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Normal Topic King's Gambit Fischer Defence (Read 3474 times)
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Re: King's Gambit Fischer Defence
Reply #2 - 10/10/05 at 23:08:18
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Re: King's Gambit Fischer Defence
Reply #1 - 07/24/03 at 08:49:14
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it looks OK to me. After 7...Kxf7 8. Nxe4 you are going to get your pawn back (I don't think Black can play ...g5 with his king so exposed) Maybe 8...Re8 9. 0-0 Kg8 10. Bxf4 d5 11. Ng3 White has chances of an attack. So I would give it ! rather than ?
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Joined: 07/23/03
King's Gambit Fischer Defence
07/23/03 at 12:48:10
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1.e5 e5
2.f4 exf4
3.Nf3 d6
4.Bc4 Nf6
5.Nc3 Be7
6.d4 Nxe4
7.Bxf7 ! or ?

Is my seventh move any good? I like this better than 7.Nxe4 d5... but i am not sure of the advantage (or disadvantage) i get.

Watch out for the vikings! well, It's only me is on it's way in the mail, can't wait until i get my hand on it, AJ Miles rock my world... in chess.
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