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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Is the Albin Any Good (Read 79557 times)
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #66 - 06/14/08 at 16:11:51
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Just return the pawn and develop, say 6.g3 Nxe5 7.Nxe5 Qxe5 8.Nf3 and 9.Bg2. White will have active pieces and pawn d4 is a target.

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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #65 - 06/14/08 at 02:53:41
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did anyone ever refute the 5.nbd2 qe7 line for black? It looks tricky at least
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #64 - 01/08/08 at 12:25:04
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The Albin seems also very attractive to me as the Chigorin or the budapest at a least level 

rooksway18 wrote on 01/05/08 at 20:07:31:

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 d
I too am an ex Albin player, MNb (but I prefer 5...Bf5 over 5...Nge7 in answer to 5.g3 or 5.Nbd2) so the Albin's soundness is interesting to me for some of the same reasons.

Here's one reason why I'm reluctant to play the Albin:

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.g3 Bf5 6.Bg2 Qd7 7.00 (the line '5...Bf5 Albin players' hope for!?) 

Now 7...Bh6 (7...000 8.Qb3 has been miserable for black, although IM Tim Taylor tried 7...000 against GM Varuzhan Akobian who prefered 8.Qa4 Bh3 9.a3 Bg2 10.Kg2 h5 11.h4 Nh6 12.b4 Kb8 13.b5 Ne7 14.Bg5 in 03'; white eventually won. I offer 9...h5 as a possible improvement, with the idea of getting in a quick ...h4 before white can block it with h4 as GM Akobian did.) 

8.e6 ("...buys white a move. In this position, black would have no qualms about that at all, but in another situation..." C.Ward) 8...Be6

But now I have a qualm with 9.Qb3. I tried 9...Na5 but then lost to 10.Qd3, which seems to give white a nice advantage, while 9...Rb8 looks wrong although it may threaten 10...b5 to win the pinned c4 pawn.

I just saw a recent game with this thema with a very short analysis I added (I spent always few minutes sorry)....and it is french notation. This line always seems venimous

Martinovic,S (2400) - Dimitrov,R (2254) [D09]
Open Pula CRO (5), 26.06.2007

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 d4 4.Cf3 Cc6 5.g3 Fg4 6.Fg2 Dd7 7.0-0 0-0-0 8.Db3 Cge7 9.Td1 [9.Fg5 h6 10.Fxe7 Fxe7 11.Ca3 (11.Cbd2 h5 12.Tfd1 Df5 13.Dd3 Dxd3 14.exd3 g5) 11...The8] 9...Df5 10.Ca3 [10.Cg5 h6 11.Fe4 Dxe5] 10...Cg6 11.Da4 d3 12.Fe3 Fxa3 13.bxa3 dxe2 14.Txd8+ Txd8 15.Cd2 Cgxe5 16.Fe4 Dxe4 0-1

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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #63 - 01/05/08 at 20:07:31
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MNb wrote on 12/31/04 at 07:57:14:
After 5...Bf5 6.a3 is best. We have discussed that before in this thread.

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.Nbd2 Bf5 6.a3 Qd7 MNb also mentions 7.b4, but I found some interesting games with 7...Bxb4, and also a game with 7...Qe6, looking to regain the gambit pawn since white is playing somewhat slowly (the pin set up on the d file with a ...000 looks nice for black).

In this thread, MNb also gave 6.Nb3 Bb4+ 7.Bd2 Qe7 8.Bb4 Qb4+ 9.Qd2 as better for white, but why not 9...Qd2+? For example: 10.Nbd2 000 11.000 Nge7 12.e3 Ng6 to play ...Nxe5?  

I too am an ex Albin player, MNb (but I prefer 5...Bf5 over 5...Nge7 in answer to 5.g3 or 5.Nbd2) so the Albin's soundness is interesting to me for some of the same reasons.

Here's one reason why I'm reluctant to play the Albin:

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.g3 Bf5 6.Bg2 Qd7 7.00 (the line '5...Bf5 Albin players' hope for!?) 

Now 7...Bh6 (7...000 8.Qb3 has been miserable for black, although IM Tim Taylor tried 7...000 against GM Varuzhan Akobian who prefered 8.Qa4 Bh3 9.a3 Bg2 10.Kg2 h5 11.h4 Nh6 12.b4 Kb8 13.b5 Ne7 14.Bg5 in 03'; white eventually won. I offer 9...h5 as a possible improvement, with the idea of getting in a quick ...h4 before white can block it with h4 as GM Akobian did.) 

8.e6 ("...buys white a move. In this position, black would have no qualms about that at all, but in another situation..." C.Ward) 8...Be6

But now I have a qualm with 9.Qb3. I tried 9...Na5 but then lost to 10.Qd3, which seems to give white a nice advantage, while 9...Rb8 looks wrong although it may threaten 10...b5 to win the pinned c4 pawn.
« Last Edit: 01/05/08 at 21:28:36 by rooksway18 »  
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #62 - 12/22/07 at 04:46:57
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As far as I know 3...a6 is the main reply to 3. Nc3 in the QGA.  I certainly don't believe that White is fighting for equality in the case of 3. Nc3 e5 4. e3.
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #61 - 12/22/07 at 02:51:13
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alumbrado wrote on 12/20/07 at 11:36:27:
Black has 3...dxc4, of course, transposing to the QGA  line 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.Nc3!? and then 3...e5, which I think is the main response to 3.Nc3.  that might put a lot of White players off if this is not their weapon of choice vs the QGA.

As well it should, as this line is not so good for white giving away all initiative and fighting for equality after move 3.


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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #60 - 12/20/07 at 11:36:27
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Black has 3...dxc4, of course, transposing to the QGA  line 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.Nc3!? and then 3...e5, which I think is the main response to 3.Nc3.  that might put a lot of White players off if this is not their weapon of choice vs the QGA.

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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #59 - 12/19/07 at 23:40:00
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If anyone wants to try something off-beat against the Albin, take a look at

dealing with 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 3.Nc3. This seems no as innocent as theory wants us to believe.
Please scroll down a bit.

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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #58 - 10/16/05 at 13:11:27
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I'm curious what you guys think of 1.d4 d4 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.Bf4 ? This line is annoying as white can protect e5 and set up e3. What do you guys think is the best way for black to continue?

Ben -

5...Nge7 6.Nbd2 Ng6 7.Bg3 h5 8.h4 Bf5 9.Qb3 Qd7 is no problem for black.

- Lost Highway
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #57 - 10/16/05 at 09:33:07
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GM Flear,

If you can't advertise yourself here, where can you promote your work? Cheesy

As you may have read in some other posts, I loved your The Slav for the Tournament Player and hope you'll write an updated version soon.  I know that you recently published a Starting Out book on the Slav and Semi-Slav, but it just made me hungrier for a more theoretical book on the Slav itself.  Do you have any plans for such a book in the future?
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Glenn Curtis Flear

Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #56 - 10/16/05 at 03:29:06
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After 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e5 3 dxe5 d4 I'm dealing with 'Spassky's' 4 e4 in the October update.

As for 4 Nf3 Nc6 5 Nbd2 if Morozevich can beat world class players with 5...Nge7 then it can't be too bad!
It all depends on who is handling the Black pieces, I'm not sure the Albin will suit everyone. Keep reading the updates to see if it's for you... (shameless self-advertising, but....).


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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #55 - 10/13/05 at 01:47:43
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I took a look at your website and you have some interesting information there.  The Albin seems well suited to players such as Morozevich who like to fish in murky water.   

Moro is well known for his love of obscure lines that work well in blitz, and even in longer games but he never sits still.  His repertoire would probably not withstand the close scrutiny of repeatedly playing the same lines against other 2700+ players so he is wise to mix things up quite a bit.

Of course, if he can be successful this way at the elite level an expert should be able to do similarly well at the expert level.  I know from personal experience that I face the Albin about 3 times in a decade.  My record in my last three were 1-2.  The one win was in a slow time control and the two losses were in fast time controls.  I don't think that's a coincidence.

My opponent all three times was the same expert who is a very nice guy with lots and lots of tricks up his sleeve.  But I just don't believe in his opening. 

Unfortunately for me though, I don't invest very much time working out the middle game plans in the Albin because I just don't see them very often.  And my laziness bites me every time I play him a quick game!

Your website mostly confirms what I already know:  The Albin is very tricky, but it isn't a reliable weapon unless you have many such tricky openings in your repertoire or you don't play in very many tournaments.
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #54 - 10/12/05 at 21:53:49
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I'm glad the conversation finally got around to the critical line, 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.Nbd2! Nge7!? which Nakamura and Morozevich have both used with success.  But neither have had to face the recommended 6.Nb3 Nf5 7.e4! going into an advantageous ending.

I recently posted an annotated bibliography on the Albin focused on ...Nge7 for Black:

As I say there, it seems to be the Albin's last stand....  But if the GMs have a solution to 7.e4 then maybe it's playable.  In any case, it's interesting that none of the writers claiming to "refute" the Albin considers ...Nge7 lines.

I also annotate the fascinating game Topalov-Morozevich, Monte Carlo Rapid 2005 for you Albin fans:

I may be posting some more Albin-related stuff so stay tuned!
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #53 - 10/06/05 at 19:46:40
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That's right.  Also explains Nakamura's success.

- Lost Highway
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Re: Is the Albin Any Good
Reply #52 - 10/06/05 at 19:23:44
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The Albin is pretty much a C+ opening.  A few tricks to avoid, and white is better.  It's main value is surprise.  However, some people won't be surprised, and then black usually loses.

I guess the only way to explain Morozevich's success is that a C+ opening in the hands of an A+ player ends up being a B/B+ performance.
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