I am going to post this in both King’s Indian and Flank openings because I stupidly asked the same question in both forums Thanks people for all your advice and comments……… AmateurDragoneer: I have the Dunnington on order, Thanks for the confirmation. In MCO-13, the KIA is under Flank Openings (6 pages, pp 679-684, and the KID under Indian Defense Systems (32 pages, pp 570-601. In NCO, the KIA is under the Reti Opening (4 pages, pp 15-18), while the KID (48 pages, pp. 494-541). So the comparison of attention is overwhelmingly towards the KID. In the ECO system, I found 44 King’s Indians, of which only two, A07 and A08, are KIA. The rest, A48, A49 and E60 through E99 are all KID. alumbrado: But as alumbrado says, in my beginning I did want to concentrate on one opening as White and one opening as Black, and “want an easy-to-learn off-the-shelf” system. At the tender young age of 65, I just want to be competitive with my kids. How can I find the last two flank updates? kiwi Thanks for the Maddox CD suggestion, I will try and get it. nexirae Reading the finer print, I see that it does say “Complete King’s Indian” So there seems to be legitimacy to post KIA questions in either Flank Openings or King’s Indian. Can we come to an agreement on one forum?