YAY! was starting to get a little sick of all the grunfeld and especially stonewall discussions and was wondering if i'd have to create a thread for this myself. i'm trying to drop the stonewall! i hate it! i hate it! i hate it! if any 1.d4 reply deserves this section's "daring defenses to 1.d4" it's the albin! stonewall? daring? how dare you even imply it!
i watched the great foxy openings video on the albin on youtube a couple times and started transcribing it into a tree to study. it has some really different tactics, particularly Qf4 to g4 behind the bishop, but that's what i live for, and the albin looks only about an infinity funner to play than the stonewall.
didn't read anything just yet, just jumping right in as i can't wait to finish an opening book to study and start playing this.
as this is a specialists thread, could anyone offer gambit repertoire suggestions to compliment the albin? i'll be playing the vector gambit against the english to get that outta my stonewall. i have no clues about 1.Nf3 or bird etc. though i kind of like stonewalling birds just because i know the turf there, but would try something like 1.f4 e5 as a gambit as i know from experience early e pawn breaks destroy the entire stonewall plan at least.
maybe pointers on which lines i'd use the most in a black repertoire would help. as i stonewalled against everything but 1.e4 & 1.g4, i never really noticed how many english vs queen's gambits, vs kings indians etc. i faced as most of the time, the opening is on autopilot in the stonewall.
as to 1.e4, i just dropped the scandinavian and am just trying to play the latvian gambit as much like king's gambit as possible. i'm literally re-building my entire black repertiore with latvian and albin as my main black lines.
i'd really appreciate a payback line against 1.d4 d5 2.Bf5. that one used to ruin my stonewall plan, now i'd like a battle plan against that in particular.
what about other albin sidesteps? i'd guess not much more than half of 1.d4 players play 2.c4. that's another stumbling block to my not playing it yesterday. declined lines are always the most annoying for gambiteers. am i right?
as an "introduction" while i'm here, i just dropped wing gambit for
smith morra gambit in the sicilian and instantly got it and love it. i'm still fishing around for a rip the french a new one gambit and have dabbled with
diemer duhm gambit (awesome theory tree online!) and have done best with the exchange french probably so far. was planning to get 4 gambits to beat the french and figure it out. i'm still playing
king's knight gambit but want to start from scratch with the "newer"
king's bishop gambit. had success with
150 attack pirc and need theory to re-learn it possibly as a smith morra alternative even, still play
krejcik alekhine (1.e4 Nf6 2.Bc4 Nxe4 3.Bxf7+!?), have had mixed results with
ulysses gambit in the carokann, play the
tennison gambit in the scandinavian very badly and would try the blackmar diemer instead if i could find sawyer's unobtanium book and maybe even use it as a plan B to 1.e4, but that would require a 1.d4 repertoire, and generally play e4/d4 against hypermoderns and anything else i can.
as black, just switched from scandinavian to
latvian gambit and plan to learn the
vector gambit in the english as i patch up the theory holes in my repertoire with the new latvian and
albin countergambit systems i'm learning.
another line at the top of my study list is the
falkbeer counter gambit in king's gambit and learn it from both sides against y'all here. i've only seen a few king's gambits as black so far and played 1 or 2 symmetricals and at least 1x 2...Be7 which annoys me as white
this is the kind of resource i need to find a gambit repertoire without playing the needle in a haystack game trying to dig lines up from scratch. if it wasn't the albin, it would be budapest, and a repertoire for 1...Nf6's theory gaps.
i'd be happy to answer any questions anyone might have about the gambits i play too. scorned as we gambiteers are by grandmasters, it's hard for us to build repertoires.
i have two gambit repertoire books that didn't help much. that's a joke a few of you should get. i don't get the prices used albin books go for either. was going to get a smaller repertoire book that has the albin in it to compliment the albin video. i just hope the rest of you albin players leave me a few scalps until i start playing it.