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Rubinstein with ...dxe4, including Fort Knox [C10], and also Burn [C11] (Moderators: proustiskeen, Smyslov_Fan)
Topics: 37
Posts: 394 |
Pages: [1] 2 |
French Repertoire consideration
The Rubenstein variation starts with:
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 de4 The Burn starts off: 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 de4 The two lines resemble one another and can even tran... Started 01/14/25 at 04:04:27 by FreeRepublic « Pages 1 2 all » |
22 | 1034 |
01/21/25 at 22:41:54 By: ReneDescartes |
5.Bf4!? vs. the Fort Knox
and on 5...Bc6 6.Qd3, preparing a possible 0-0-0. It's almost never been played so no theory to learn, I've got enough of that with playing the Alekhine-Chatard. See my post earlier today in the "Cl...
Started 06/04/24 at 13:36:56 by George Jempty |
0 | 297 |
06/04/24 at 13:36:56 By: George Jempty |
C03,C10-C11: Guide for playing rubinstein french
I am planning to incorporate the french into my repertoire, I plan to play the rubinstein french, but I don't see any guide on it, there are no books, also chesspublishing does not seem to... Started 01/03/10 at 17:21:19 by battleangel (Ex Member) |
8 | 9906 |
02/12/10 at 16:51:17 By: emary |
C11: Rubinstein Variation/s
Are there any books or other resources that you can recommend with regards to the Rubinstein Variation/s? I'd like to kc3 and or kd2 with dxe. I've read through the Fort Knox info in ... Started 07/26/11 at 14:29:12 by Krames |
13 | 15309 |
07/28/11 at 13:33:44 By: Smyslov_Fan |
C10: Why not 4...h6 in the Rubinstein
I've noticed that 3...h6 gets some attention vs. the Tarrasch and even against 3. Nc3. What about on Black's 4th move in the Rubinstein? The point being that White won't be able to play Bg5 and ther...
Started 03/04/13 at 06:10:23 by George Jempty |
2 | 4811 |
03/04/13 at 06:38:01 By: George Jempty |
C10: Caruana's novelty in the Rubinstein
You may well be aware of the new move Caruana uncorked against Meier at the recent Grenke Cjess classic.
http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1710338 The question is: what Fabiano ha... Started 04/27/13 at 17:46:18 by PANFR |
3 | 7348 |
04/24/16 at 16:14:14 By: applechess |
3 ... dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nf6 5 Nxf6+ gxf6
Is this totally unsound? 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Bg5 dxe4 5 Nxe4 Be7 6 Bxf6 gxf6 is obviously more favorable, but I currently play 3 ... Bb4 against 3 Nc3, and am trying this line against 3 Nd2, i...
Started 01/31/17 at 19:54:00 by DogPlayDead |
10 | 9288 |
09/18/17 at 12:55:39 By: tp2205 |
C11: morozevic
Hi all,
Besides Morozevic games where is info on the lines he plays. I think Watson has some stuff in his Play the French 3. SO I am more looking for 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 dxe4 5.Nxe4... Started 07/04/10 at 04:19:18 by Zatara |
5 | 8475 |
10/01/10 at 11:59:17 By: Schaakhamster |
C03,C10: model game 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. Nc3/Nd2 de
Which line is better, 4. ...Bd7 or 4 ... Nd7?
Can somebody give some basic idea in these two lines? As far as i know, 4. ... Bd7 plan to get the BAD Bishop out and normally will exchange on ... Started 05/10/08 at 15:32:29 by torreattack |
3 | 3685 |
05/15/08 at 09:40:49 By: MarinFan |
C03,C10: Wishing to learn the Burn gxf6 variation
I really want to learn the Burn ...gxf6 varition. It's so dynamic! Unfortunately this comes at a price in that if Black doesn't play with accuracy it can easily backfire So can anyone recommend me...
Started 01/07/08 at 03:28:27 by SniperOnG7 |
5 | 5538 |
01/19/08 at 01:18:57 By: Darthmambo |
Why not play the Rubinstein?
I kept wondering what could be the reasons for prefering to play the Caro-Kann, or French Classical over the Rubinstein. They often reach similar positions but the nuances are not obvious to... Started 09/30/18 at 13:33:49 by nocteus |
6 | 6234 |
04/30/19 at 06:14:33 By: Leon_Trotsky |
C03,C10-C11: Rubistein Variation
Hello everybody!
I would like to ask you how to fight against the Rubistein Variation, 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7. Are there an interesting line for White? Thanks! Started 02/24/03 at 10:20:57 by Scorpio (Guest) |
13 | 7197 |
08/15/05 at 20:37:30 By: TopNotch |
C03,C10-C11: Book on the Rubinstein French?
It seems to me that the Rubinstein French [1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3/Nd2 dxe4] serves black well. It is even played at the highest level occasionally. Are there any books dealing with the Rubinstein? I gu...
Started 02/24/06 at 09:11:02 by JN |
9 | 9581 |
03/20/06 at 08:30:13 By: Strptzr |
C03,C10: Whats best against rubinstein variation ?
Hi !
What do you think is best against the rubinstein variation (3...exd4 4.Nxe4 Nd7) ? Any opinions ? Started 09/19/07 at 11:43:15 by Strategy_Rules « Pages 1 2 all » |
17 | 13682 |
10/04/07 at 16:20:33 By: Lou_Cyber |
Rubinstein at the elite level?
Almost no 2700+ players play the Rubinstein French - it seems that Georg Meier is the highest rated player who uses it for more than a surprise weapon. Why is this? Is the opening in theoretical troub...
Started 06/15/19 at 15:54:06 by stockhausen |
9 | 5724 |
06/27/19 at 17:06:54 By: MW |
C03,C10-C11: French Rubinstein vs Other Variations
I have recently decided I may want to switch to the french as my main defense. I see that the two main white continuations after:
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 are either the Main line 3. Nc3 or t... Started 05/19/06 at 18:21:17 by Dinomike100 |
9 | 11132 |
05/23/06 at 11:34:08 By: dom |
C03,C10-C11: Gambit in the rubinstein variation
In the line :
1) e4 e6 2) d4 d5 3) Cc3 d*e4 4) C*e4 Cd7 5) Cf3 Cgf6 6) C*f6 C*f6 7) Fd3 b6 8) De2 Fb7 9) Fg5... Started 06/13/06 at 17:05:08 by narzould |
5 | 3960 |
06/17/06 at 09:55:36 By: dom |
C10: Why an early Qe2 from White in the Fort Knox?
Today's Daily Telegraph chess column included the following game:-
[Event "Iceland"] [Date "2013"] [White "Jones"] [Black "Isaksson"] [Result "1-0"] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2... Started 02/23/13 at 17:53:53 by JonathanB |
9 | 11764 |
02/26/13 at 15:48:45 By: RdC |
C03,C10-C11: Delaying Nd7 in Rubinstein variation
I just read Krnic's paper on ChessCafe website "The Ten best Games from Informant 105" http://www.chesscafe.com/text/informant91.pdf (Archives, November 2009)
and look at French opening game B... Started 12/14/09 at 22:25:48 by dom |
0 | 2543 |
12/14/09 at 22:25:47 By: dom |
3...dxe4 in Black repertoire book?
I am not a French player (yet), but is there any repertoire book for Black which advocates 3...dxe4 (Rubinstein or Fort Knox)? I looked at most Black repertoire books and they all seem to advocate 3.....
Started 08/22/20 at 06:13:40 by TD |
11 | 4711 |
10/20/22 at 21:50:05 By: Chassetter |
Pages: [1] 2 |
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