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Normal Topic QGA 3.e3 (Read 2652 times)
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Re: QGA 3.e3
Reply #1 - 12/28/03 at 08:04:03
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Greetings All,

The move 3. e3 does not begin any particular line, it’s just one of the main continuations, which can still lead to many important variations. I mean that after 3. e3 the real theory is not started yet. Black has some good options but the true QGA players usually prefers a common approach: 3. ..Nf6 4. Bc4 e6 followed by …c7-c5, …a7-a6, getting the main position of the system with e2-e3, which is thoroughly considered on the site.  Smiley

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QGA 3.e3
12/01/03 at 16:28:49
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Just wondering, has any theory been further developed on this line?  Does black have a move which has been scoring particularly well lately?  Once again, in reference to one of my books, black's choice of moves are ambiguous as to which is the most ambitious.  Is e5 considered good?  c5?  Nf6? e6? Be6 (a strange but occasionally played move in a few QGA vars)? 

NeX iRae
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