Why not see it from the bright side?
Obviously, Dragoneers are quite happy in the Yugoslav!
Speaking just for myself as ex Dragoneer, what made me give it up was mainly the increased popularity of 2.Nc3 and 2.c3 - especially when playing lower rateds who were happy to draw.
It just didn't seem worthwhile to invest so much time and effort in one defence, when you found yourself playing 1...d6, 1..Nf6 or 1...g6 against these people.
If one persisted with 1...c5 one might get a Dragon every 5th game, but then usually some dull Be2 systems, especially the one with Re1 and Bf1, for some reason...
So when even the stronger players started playing 2.c3

or even 3.Bb5+

it became evident that I'd be happier with something they can't avoid, like 1...d5

or 1...e6.
The Dragon set-up itself is still very appealing to me (just like the Leningrad Dutch still is!), but nowadays I only play it occasionally in internet blitz...