This thread is very intersting but has gone quite dead for awhile. So here's an attempt to revive it and hopefully many of the new (?) members here will follow
Me: law student, plays one "serious" rated tournament a year (i have no time!), Elo: 2000~2100. I hope to be an FM at some point in my life. I have fantasies of quitting law and starting a chess career! But its really a fantasy for now...
Openings: 1. d4 as White. But I play it rather aggressively: Basically its f3 systems against just about everything.
4. f3 in nimzo, Samisch KID. (actually I play 3. f3 so I suppose its f3 against grunfeld too), f3 in benko, benoni kapengut etc. Against QGD I go for exchange with Nge2 (again intending f3 and e4).
I may be the only person in the world with this repertoire but I think it should be more popular. If anything its very thematic... Isn't it always a struggle for the e4 square in so many openings?? Playing f3 resolves the issue once and for all.
Weaker players are simply steamrolled in about 20 moves. I never have problems beating weaker players with White!
But no blackmar diemer for me though, even though it involves f3! I am aggressive but I try to stick with sounder lines
I believe all f3 lines are quite sound although f3 looks ugly in some openings.
My opening for White, unlike Alumbrado, obviously isn’t according to Kramnik. I still haven’t found any GM with such a "consistent" repertoire as I have though! Please let me know if you people know anybody for me to follow. Right now I'm mostly looking at Dreev's games as he plays many lines i do.
As black I play Caro-kann/Alekhine/ French in decreasing order of frequency against 1. e4. and nimzo/QID/bogo/black knights tango against 1. d4. I like 1… e5 against the English.
I am hoping to sharpen my play with Black so the next year will see me playing more alekhines and French rather than my good ol Caro. I have also been learning the dutch from simon williams’ book.
That's all from me for now. I hope to get to know more chessplayers here. Do let me know what you think of my odd(?) repertoire!