf3, and I've put a bit of thought into creating a repertoire. It's relatively transpositional, and was wondering if there were any obvious holes/move order deficiencies i...
Started 04/15/15 at 18:10:55 by Mainline_Novelty |
13 | 13160 |
05/16/15 at 00:59:35 By: Mainline_Novelty |
Reti books?
Hi, I was thinking of playing the Reti (well starting with nf3 and then maybe do a lot of transposing, still trying to figure out my rep.) Any good books I should get? I know there are 2 by everyman a...
Started 01/09/15 at 15:21:27 by Darthmambo |
7 | 7424 |
04/23/15 at 14:21:43 By: CanadianClub |
Anti-Grünfeld for White
I'm always hearing about how the Anti-Grünfeld (1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5) is so much easier to deal with than the Grünfeld proper, but I've based on the research I've done, none of white's various o...
Started 05/25/14 at 02:32:15 by Mainline_Novelty |
1 | 2685 |
05/25/14 at 03:25:17 By: kylemeister |
games on 1.Nf3 f5 2.d3
Friends i am preparing this line against dutch. I would like to know if there is any book on this subject, i tried to search games in Mega database 2010 .... after 1.Nf3 f5 2.d3 but only found 19 gam...
Started 11/02/12 at 08:47:33 by raja |
13 | 18747 |
12/19/13 at 22:10:44 By: Anders |
consistent reply to 1.nf3/c4/g3 for benko players
hi guys!
i have started to play the benko lately (lots of nice new books on the topic!) but i'm not really sure how to proceed after the flank openings. after 1.d4 nf6 2.c4 c5 3.nf3 i play the va... Started 12/24/12 at 14:25:09 by Chess_Addict |
10 | 8928 |
03/07/13 at 11:44:06 By: Matemax |
How to meet 1.Nf3... for Benko players....
Hi... I am trying myself with the Benko gambit but I am annoyed with White starting with 1.Nf3, 2.d4 etc.. Is there still a way to transpose to the Benko ? Or is it better to adopt a completely differ...
Started 01/22/13 at 11:56:37 by SSelsun95 |
2 | 3032 |
01/22/13 at 14:38:28 By: SSelsun95 |
1.Nf3 d5! 2.c4?! d4!
1.Nf3 d5! 2.c4?! d4! =
Are the marks above too provocative, or is it really so, that white had better to play 2.d4? I'd like to see 2.c4 to work, as it e.g. avoids the sharpest open catalan lines... Started 11/05/12 at 08:34:50 by Lauri Torni « Pages 1 2 3 all » |
39 | 29322 |
01/21/13 at 16:04:01 By: Master Om |
Online analysis of Lisitsin Gambit?
Is there anywhere online I can find quality analysis of the Lisitsin Gambit, particularly the following position. I'm White in a correspondence game and Black has played something not in megabase, an...
Started 01/16/13 at 13:17:31 by George Jempty |
3 | 6092 |
01/17/13 at 12:58:45 By: George Jempty |
Novelty for Black on 3rd move of 2. d3 Reti Dutch
Tonight I've begun working out an opening novelty as early as move 3 against the 1. Nf3 f5 2. d3 variation of the Reti Dutch. Instead of trying to get in ...e5 my idea is 2...e6 3. e4 Be7.
[pgn]1. Nf3 f5 2. Started 01/07/13 at 02:17:33 by George Jempty |
0 | 2099 |
01/07/13 at 02:17:32 By: George Jempty |
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