MNb wrote on 12/31/04 at 07:57:14:
After 5...Bf5 6.a3 is best. We have discussed that before in this thread.
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.Nbd2 Bf5 6.a3 Qd7 MNb also mentions 7.b4, but I found some interesting games with 7...Bxb4, and also a game with 7...Qe6, looking to regain the gambit pawn since white is playing somewhat slowly (the pin set up on the d file with a ...000 looks nice for black).
In this thread, MNb also gave 6.Nb3 Bb4+ 7.Bd2 Qe7 8.Bb4 Qb4+ 9.Qd2 as better for white, but why not 9...Qd2+? For example: 10.Nbd2 000 11.000 Nge7 12.e3 Ng6 to play ...Nxe5?
I too am an ex Albin player, MNb (but I prefer 5...Bf5 over 5...Nge7 in answer to 5.g3 or 5.Nbd2) so the Albin's soundness is interesting to me for some of the same reasons.
Here's one reason why I'm reluctant to play the Albin:
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.g3 Bf5 6.Bg2 Qd7 7.00 (the line '5...Bf5 Albin players' hope for!?)
Now 7...Bh6 (7...000 8.Qb3 has been miserable for black, although IM Tim Taylor tried 7...000 against GM Varuzhan Akobian who prefered 8.Qa4 Bh3 9.a3 Bg2 10.Kg2 h5 11.h4 Nh6 12.b4 Kb8 13.b5 Ne7 14.Bg5 in 03'; white eventually won. I offer 9...h5 as a possible improvement, with the idea of getting in a quick ...h4 before white can block it with h4 as GM Akobian did.)
8.e6 ("...buys white a move. In this position, black would have no qualms about that at all, but in another situation..." C.Ward) 8...Be6
But now I have a qualm with 9.Qb3. I tried 9...Na5 but then lost to 10.Qd3, which seems to give white a nice advantage, while 9...Rb8 looks wrong although it may threaten 10...b5 to win the pinned c4 pawn.