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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #13 - 04/20/06 at 18:58:01
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21.Nxe6 Qxe6 22.gxf5 Nf4+ 23.Kd2! does probably not save White, for example:

25. ... Rf2+ 26 KxN g5! 27 hg Bg6+ 28. Kc3 Rc2+ 29. Kb3 h5 as Martin pointed out and ... now here are a few sample lines from Fritz9

1. -+ (-1.94): 30.a4 Rac8 31.a5 R2c3+ 32.Kb2 Rxe3 33.Rg2 h4 34.e7 h3 35.Rh2 Rg3 36.Ka2 a6 
2. -+ (-1.94): 30.e4 Bxe4 31.e7 Rcc8 32.Rd7 Rab8+ 33.Ka2 h4 34.Rc1 Kf7 35.g6+ Ke8 36.Rxc8+ Rxc8 37.Rxa7 Bxg6 38.Ra6 
3. -+ (-2.31): 30.Rf1 a5 31.e4 Bxe4 32.Rff7 a4+ 33.Kb4 h4 34.Rg7+ Kh8 35.Rgd7 Bg6 36.e7 Rc4+ 37.Kb5 

Instead of 28. Kc3, White will  - by comparison - be better off by playing 28.e4 Be4+ 29. Ke3 Rf3+ 30. Kd2/Ke2, but even than Black is better

My personal preference is to follow Martin's original suggestion, which is to avoid 0-0 by White, by playing 12. ... cd4 13. cd4 Qc3+ 14. Ke2 Nf5, because I am ok with transposing back into Anand - Lputian with 15. g4, based on the improvement 20. ... f5. So I  guess the way to go for white is probably 15. Qg4 (instead of 15. g4) avoiding the transposition.

If this doesn't work out too well for White either, than I think White should look into alternatives for 12. h4, in particular 12. g4
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Martin Carpenter(Guest)

Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #12 - 04/19/06 at 21:56:50
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Just been looking at the main lines, as in stem above up to 20 .. f5 which is certainly a nice improvement.

Junior had the utterly mind boggling idea of after 21 ef Rxf6 playing 22 Nh7!?!? when it's main line is the amazing 22 .. Rf5 (a pretty amazing response really!) 23 Qxh6 PxQ 24 PxR ef 25 Nf6+ Kf8 26 Nh7+ =. 

The more obvious try for black of 22 .. Kxh7 leads to a messy position after 23 g5 Kh8 24 Qg5 Rf7 25 RxR BxR 26 h5 etc where white has some quite real compensation but black does have an extra piece to console himself Smiley

Sundry improvements are entirely possible - I'm just amazed by it all myself.

Incidentally 21 .. Nf4+ 22 PxN Rf6 can also be met by 23 Nh7!? since 23 .. BxQ 24 NxR+ PxN 25 PxB is horribly dangerous for black, although Nf7 is more sensible!

I'm also not utterly convinced that 21.Nxe6 Qxe6 22.gxf5 Nf4+ 23.Kd2! does actually save white. Certainly black can get a good position quite easily 23 .. BxQ 24 PxQ NxB 25 Rg1 (seemingly most logical vs Bg6+) Rf2+ 26 KxN (Kc3 Rc8+ Kb3 etc) g5! ^ 27 hg Bg6+ 28 Kc3 Rxc2+ 29 Kb3 h5 say seems to give black a draw in hand (double on the c file & lots of checks) at least.

Maybe white can salvage this somehow (he does have a lot of quite dangerous pawns) - it's rather a moot point unless white can find a way to avoid the draw after Nxe5 anyhow since he had a forced draw a few moves earlier Smiley
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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #11 - 04/17/06 at 15:29:29
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This is a response to Craig's question why it isn't possible to play 12. ... f5 instead of Bd7 or Nf5.

I think in NIC 71  (or was it 70?) there has been a letter in the forum section dealing with 12. ...f5 . I am at work right now and can't check the volumne # and page #, but I will once I get home.   

Anyways, the analysis was interesting and I think it is worth looking into it.
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Martin Carpenter(Guest)

Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #10 - 04/16/06 at 10:08:55
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I assume you mean 15 Qg4 Nxe3 16 PxN f5/Ne7. Looking at it again just now I think I have to agree that  f5 & Nge7 both look ok for black - as long he remembers to preemptively pull his g6 knight out of the the way of white's h pawn. Not truly 'easy' perhaps but then few lines are in this opening Smiley

Almost seems like the worst 'problem' with this line for black is the forced draws that white can take.
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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #9 - 04/15/06 at 12:03:33
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Good point to avoid the oo-line, but I don't see how to avoid going back to Anand-Lputian game

12...cxd4!? 13.cxd4 Qc3+ 14.Ke2 Nf5 

and now if 15.Qg4 then Black can play 15..f5 or 15...Ne7 with an easy (?) game

and if 15.g4 Nxe3 16.fxe3 we are now in the Anand-Lputian game


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Martin Carpenter(Guest)

Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #8 - 04/11/06 at 12:27:44
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A couple of questions about the 11 .. Nce7!? line.

In Opening as white according to Anand Khalifman is reccomending 15 o-o (in the Anand - Lputian game) a leading by force to a slightly better ending for white. It's far from a disaster this.
However it is rather dull so I've got intrigued as to the effect of switching the move order for black eg 12 .. cd 13 cd Qc3+ 14 Ke2 Nf5!?.

Then 15 g4 Nxe3 transposes back while avoiding 15 o-o. The msot logical independent line is 15 Qg4 which certainly isn't silly. Any good ideas?
(iirc I got to 15 .. Nxe3 (to prevent Bd2) 16 PxB Nge7 17 h5 h6 18 Qf4 (Qh4 f6 etc) Bd7 ^ Ba4/Rac8 which might be ok but it's scary.).

This also raises the question of what black should play after 13 Qg4!? instead of g4. cd is likely to end up in the above lines but I suppose black can also try c4 - if white goes Bxf5 the control of g4 is handy Smiley
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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #7 - 03/05/05 at 12:32:26
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Ok HgMan and all the rest of us "french fanatics", after extensive home analysis I think I have found a decent solution to blacks problems in the hertneck variation:

1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5
3. Nc3 Bb4
4. e5 c5
5. a3 Bc3
6. bc Ne7
7. Qg4 0-0
8. Bd3 Nbc6
9. Qh5 Ng6
10. Nf3 Qc7
11. Be3 c4
12. Bg6 fg
13. Qg4 Bd7
14. h4 Rf5
15. h5 gh
16. Rh5 Raf8! Watson says that this is 'dicey' but i disagree

This seems solid enough and Nh4 ideas stopping Be8-g6 ideas seem to be met by Rf2. Does anyone have any white responses that lead to any advantage?
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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #6 - 12/08/04 at 09:48:38
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I assume you mean 15 f4 Nf5!  For some reason, I overlooked 15 ... Nf5 which looks pretty effective against most attempts from White.  But what about the less gregarious 13 exf6 Rxf6 14 0-0 ?  Rather than trying to crush Black on the kingside, White seeks to remove all Black's counterplay.

One example in that line went:

[Event "Budapest Novotel op"]
[Site "Budapest"]
[Date "2004.08.19"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Szabo,Krisztian"]
[Black "Almasi,Istvan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Eco "C18"]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 Ne7 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 c5 7.Qg4 
0-0 8.Bd3 Nbc6 9.Qh5 Ng6 10.Nf3 Qc7 11.Be3 Nce7 12.h4 f5 13.exf6 Rxf6 14.0-0 c4 15.Bxg6 Nxg6 16.Rfe1 Bd7 17.Bg5 Rf5 18.Qg4 Raf8 19.h5 Nf4 20.Re5 Qa5 21.Rae1 R5f7 22.R5e3 e5 23.Qg3 exd4 24.Re7 Nxh5 25.Qd6 Qxc3 26.Qxd7 Rxf3 27.gxf3 Qxf3 28.Qe6+ Kh8 29.Qe2  1-0

12 ... f5 certainly looks playable, but White does seem to get an easy game above.


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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #5 - 12/08/04 at 02:35:42
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It appears that 14 f4 loses to NF5!! and Fritz gives -2 for white, so the question remains Smiley
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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #4 - 12/06/04 at 16:21:50
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Doesn't that just lose outright to 13 exf6 Rxf6 14 Ng5 ?  14 ... h6, and then White has f4, Kd2, g4, all mounting pressure and if Black takes on g5, White wins at least a pawn after 15 ... hxg5 16 hxg5 Rf7 17 Bxg6 Nxg6 18 Qh7+ Kf8 19 Qxg6.  White has a couple of doubled pawns but there has to be a way to exploit Black's weakened kingside; maybe with a Rh8+ and pinning the bishop.   

It seems as though Black is just asking for trouble with 12 ... f5.  Mind you, this is pretty quick and lazy analysis on my part.  Did you see a better response for Black?

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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #3 - 12/05/04 at 22:54:50
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1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne7 7. Qg4 O-O 8. Bd3 Nbc6 9. Qh5 Ng6 10. Nf3 Qc7 { Hertneck's line } 11. Be3 Nce7 { last idea to improve the line } 12. h4 {12.g4!? a flexible move if White wants to delay oo and h4 }

Can someone tell me why F5! is not played here?????? Thank you
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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #2 - 12/03/04 at 06:34:08
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21...Nf4+ 22.exf4 Rxf6 23.Nf7! 
21.Nxe6 Qxe6 22.gxf5 Nf4+ 23.Kd2! =

advice: play 7.Qg4 oo and an early f5

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Re: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
Reply #1 - 11/28/04 at 20:06:47
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I hope forum members won't mind my reviving a series of older postings from the message board.  This game strikes me as very interesting and I should note that another game played 12 ... Nf5 to a draw in August.

Your analysis is fascinating.  20 ... f5! looks like a strong improvement on the game.  Just a quick question (if you can recall your good analysis here from several months ago): You suggest 21 exf6 Rxf6 and Black is better.  I agree, but is there even a trick here: 21 exf6? Nf4+ 22 exf4 Rxf6 (not 22 ... Bxh5?? 23 Rxg7+)?  The queen is trapped, and I don't see any mating threats with Qxh6 or Bh7+ and Nxe6 can be met by Qxe6+ (the check is the killer), though I'm sure I may be missing something.  White can salvage the queen with Bh7+, but I don't see the mating attack.  Your line may indeed be simpler.

Of course, 21 Nxe6 is the critical line and I wonder if Black can play for more?  21 ... Qxe6 22 gxf5 Nf4+, for example.  If 23 exf4 Bxh5+.  If 23 Kd2 Nxd3 24 fxe6 Bxh5 25 Kxd3 Bg6+ (which also has the advantage of protecting g7 from Rg1) with (probably) Rfe8 to follow--I'm not sure I like the idea of the roaming Rf2.  White has four pawns for the piece, but given that three of them are on the e-file, I'm not sure White's necessarily better.  Just some general musing, though I'm not sure it's an improvement over your own suggested line.  It just seems as though there must be some way for Black to exploit the White king on e2.  If nothing else, thank you for a pleasant evening of lazy analysis!!

I've been working on my French and trying to "grow up."  I've often resorted to 4 ... b6 lines in the Winawer, chiefly as a means of avoiding theory, but would like strengthen my repertoire here.  Can any forum members recommend a favored line--either with 7 Qg4 0-0 or 7 Qg4 Qc7?


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C18: Hertneck's line in Winawer - another try
06/13/04 at 10:20:00
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French expert and great armenian player Lputian tried another move vs Anand, 12...Nf5 (12...Bd7 was played before) in first round of Petrosian Memorial June 2004.

Here is the game with my own comments:

Anand-Lputian, Petrosian Memorial June 2004

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Ne7 7. Qg4 O-O 8. Bd3 Nbc6 9. Qh5 Ng6 10. Nf3 Qc7 { Hertneck's line } 11. Be3 Nce7 { last idea to improve the line } 12. h4 {12.g4!? a flexible move if White wants to delay oo and h4 } Nf5 { Novelty? 12...Bd7 } 13. g4 Nxe3 14. fxe3 cxd4 15. cxd4 Qc3+ { mandatory to defend with queen see 17. Ng5 } 16. Ke2 Bd7 17. Rab1 {17.Ng5 h6 18.Nxf7 Rxf7 19.Qxg6 Rf2+! 20.Kxf2 Qd2+ and draw with perpetual check }  Be8 { no time for b6 because of Rb3 followed with Ng5 and rook on b3 stopped checking } 18. Ng5 {18.Rxb7? f5 } h6 19. Rxb7 Qc8 20. Rhb1 Nxe5 { It's easy to question the sacrifice 
but 20..f5! is better 21.Nxe6 (21.exf6 Rxf6 and Black is better) Qxe6 22.gxf5 Nxe5 23.Rxg7+ Kxg7+ 24.Rg1+ Kh8 25. Rg6 Bxg6 26.Qxh6+ Kg8 27.fxe6 Bxd3 28.cxd3 Rf2+ 29.Kd1 Rb8 and draw } 21. dxe5 f5 22. exf6 Rxf6 23. Nf7 Rxf7 24. Rxf7 Bxf7 25. Qe5 Qd8 26. Rb7 Qf8
27. g5 hxg5 28. hxg5 g6 29. e4 a5 30. Qf6 Rb8 31. Ra7 Ra8 32. Rd7 Be8 33. Qxe6+ Bf7 34. Qe7 Re8 35. Qxf8+ Kxf8 36. Kf3 dxe4+ 37. Bxe4 Re5 38. Kf4 Rc5 39. Ra7
Be8 40. Ra6 Ke7 41. Bxg6 Bxg6 42. Rxg6 Rxc2 43. Ra6 Rc4+ 44. Kf5 Ra4 45. Ra7+ Kf8 46. Kf6 Rf4+ 47. Kg6 Ra4 48. Rf7+ Kg8 49. Rf3 Rc4 50. Rb3 Rc6+ 51. Kh5 Ra6
52. a4 Ra7 53. Rb5 Kg7 54. Kg4 Kg6 55. Kf4 Ra6 56. Ke4 Ra8 57. Kd4 Rd8+ 58. Kc4 Rd1 59. Rxa5 Ra1 60. Kb3 Rb1+ 61. Ka3 1-0
« Last Edit: 08/01/11 at 18:06:55 by dom »  

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