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Poll Question: Which Yugoslav Attack line would you like to defend least?
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9.Bc4 ( You play 10...Qa5 )    
  6 (21.4%)
9.Bc4 ( You play Rc8 and 12...Nc4)    
  0 (0.0%)
9.Bc4 ( You play Rc8 and 12...h5)    
  1 (3.6%)
9.Bc4 ( You play 10... Rb8 OR 9... Nd7 )    
  2 (7.1%)
9.0-0-0 ( You play 9... d5)    
  8 (28.6%)
9.0-0-0 ( You play 9...Nxd4 and Be6 )    
  5 (17.9%)
9.0-0-0 ( You play 9.Bd7 and Rc8 )    
  4 (14.3%)
9.g4 ( You play ....Nxd4 and Be6)    
  0 (0.0%)
9.g4 ( You play 9... Be6 and Ne5)    
  1 (3.6%)
9.g4 ( You play 9...Bd7 and Rc8 )    
  1 (3.6%)

Total votes: 28
Normal Topic Annoying lines (Read 5583 times)
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Re: Annoying lines
Reply #6 - 02/09/04 at 19:56:50
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I changed it, but in the future I think that since you made the poll, you should be able to modify it. I know that you can modify your own posts in any forum.

The wording may be a little awkward but it was the best I could do given that the # of characters is limited.
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poll is for black players! :)
Reply #5 - 02/09/04 at 19:37:58
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Ok, I understand that you wouldn't want to spend a lot of time on the opening 80% of your opponents play anti-sicilians..
From my own point of view I can say that I most often met these lines until my rating increased to around 2300. Then I started to meet higherrated players who played for a killing advantage from move 1, and I've had a lot of open sicilians since...  Wink

Hmm ok I can see now how one can misunderstand AmateurD...  I was thinking that it's white to move at move 9 and "which line would you rather not face, 9.Bc4, 9.0-0-0..." etc followed by what line YOU play (ex. Qa5). So it's written from the black perspective since you choose the white move you don't want to face followed by the black variation you play..

Perhaps you can edit the text on the poll to something more instructive, like "Which line would you rather not face from the black side?"

Also I think there are some differences between the two lines you mentioned. If white castles early and quickly follows with Kb1 it will be harder for black to play Qa5 (although he sometimes can anyway) but I can see that the two often transpose so maybe I should have put them together (9.0-0-0 AND 9.g4, I play Bd7 Rc8...)
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Re: Annoying lines
Reply #4 - 02/09/04 at 16:24:16
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I don't understand the nature of the poll. I'm assuming you mean which variation would you rather not have to defend with the black pieces, but the way it's written makes it sound like it's a poll for white players and you want to know which Black defense do they least want to face. That's why I didn't respond until today. I voted for 9. O-O-O w/ Bd7 and Rc8 (which really shouldn't be separate from 9. g4 w/ Bd7 and Rc8) because I would hate to have to DEFEND that position from the black side. However, from white's point of view, I would love to face that line and would rather not face 9...d5 in the 9. O-O-O line.
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Re: Annoying lines
Reply #3 - 02/09/04 at 11:25:51
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Why not see it from the bright side?

Obviously, Dragoneers are quite happy in the Yugoslav!  Cheesy

Speaking just for myself as ex Dragoneer, what made me give it up was mainly the increased popularity of 2.Nc3 and 2.c3 - especially when playing lower rateds who were happy to draw.

It just didn't seem worthwhile to invest so much time and effort in one defence, when you found yourself playing 1...d6, 1..Nf6 or 1...g6 against these people. 

If one persisted with 1...c5 one might get a Dragon every 5th game, but then usually some dull Be2 systems, especially the one with Re1 and Bf1, for some reason...

So when even the stronger players started playing 2.c3  Sad or even 3.Bb5+  Cry Angry it became evident that I'd be happier with something they can't avoid, like 1...d5  Cheesy or 1...e6. Cheesy

The Dragon set-up itself is still very appealing to me (just like the Leningrad Dutch still is!), but nowadays I only play it occasionally in internet blitz...
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Re: Annoying lines
Reply #2 - 02/09/04 at 09:16:49
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I guess maybe there are some openings where it is wiser just to have opinions, rather than put them to the test in practice ...  Wink

If sometimes we fly too close to the sun, at least this shows we are spreading our wings.
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where are you
Reply #1 - 02/09/04 at 07:41:28
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Ok guys, only 5 votes (including one from me)? Are you telling me that out of all the subscribers only 4 of you actually play the dragon??
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Annoying lines
02/06/04 at 12:53:26
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Hi all!

I have my own views about some of these variations and I was wondering what other dragonplayers feel about facing them over the board. I have tried to include the "main variations" and others that are recommended in WWTD 1 and 2, and also the chinese variation and that funny Nd7 line Wink

Please note that this poll is geared towards actual dragonplayers who face (some of) these variations in their games and speak from experience.

The poll is not for people who play another opening (and have never played the dragon) and think that the dragon is having problems in (for example) the soltis variation or something and just chooses that option here.

It will be interesting to see the results! Wink
« Last Edit: 02/09/04 at 19:54:40 by AmateurDragoneer »  
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