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Vienna Vienna
Vienna Game inc. Hamppe-Allgaier Gambit, Frankenstein-Dracula Variation [C25-29]
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The Modern Vienna, by Chess-stars
I cannot find a thread of this forthcoming book by Chess-stars: 
"The Modern Vienna", by Roman Ovetchkin and Sergei Soloviov.
Link here:

Started 08/07/14 at 19:39:07 by Benoniac
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42 50400 Last Post 03/24/23 at 22:13:22
By: an ordinary chessplayer
Normal Topic
C28: Vienna Game Interesting (?) Rook Sac
I played a blitz game today featured what I thought looked like a pretty nice rook sac.  Like so many blitz games I've played, I was much happier with my idea before I analyzed it. Embarrassed  I post it this...

Started 01/20/07 at 04:07:27 by OstapBender
2 2744 Last Post 01/20/07 at 22:32:19
By: OstapBender
Normal Topic
C29: Strange new Nb1 knight retreat in the Vienna
I've had this idea in my head for a couple of years but today I got to play it for the first time:
1. e4 e5  2. Nc3 Nf6  3. f4 d5  4. fxe5 Nxe4  5. Nf3 Bb4 and now 6. Nb1?!  
I hadn't even c...

Started 05/22/11 at 11:37:42 by George Jempty
4 6724 Last Post 07/03/16 at 10:14:45
By: George Jempty
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C25-C29: The complete Vienna
Hi, i m thinking to start playing the vienna and i bought a book called "The complete Vienna" - Igor glazcov. Is it a good book? Is the vienna a good weapon for my firsts tournaments or serious matchs...

Started 08/09/06 at 03:45:05 by peon4rey
14 13023 Last Post 08/17/06 at 16:13:56
By: chessy
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C28: Best white Vienna continuation here?
1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d3 Na5
...and now?  I don't play the Vienna yet.  Looking at it as I move to an e4 rep.  I like the activity of the 3. Bc4 lines in general, but this specific li...

Started 09/28/06 at 16:43:05 by Hippie
12 8457 Last Post 04/26/07 at 02:42:10
By: Darthmambo
Normal Topic
Best coverage of 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.f4?
Is there a good (fairly recent) book about the Gambit line 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.f4? I suppose that the "Modern Vienna" by Ovetchkin and Soloviov (Chess Stars) goes with 3.Bc4 only, or is there coverage...

Started 12/04/21 at 14:27:23 by grandpatzer
8 2348 Last Post 12/05/21 at 20:27:34
By: an ordinary chessplayer
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
Vienna 4. Qg4
I'm playing the Vienna against 1...e5 these days but I'm puzzled by one line.  In Lane's book, the Chessbase CD and a couple other places I see this line for white: 1 e4 e5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 Qg4. ...

Started 01/15/07 at 15:07:22 by ChuckR
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24 14677 Last Post 02/07/07 at 08:55:33
By: Willempie
Normal Topic
C27: Vienna/Bishops Opening for Black
I am currently working on a video series about 1.e4 e5 for Black. One line to address is: 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4. My initial plan was to go for 3...Nc6 4.d3 Na5, but to be honest I find this much eas...

Started 03/20/12 at 08:42:29 by Chessexplained
9 9926 Last Post 03/20/12 at 20:39:54
By: ArKheiN
Normal Topic
C26: question on KG and Vienna transpositions
Hello, I have a quick question for KG and Vienna practitioners concerning a couple of minor lines that can arise via transposition from Alekhine's Defense. (I am considering shifting from 2...d5 to 2....

Started 01/06/05 at 12:58:59 by Alfred G. (Guest)
1 2476 Last Post 01/06/05 at 18:51:59
By: MNb
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C29: Vienna gambit with 5.Nf3
I often get into trouble as black, especially against stronger players, when facing the Vienna gambit:
1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 d5 4.fxe5 Nxe4 5.Nf3.
Here, instead of the safer but drawish 5.....

Started 01/31/04 at 18:35:17 by feb
12 8211 Last Post 03/05/22 at 00:39:16
By: George Jempty
Normal Topic
Source for erroneous Vienna analysis
I'm searching for the source for some erroneous Vienna analysis from around 20 years ago or longer.  In the following position 7.Qb5+ was given a question mark, with the continuation given as shown, i...

Started 09/23/16 at 06:19:44 by George Jempty
2 4061 Last Post 09/26/16 at 23:22:52
By: George Jempty
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C25: Fyfe Gambit.
He's Back!
Anyways punters, a request for some assistance if I may. I am a big fan of chess history as it relates to the playing of the game (i.e. old analysis and the like).
At the moment I...

Started 04/02/11 at 23:12:00 by Hadron
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15 24955 Last Post 07/01/12 at 08:27:33
By: trw
Normal Topic
C26: Vienna g3
I have recently been trying out the 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. g3 system in the Vienna, as advocated by Paul Motwani, and find the resulting positions to my liking. However, in one game I ran into 2...Nc6 3. g3 f5...

Started 07/04/09 at 16:17:02 by Lurdock
7 6018 Last Post 07/06/09 at 10:51:55
By: Lurdock
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
Fyfe Gambit (The Reboot)
Howdy Gang.
I am still on the hunt for any old book analysis (and or old games) using the Fyfe Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.d4) which J. Blackburne beleived it was playable (back then).
Can I...

Started 06/25/12 at 07:59:40 by Hadron
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18 25006 Last Post 06/27/12 at 23:50:55
By: trw
Normal Topic
C25-C29: Gregory Huber: The Vienna Game
Just curious, if anyone purchased the Chessbase CD about the Vienna Game by Huber.
Can you recommand the CD as a start for an e4-repertoire ?
Is he unbiased concerning the critical variation...

Started 12/04/05 at 19:26:55 by Frank (Guest)
2 3297 Last Post 01/24/06 at 14:52:53
By: Black_Widow
Normal Topic
C28: Vs Vienna
Does anyone believe that this is a good line for Black vs the Vienna e4,e5 Nc3,Nf6 Bc4,Nc6 d3,Be7! Huh
Plz reply as am quandering wether to place the Bishop on e7 or c5, and for either if there a...

Started 01/26/07 at 11:44:51 by fazza
3 3007 Last Post 02/07/07 at 07:07:18
By: TopNotch
Normal Topic
C29: Origin of faulty Vienna analysis
I've seen some faulty analysis repeated across a number of sources, including Harding during the 70s (if I recall correctly, otherwise apologies) and DeFirmian just 10-12 years ago or so, though he ha...

Started 02/28/11 at 23:13:53 by George Jempty
6 7680 Last Post 03/03/11 at 16:33:25
By: TalJechin
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C25-C29: Martin's new Vienna Fritztrainer
The trend toward the Schiller oeuvre continues with a DVD on the Vienna presented by Martin.

Started 06/24/09 at 01:44:42 by ghenghisclown
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16 12163 Last Post 07/02/09 at 02:18:28
By: Bowen
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C27: Vienna Calling
A black in the Vienna, I sometimes get hit with e4 e5, Nc3 Nf6, Bc4 Nxe4, Bf7+
I've read that black is ok in this line, but the in practice the early queen foray is a beast to fend off. Suggestio...

Started 02/26/13 at 22:12:11 by Gamboo
10 10292 Last Post 04/11/13 at 22:51:08
By: Knightcut
Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies)
C27: Frankenstein-Dracula Variation
This is not a joke. the following line realy has this name.
1.) e4 e5 2.) Nc3 Nf6 3.)Bc4 Nxe4 4.)Qh5 Nd6 5.) Bb3 Nc6 6.) Nb5 g6 7.)Qf3 f5 8.)Qd5 Qe7 (or ..Qf6) Nxc7+
I started to analys this...

Started 01/31/06 at 12:20:34 by chessy
10 11371 Last Post 07/08/16 at 19:07:11
By: pichorro
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