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Yugoslav 9 Bc4
Yugoslav Attack [B77-B79] inc. Chinese Variation [B77], Soltis Variation[B78] (Moderator: MNb)
Topics: 188
Posts: 1817 |
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Soltis 13.Bg5 Nc4 really that bad?
Hi guys,
for decades it is known, that in the absolute mainline of the Soltis after 1.e4 c5.2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.Bc4 Bd7 10.h4 h5 11.0-0-0 Rc8 12.... Started 01/05/20 at 11:48:31 by halbstark « Pages 1 2 all » |
19 | 9949 |
02/21/20 at 11:51:32 By: XChess1971 |
10.h4 instead of 10.000 by white chinese dragon
I am a chinese dragon player ..i want to know how to react if white plays 10.h4 instead of triple O on the 10th move of the yugoslav attack...any suggestions please?
Started 07/02/16 at 04:44:07 by raja |
11 | 8139 |
09/28/16 at 16:05:07 By: bragesjo |
Yugoslav Attack 9 Bc4 Soltis with Kb1 and ...Re8
I just saw GM Chris Ward praising blacks openingchoice in the game Robert Hovhannisyan - Luis Marcos Medarde Santiago:
[pgn][Event "4th Memorial Oliver Gonzalez"] [Site "?"] [Date "2015....|/pgn] However on my blog I wrote that I found a modest advantage for white with 18.fxg4 see http://chess-brabo.blogspot.be/2015/10/mistakes.html So I wonder if I missed something. Started 12/08/15 at 16:09:08 by brabo |
2 | 4188 |
09/23/16 at 07:01:47 By: brabo |
Karjakin - Carlsen FIDE World Rapid 2014
While dont have access to a decent computer or a decent engine since is a swedish holiday right now and I while I also dont use Dragon as main weapon anymore I think we can discuss this game.
I ... Started 06/20/14 at 15:19:39 by bragesjo |
2 | 4036 |
07/02/14 at 19:18:54 By: Paddy |
Interesting White attempt in the Soltis!
Dear all
Let us start with the Soltis main line 13.Bg5 Rc5 14.Kb1 Re8 and 15.Bh6 Nc4 This is the theoretical move. Carlsen preferred a new move with 15...a5 against Karjakin in the recent rapid game a... Started 06/18/14 at 07:22:27 by Swiss_Dragon |
2 | 4181 |
06/19/14 at 06:19:40 By: Swiss_Dragon |
Nbd7 in yugoslav attack
Hi guys.
I remember old game of Fischer from Varna Olympiad, when he faced interesting line :1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 Nc6 8. Bc4 O-O 9. Qd2 and now Nf... Started 06/13/14 at 07:05:23 by Ender |
2 | 4160 |
06/18/14 at 11:57:00 By: RdC |
B77 Giri - Nakamura
When browsing through some old games from the ongoing Tata Steel tournamnet I discovered the game Giri - Nakamura a game in a line that has been out of fashion since the famoues game Fischer-Larsen w...
Started 01/20/12 at 21:06:25 by bragesjo « Pages 1 2 3 all » |
34 | 43693 |
10/17/13 at 13:51:33 By: MNb |
B78 Polgar-Jones
It been a while since last post here. Mayee the Dragon is sleeping in a cave.
This game was play a couple of days ago. Started 12/06/12 at 13:45:08 by bragesjo |
2 | 5060 |
12/07/12 at 10:15:30 By: GMTonyKosten |
[B77] Topalov black in Dragon
Saw this game today, its been a while since Topalov played the Dragon as black.
Instead of playing the Topalov system (Rc8 and 0-0-0 insereted) be entered the dragon/accelerated dragon hybrid lin... Started 06/08/12 at 18:48:42 by bragesjo |
0 | 3548 |
06/08/12 at 18:48:40 By: bragesjo |
[B78] Interesting Dragon game
Today I discovered this game. I thought that it has been bery few posts lately so I post it here.
However I dont get it to work with the pgn player at this forum... [Event "20th Sigeman & C... Started 05/10/12 at 11:30:40 by bragesjo |
4 | 5664 |
05/27/12 at 11:01:17 By: bragesjo |
B78: Chapter on 13.Bh6
Any body got the last chapter of this blogger?. If so please provide me a copy if possible. Responde with an attachment to this tread.
http://openingtheory.wordpress.com/2011/01/25/new-chapter-on... Started 02/26/11 at 17:11:33 by XChess1971 |
10 | 10287 |
09/16/11 at 10:00:11 By: bragesjo |
Nd5 ideas in the Bc4 Yugoslav
The latest update contains some material I sent in some time ago featuring Nigel Povah's old Nd5 idea in the Yugoslav with Bc4, i.e. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8...
Started 12/25/10 at 11:57:59 by Phil Adams |
1 | 2491 |
12/25/10 at 13:26:55 By: Fausto Alava-Moreno |
Carlsen's 12. --a6
I am interested in the following variation:
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.Bc4 Bd7 10.Bb3 Rc8 11.0-0-0 Ne5 12.Kb1 a6 113.h4 h5 14.g4 Started 03/20/09 at 05:20:30 by gustaf « Pages 1 2 all » |
27 | 17730 |
11/28/10 at 20:11:36 By: bragesjo |
Andrew Martin´s refutation of the main line 9. Bc4
Having had enough of the Soltis main line bookloads of theory?? Try the old main line I thought: a pawn is a pawn.... First have a look at Andrew Martin´s ´refutations´:
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4... Started 03/21/08 at 20:27:42 by dragonmaster |
13 | 9551 |
11/01/10 at 12:28:51 By: bragesjo |
Dragon in trouble Bc4 yugoslav
Maybee it is just me being pessemistic but the new book "The cutting edge : The open sicilian 1" by Milos Pavlovic has coem out now.
I have scimmed the 3 dragon chapters without using board or en... Started 04/29/10 at 09:48:22 by bragesjo |
4 | 4343 |
05/03/10 at 09:36:11 By: Chess_Addict |
Early Bh6 in dragon.....
so here i am looking for a nice chinese dragon after 9.Bc4 Bd7 and all of a sudden........ 10.Bh6. how very annoying....
any suggestions? it seems like an innacurate move order but i lost the ga... Started 06/09/08 at 21:43:03 by Chessmoby |
8 | 5032 |
04/28/10 at 12:35:52 By: joakimvitriol |
I want to give a "sad" story about myself I had 2 days ago. I will give the "complete" story that may not interest everyone, so for the reader interested by concrete dragon discussion, he ... Started 03/07/10 at 02:55:21 by ArKheiN |
11 | 6509 |
03/08/10 at 17:22:04 By: Paddy |
Kiril Georgiev in the Dragon
This game was played yesterday at EU championship. I thought that he only played Najdorf these days. This game is model game how to handle the white pieces in Topalov system when black made a dubios o...
Started 03/08/10 at 16:19:42 by bragesjo |
0 | 1654 |
03/08/10 at 16:19:40 By: bragesjo |
Karjakin-Shirov Topalov line 2009
I just noticed that Shirov is champion blacks couse in Dragon, Yugoslav attack, Bc4, Topalov system. This game was play today. However my analyse is quick and I mayed have missed something.
The g... Started 09/06/09 at 19:02:18 by bragesjo « Pages 1 2 all » |
15 | 10198 |
10/06/09 at 17:21:39 By: Cougar64 |
12. Kb1 b5
My interest in this was sparked after seeing the game Yu Shaoteng vs Le Quang Liem annonated in the June update. I found it quite disappointing that noone seemed interested in discussing it(unless I ...
Started 09/14/09 at 12:03:52 by Koji |
0 | 1505 |
09/14/09 at 12:03:50 By: Koji |
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