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Mike Thomas
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Re: Winawer
Reply #8 - 01/13/04 at 18:15:04
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Where can I get Watson's new edition of this classic?  Looked all over the web and can't find anyone who has it in stock yet. (US) is now listing the book as having a "Usually ships within 24 hours" availability, so it looks like it's finally available in North America. WooHooo!!  Smiley
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Re: Winawer
Reply #7 - 01/06/04 at 07:23:27
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Follow link to AMAZON UK chess  web site:

Publisher is EVERYMAN.

You can find related information using Kartoo search engine: go to and search words: Watson French Everyman

...but best is to go to:
and note ISBN number (book references)

and go to to and click on 'how to order' to get name of selling companies.

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Re: Winawer
Reply #6 - 01/05/04 at 20:15:44
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Where can I get Watson's new edition of this classic?  Looked all over the web and can't find anyone who has it in stock yet.
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Re: Winawer
Reply #5 - 12/27/03 at 11:42:47
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For the record, in the 3rd edition of Play the French (just out), John Watson gives a repertoire based on 7...0-0 (replacing the 7...Qc7 lines he gave in previous editions).

He also has a section on 6...Qc7 (intending 7.Qg4 f5!?) which is writen by Norwegian FM Hans Olav Lahlum.

He claims the changes are simply to 'refresh' the repertoire (he has alos replaced the old 3...Nf6 lines in the Tarrasch with 3...Be7, and included a repertoire based on 3.Nc3 Nf6) but I wonder if there is perhaps a slight loss of faith in the old 'Poisoned Pawn' lines?

Either way, with Watson recommending it, you can be sure to see more of 7...0-0 from now on.  Wink

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Re: Winawer
Reply #4 - 12/27/03 at 09:53:11
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At the start of this month I played this line and my opponent played 7...Ng6?!. I played 8.h4, and eventually struggled to draw. 8.h4 still looks right to me, but Ng6 definitely isn't a mainline move, so... - anyone know what white should follow up with?

Craig  Grin

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Re: Winawer
Reply #3 - 12/01/03 at 18:13:21
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Really?  O-O is a mainline move?!  I knew about Qc7 but never thought about the castling...I just figured it seemed quite dangerous...Now I really do need to look up some information on this line!   

NeX iRae
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Re: Winawer
Reply #2 - 12/01/03 at 17:24:40
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Though I don't recall the exact theory, 7...O-O!? is a perfectly reasonable move for black and has been played numerous times at the top level by French specialists. As far as I remember from when I used to play the poisoned pawn against the winawer, it is probably a safer road to equality than the insane complications of 7...Qc7 8. Qxg7 Rg8 9. Qxh7 which is the main line of the Winawer Poisoned Pawn and requires both sides (especially white) to know a ridiculous amount the theory. Also 7...Kf8!? is another alternative which is thought to be fine for black and I believe this was a favorite of Eingorn some time ago.
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Re: Winawer
Reply #1 - 12/01/03 at 17:10:32
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O-O is one of the two main moves in this position (the other being Qc7) and has been played by many strong grandmasters so you won't find a refutation of it easily. I'm not an expert on this line but I believe that the key move for black is f5, when if white leaves the pawn it blocks the attack, and if he takes it black has the f-file and is threatening e5 when his pieces come to life.

I would suggest that you'll find an opening manual useful, otherwise you keep having to reinvent the wheel.

Ben Hague
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C18: Winawer
12/01/03 at 16:11:17
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In an outing against a computer (which always surprises me...) I encountered an ugly move...yet could not decide the correct course.

1.e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 Ne7 Qg4 0-0!? 

This move, 0-0, seems so wrong and against all human intuition!  Black seems to be castling directly into the attack and I could not force my way through!  The computer quickly refuted a Bxh7+ sac that I made...despite having no defenders on the king-side!  Help me defeat this crazy computer!

Really in need of MCO,
NeX iRae
« Last Edit: 08/03/11 at 20:45:06 by dom »  
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