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Normal Topic Annoying line in the 9.g4 variation (Read 3563 times)

Re: Annoying line in the 9.g4 variation
Reply #4 - 05/17/04 at 08:49:14
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The suggestions given by Oldschool are intersting, but after 18.e5 ba3 Whit plays 19.Na3 instead of 19.ef6 which is fine for Black.
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Stefan Sievers (FM)

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Re: Annoying line in the 9.g4 variation
Reply #3 - 05/04/04 at 15:56:11
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Switch back to 15...fxg6. It is much more sound. Apparantly soundness is something evil for you. You belong in the material-means-nothing category so don´t worry about your pieces.

16.g5 Ne8 17. Bxg7+ Nxg7 leaves White 2 pawns up. But hey, you are an attacking player, so pawns mean nothing, You continue after 20.f4 (Fritz) with Bb3 21.Bd3 Ne6 intending Nd4 with exactly the play you deserve in this line: very unclear and almost impossible to analyse correctly.

16.e5 looks better but you have 16...bxa3 17.exf6 axb2+ 18.Bxb2 exf6 intending 19...Rxb2.

You don´t like to be a piece down for an attack? Then why do you play so ultrasharp sidelines. Rule of thumb: Ultrasharp lines, sac all your pieces, normal Dragon lines, play sound positional chess. Wink

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Re: Annoying line in the 9.g4 variation
Reply #2 - 05/02/04 at 18:54:23
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I am not afraid of 16.Nd5. Play is equal after 16...Bd5 17.g5 Ne4!
Some sources evaluate the position arising after 18.gh7 Kh8 19.Bg7 Kg7 20.Qd4 e5 21 Qd5 Qd5 22Rd5 Ng3 23.h8Q Rh8 24.Rh8 Kh8 25.Bd3 as +/=, but I had this positions two times in rapid chess and never problems to draw.
The only problem I have with 15...b4 is the line given in my first message.
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Re: Annoying line in the 9.g4 variation
Reply #1 - 05/02/04 at 09:58:01
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I haven't had the chance to look at these lines in-depth yet, but I think black should be fine and I'll try to post something. However, unless I am mistaken, I don't think this line is your biggest concern as 16. Nd5! is given by pretty much every source (including Ward and Tiviakov) as a refutation of 15...b4.
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Annoying line in the 9.g4 variation
04/26/04 at 17:49:27
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is anybody familiar with the position after
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.g4 Be6 10.0-0-0 Nd4 11.Bd4 Qa5 12.a3 Rfc8 13.h4 Rab8 14.h5 b5 15.hg6 b4 16.hg7 Kh8 17. Nb1
Tivjakov gives  17. ...Qa4 But how to continue after 
18.g5 or 18.e5.
Thanks in advance
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