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Normal Topic Thrilling System ??? (Read 2461 times)
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I recognize terror in
chess as the finest emotion!

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Thrilling System ???
08/27/04 at 18:35:27
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Hi friends,

I am preparing for a tourney right now. One of my opponents (an IM) is playing with WHITE:

1.Nf3 e6
2.c4 b6
3.g3 Bb7

I am looking for an aggressiv line in this system. GM Miles introduced the interesting

4... g5!?

Would like to learn from our experts what theory is telling about it OR what they recommend here.

Maybe it is better to play 4...Be7 5.O-O g5!?

Thanks in advance


I recognize terror as the finest emotion in a chessgame and so I will try to terrorize my opponent. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify ...
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