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Re: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
Reply #6 - 12/13/04 at 15:02:43
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Well I play 4...Bb4, and most lines there you can go 000, against nd2, you can play c5 on move 3, when black plays exd, you can play Q takes and go 000 (oh but is there any other lines against nd2 black can go 000), against the advanced and exchange you can play OOO. You can do it in a lot of variations and get some good attacks.
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Re: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
Reply #5 - 12/06/04 at 21:07:30
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When misspelling the name of the 4...Bb4 variation, you are in good company, as it is absolutely not clear if the inventor was named McCutcheon or MacCutcheon.
The only French variation in which I would advise to castle queenside systemetically, is the Exchange Variation.

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Re: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
Reply #4 - 12/06/04 at 12:22:14
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I only tried to use the O-O-O plan once (the last time I played the french). And because I like sharp positions I do play c5  Wink But I only use this plan against the Tarrasch which bores me to death. It goes like 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Nf3 cxd4 6.Bc4 Qd6 (or depends on my mood) 7.O-O Nc6!? 8.Nb3 O-O-O!? with a very sharp game (I wrote that blindfullyand as I never actually played that variation I am not sure if I blunder anything now). That's my plan for interesting game against the Tarrasch. Against the classical or the advance variations I think that 4..Bb4 (I will misspell the name) or the orthodox way (in advance) are very good and interesting for me to change,
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Martin Carpenter

Re: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
Reply #3 - 12/06/04 at 11:09:49
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I don't think that black castles queenside very often against 3 e5. There are some early f6 ideas which often feature o-o-o though.
Against 3 Nd2 then 3 .. c5 ^ 4 cd Qxd5 features several o-o-o ideas (Q -> c7, Bd6, N-> g4 etc). I'm not sure how good their current theorectical status is.
Against 3 Nc3 then quite a few Bb4 lines do feature o-o-o ideas.

3 .. Nc6 can be played with a slow b6, Bb7 ^ o-o-o system like iirc Petrosian did a few times in the modern Winavers. It is rather slow this(if interesting).

If you're just after sharp play though then the lines featuring a quick o-o from black are often very sharp. You do have to be prepared to face some scary white attacks though!
It's an interesting question whether you could put a (sensible) repitoire together featuring a quick o-o against everything.

And yes often the black king just hangs around in the middle where he's fairly safe Smiley
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Re: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
Reply #2 - 12/06/04 at 08:22:35
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I'm sure that 3 ... Nc6 is playable, and I'm also sure that one of the real French afficionados on this forum will correct me, but I really don't think that this move is best.  The fun of playing the French (for me, anyway) is to build pressure on d4 and force White to protect it.  Nc6 certainly attacks that square, but in playing it before c5, you're depriving yourself of another attacker.  I'm sure the move offers some practical chances, but I think it takes away from the potential dynamism of Black's position.

As much as I like castling queenside myself (when the opportunity arises), Black's king is often best placed in the middle of the board, so I wouldn't be dogmatic about 0-0-0.  I'm relatively new to the French (and again, maybe someone will correct me), but I don't think you can play the French as a system with a series of pre-determined moves.

In closing, I spent some time playing the Kalashnikov and the Sveshnikov, and now find myself devoted to the French.  I wouldn't dare to compare the two systems (French & Sicilian), but I like the fight in the French.  And the counterchances are ultimately similar to those in the Sicilian.

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Re: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
Reply #1 - 12/06/04 at 08:02:29
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Just started to check through all variations, whether it is possible.

For example in the 3. Nc3-French the move 3... Nc6 (a French without any c5!) counts a surprising good quote of 55 % white vs. 45 % black (40%white wins, 30 % draws, 30 % black wins) in the Chessbase 8.0 what sounds quite good.

And even the percentage of 0-0-0 among 3. ...Nc6 is compared with other variations very high with a 29 %.
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C00-C19: 0-0-0 in all French variations possible?
12/06/04 at 01:57:13
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Hi folks,
I played several years the Sicilian-Kalashnikov and now gonna change my opening repertoire as I am tired of these dull closed sicilians I more and more get on my board.

When studying where to change to, the Scandinavian so far seems to be my favorite. I like open positions with much tactics (I am 1800-1900 elo level) and at the Scandinacian I like especially that from the first move I make white play "my game". I will not go for the 2...Nf6-line because White can there always with 4. d4 transpose to the Caro-Kann or French but for the center-counter.

But then my chess collegue confronted me with a new and maybe interesting idea: why i dont play the French and play it under all circumstances with 0-0-0? He said thus I will always get tactical positions similar to the dragon where games usually are decided in the first 30 moves. He adds that I should like the positions as I am a enthusiastic Dutch-Leningrad-player and this should be similar.

My question to French-experts: I have never in all my chess life played the French (always thought it is dull): is it really in all varations (exchange, Nc3, Nd2, advanced French) possible to play 0-0-0 as black? 
For further explanation: if I get a slightly worse position as black it does not matter for me. I play 1800 - 1900 elo and below 2000 80 % of games are anyway decided by blunders and not by "positional advantages" so I dont care.
So it just matters: is it basically playable in all French variations when accepting even slight positional disadvantages?
Looking forward to hear from you (apologize my English, my mother tongue is German)
By the way: great place here
« Last Edit: 08/03/11 at 20:12:00 by dom »  
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