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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Keres System against English 2.g3 (Read 65517 times)
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #48 - 03/02/07 at 00:48:37
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Thanks for pointing that out MarinFan, I thought it was another thread in question..

I don't like 1.c4 e5 2. g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c6 4.Nf3 e4 5.Nd5 d5 6.cxd Qxd all that much for white, so I think I will try 4.d4.  It will be interesting.

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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #47 - 03/01/07 at 20:17:37
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I think you mean one of the first post's of this thread. Personally I don't think white has much chance for advantage after, 4.d4, and should try one of the 4Nf3 e4 ones... 

That may be but Black doesn't appear to be able to equalize with 4.d4 exd4 (4...Bb4+ is solid) 5.Qxd4 Na6 (probably the old move 5...d5 is best).  For the reason why just look at the previous posts which shows White has at least 2 effective answers.
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #46 - 03/01/07 at 15:34:50
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I think you mean one of the first post's of this thread. Personally I don't think white has much chance for advantage after, 4.d4, and should try one of the 4Nf3 e4 ones...

Bye John S
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #45 - 03/01/07 at 11:46:50
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Incindentally, Kosten has some important material on this variation.  I had brought up the topic of 1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c6 4.d4 exd4 5.Qxd4 Na6, before I became a subscriber to  I think in an early post I had given, 6.Nf3 Bc5 7.Qe5+ (Kosten writes that this is the only try for advantage instead of 7.Qd1 which gives Black more options, but see his annotations.)

Anyone know where I can find this post?

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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #44 - 06/05/06 at 21:04:48
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"1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c6 4.d4 exd4 5.Qxd4 Na6 6.Nf3 Bc5 7.Qe5+ Qe7 8.Qxe7 Bxe7 9.Nc3 Nb4 10.Nd4!?", Frendo.

"Yes, I think you're right, 9 Nc3 and 10 Nd4! offers a small edge, and is better than my choice. Incidentally, I think that 6 Nc3 is better still, see my game against Schwarz from late last year, where I was suffering as Black!", Tony Kosten.

Schwarz - Kosten
6.Nc3 Bc5 7.Qe5+ Qe7 8.Qxe7+ Bxe7 9.Bf4 0-0 10.0-0-0 Rd8 11.Bd6 Bxd6 12.Rxd6 Ng4 13.Nh3 Nc7 14.b3 Ne8 15.Rd2 d6 16.e4 f6 17.Nf4 Ne5 18.h3 Kf8 19.Nfe2 Rb8 20.f4 Nf7 21.Nd4 a6 22.Rhd1 Bd7 23.Nc2.
1/2-1/2, Austria, AUT-chT 2005.
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #43 - 07/01/04 at 16:58:44
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11.Qh4 looks interesting to me to.  I wonder if Black can get away with playing 11...Be7!? possibly with the idea of following up with ...h6.  Of course the postion could repeat if White decides to play 12.Qd4.  Possibly Black could keep the ...Be7 idea in reserve.
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #42 - 07/01/04 at 16:46:18
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I just played my first game in this variation (on-line blitz game) inspired by this thread. My opponent played 11. Qh4 which looks interesting to me.

1. c4 e5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 c6 4. d4 exd4 5. Qxd4 Na6 6. Nf3 Bc5 7. Qe5+ Be7 8. O-O O-O 9. Nc3 Re8 10. Qd4 Bc5 11. Qh4!?

I can't find any games with this move but it looks very logical to me. What do you think? Is there something that makes Qd1 a clearly better move?

I chose to continue 11...h6 which I think is ok, but after 12. a3 I played 12...d6 which is probably a mistake. Maybe I should have played 12...d5 at once? After 13. cxd5 Nxd5 14. Qxd8 Rxd8, the position looks equal.
« Last Edit: 07/02/04 at 03:31:42 by Lobachevsky »  
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #41 - 06/27/04 at 18:42:36
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In the line I gave with 13.Be3 I suppose Black might try 13...Bxc3+.  I assumed before that the 2-Bishops, space, open lines, and development advantage would more than offset the bad pawn structure.  Fritz thinks that 13...Bxc3+ is worse than 13...Bxe3.  I agree with your statement that both lines (13.Be3 and 13.Ne2) seem to leave only White with winning chances (at least with strong players, which pretty much excludes me).
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #40 - 06/27/04 at 18:30:35
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This looks good also. Like the other line, it is White who has all of the winning chances.
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #39 - 06/27/04 at 15:16:35
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You're absolutely right.  Not sure how I missed that one.  Oh well.  Besides your 13.Ne2 Bb6 (maybe 14.b4!? next) there is also 13.Be3!?, which might preserve an edge after 13...Bxe3 14.fxe3, with ideas like b4-b5 and Kd2.
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #38 - 06/27/04 at 14:23:17
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This looks like the best move in the position.  Smiley

However, I think that after 10. Nd4 Bc5 11. a3 Black should play Nd3!? instead of Bxd4, when after 12. exd3 Bxd4 13. Ne2 Bb6, Whites advantage, while it is indisputable, is much smaller than in the line you gave.
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #37 - 06/25/04 at 23:22:19
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I thought I'd give one more shot at trying to find something for White.  What do you think about:

1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c6 4.d4 exd4 5.Qxd4 Na6 6.Nf3 Bc5 7.Qe5+ Qe7 8.Qxe7 Bxe7 (8...Kxd7? 9.a3) 9.Nc3 Nb4, (Kosten has given 9...d5 10.cxd5 Nb4 11.dxc6!, a strong move that strong players have missed, 11...Nc2+ 12.Kf1 Nxa1 13.Nd4 Be6 14.cxb7 Rb8 15.Bf4) and now the move I'd like to look at is 10.Nd4!?, with the following ideas, 10...Bc5 (10...d5 11.a3; 10...c5 11.Ndb5 Nc2+ 12.Kd2 Nxa1 13.Nc7+ Kd8 14.Nxa8 ) 11.a3 Bxd4 12.axb4 Ke7 (12...d6 13.b5 Bd7 14.0-0 Ke7 15.Rd1) 13.b5 Rd8 14.0-0 d5 15.cxd5 cxd5 16.Rd1 Bxc3 17.bxc3.

Let me know what you think but please be gentle.  I threw this together while waiting for my girlfriend to get back from the grocery store.   Wink
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John Cox

Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #36 - 06/25/04 at 20:18:11
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I'm afraid I think you're being a bit optimistic that 5...Kta6 isn't well-known, Glenn, at any rate over here. Apart from Kosten-Collins, another 4NCL game Taylor-Palliser (and maybe even also the still duller Cox-Collinson) helped spread the word, and there was also an article in an NiC Yearbook. Depends on the level of course, but I'd say most 2200+ players over here for whom it matters know of this move, and if anyone of them know any useful tries for White, they're not telling!
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #35 - 06/21/04 at 18:02:18
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I would say 2.g3 is still a good practical weapon.  I'm still not sure if Black's best responses are widely known.  Especially at club level.  The same could be said for Tony's repertoire against the symmetrical with 2.g3.
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Re: Keres System against English 2.g3
Reply #34 - 06/21/04 at 15:11:17
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Now looking again at my e3 idea, I think you are definately right that White doesn't get any advantage (and might have a disadvantage). Loking over Tony's analysis, I think White should refrain from the 2. g3 move order.
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