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Reply #6 - 12/22/03 at 18:13:41
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Why not 6...Qe7?  Is there something I'm missing?

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Re: 1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 f5?!
Reply #5 - 12/21/03 at 15:17:17
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I ran the position through Fritz very briefly after 1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 f5?! 4.exf5 exf5 5.Qh5+ g6 6.Qe2+ Ne7 and it immediately suggested both 7.Qe5, hitting the h8-rook, and 7.d4, preferring the former (it also liked d4 on the 8th move, after 7.Qe5).  This may not be an immediate tactical refutation of 3...f5?!, but 7.Qe5 graphically highlights Black's airy dark squares and that he/she will not be able to castle anytime soon (Black's KR has to move to g8 and his/her entire queenside is still at home).  White can likely use this time to get a nice lead in development.
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Glenn Snow
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Reply #4 - 11/18/03 at 18:18:08
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I concur with your agreeal. Grin  I believe the suggested 4.g3 is probably best.
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Reply #3 - 11/17/03 at 11:47:58
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Agree with what the others have said - it doesn't look that good to me

"When I am White, I am because I am White. When I am Black, I win because I am Bogolyubov" (?!) - Efim Bogolyubov, noted chess player and optimist.
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Reply #2 - 11/16/03 at 09:17:36
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I think it is better to maintain the tension with a move like 4.g3.  This reminds me of a stonewall vs. king's indian, which isn't exactly a stonewaller's dream position.  Also, another move is 4.Qh5+ g6 5. Qe2 with a later g3 most likely.  3...f5 seems dubious to me.  Black has greatly comprimised his structure on move 3 without provocation.

4.exf5 exf5 doesn't seem to give white much.  It doesn't seem like white can cause much danger on the kingside if black simply develops.  Also, I don't see why black will have an isolated d-pawn.

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Reply #1 - 11/15/03 at 19:21:01
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This indeed appears to be specific to the French. However, 4. exf5 exf5 should be fine for White with Black having to worry about a drafty kingside and the isolated d-pawn, not to mention being behind in development.
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Glenn Snow
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C00: KIA
11/15/03 at 17:04:22
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I recently had a new move played against me in the King's Indian Attack Var. of the French.  After, 1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 f5!?.  This is new to me anyway.  Any ideas on how to meat it or on it's value?  PS --  Did I put this question in the right section?  Thought about flank openings, but this position seems specific to the French move order.
« Last Edit: 08/03/11 at 20:46:52 by dom »  
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