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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #271 - 03/10/22 at 22:41:19
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cathexis wrote on 03/10/22 at 21:16:16:
I reached out to Tim on his FB page and he said he has only 3 copies left and they're for sale @ 1,000 US each to support a charity. So there's a source if any feel generous or flush with cash.

I think he priced them at around $90 when they were first published. Print run of 200 copies that he said were down to 60 by March 2017 and his last 5 by 18 May 2017.

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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #270 - 03/10/22 at 21:16:16
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I reached out to Tim on his FB page and he said he has only 3 copies left and they're for sale @ 1,000 US each to support a charity. So there's a source if any feel generous or flush with cash.
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #269 - 03/03/22 at 19:45:17
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Got my copy of Shaw's book and noticed got a little love on the bibliography page!
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #268 - 03/02/22 at 14:37:49
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Thank you both very much!

I decided on two of them: Lakander (seems a good over-view of 1...e5 in general and complements the Shaw book), and Shaw's book which seems essential. I suspect Shaw's book will keep me busy for a looong time!


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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #267 - 03/02/22 at 11:52:26
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cathexis wrote on 03/01/22 at 22:18:01:
But I also read some of that thread. Today, in 2022, would you say it is a great book on the KG in general and the bishop's gambit in particular?

Tim's books were always decent. He just took exception to the editing of that one is all.

As for other stuff, you can find quite a lot of info in various 1 e4 e5 repertoire books for Black:

3...Nf6 – Emms

3...c6 – Lokander

3...Qh4+ 4 Kf1 d6 – Bologan & Ntirlis

3...f5 – me Wink

and 3...Nc6 is (as MNb says) in Shaw's big KG book, though 4 d4 Nf6 5 Nc3 Bb4 6 Ne2 f3 7 gxf3 d5 is considered to be pretty much equal now – and played out to four draws in TCEC (Top Chess Engine Championship) games 2019-20.

blog inspired by Bronstein's book, but using my own games:
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #266 - 03/02/22 at 07:23:49
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cathexis wrote on 03/01/22 at 14:24:47:
I'm curious to learn more on the KG, bishop's gambit ideas. Any thoughts?


You should be interested in Shaw's book on the KG as well; he spends a chapter on the critical 3...Nc6 variation. Imo it doesn't make sense to study anything else about the King's Bishop Gambit before tackling this one.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #265 - 03/01/22 at 22:18:01
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Thanks Mr. Tait!

But I also read some of that thread. Today, in 2022, would you say it is a great book on the KG in general and the bishop's gambit in particular?
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #264 - 03/01/22 at 15:45:00
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cathexis wrote on 03/01/22 at 14:24:47:
And since 2015?

there's only this book that I know of...

dunno where you'd find a copy either

blog inspired by Bronstein's book, but using my own games:
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #263 - 03/01/22 at 14:24:47
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And since 2015?

I must first admit that I have not even come close to reading the 260+ posts that make up the body of this thread. What I am asking however is if other books focusing on the Bishop's Gambit (3.Bc4) have come out in the 15 years since this was first published? I don't mind buying older books, but despite the fact it was written by a forum member it has received some pretty harsh criticism on Amazon on the layout, etc. of the book itself. That and the age make me hesitate to get it even though I'm curious to learn more on the KG, bishop's gambit ideas. Any thoughts?

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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #262 - 12/11/15 at 14:51:54
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 12/11/15 at 14:38:13:
Tada! It's now over 100K!


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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #261 - 12/11/15 at 14:38:13
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Tada! It's now over 100K!
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #260 - 12/11/15 at 00:09:50
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Brackmar wrote on 12/10/15 at 01:09:41:
In 'The fascinating King's gambit' T. Johansson wrote: 'unfortunately modern computers soon came up with some strong improvements for black, in the theoretical main line, i.e. the Kieseritzky Gambit. These new ideas are almost certainly the reason why the King's Gambit has almost vanished from grandmaster practise the last few years'

I haven't found much information about these improvements, could someone please give a hint about where I should search?


Especially 5...d6 seemed to almost force a draw, but also 5...Nf6 or even 5...Be7 seemed problematic too, IIRC...

I think we debated these ad nauseam here back in the day - try googling the forum like this:

or simply use the index and explore:

Yikes, this thread is about to hit 100 000 soon! Smiley
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #259 - 12/10/15 at 01:09:41
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In 'The fascinating King's gambit' T. Johansson wrote: 'unfortunately modern computers soon came up with some strong improvements for black, in the theoretical main line, i.e. the Kieseritzky Gambit. These new ideas are almost certainly the reason why the King's Gambit has almost vanished from grandmaster practise the last few years'

I haven't found much information about these improvements, could someone please give a hint about where I should search?

« Last Edit: 12/10/15 at 13:12:26 by Brackmar »  
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #258 - 03/21/15 at 11:35:14
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Knightcut wrote on 03/21/15 at 09:43:34:
Thus, so far my conclusion is that 3...c6 probably doesn't yield Black better chances than 3...Nf6. It is still interesting though that it scores better and seems to have a higher average rating amongst it's followers, at least in my database. I may have to buy Johanssons book to get deeper into it.

By the way, in case you missed it in this looong thread, maybe I should mention that the TJ in TalJechin stands for the initials of the author, i.e. I'm him! Wink

I don't think I mention 3...c6 followed by 4/5...b5 in the book - so, some may  use it to get White 'out of book' I suppose. But the main point with 3...c6 is that 4.Nc3 d5 5.exd5 Qh4+ 6.Kf1 f3 looked scary for White for a while, until Ivanchuk showed how to play it for White. I even named that chapter 'The Scarecrow' Smiley

Despite Shaw's claim of refutation it's comforting to see that Ivanchuk still plays the Bishop's Gambit - he recently beat Karjakin in a rapid game.

No 3...Nc6 there though. I wonder if Chucky was planning to play one of my lines with 4.d4 or something else? Well, sooner or later I guess someone will find out! Smiley
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Re: C30-C39 C33: The Fascinating King's Gambit
Reply #257 - 03/21/15 at 09:43:34
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Wow, thanks a lot. Setting up a tournament with different programmes goes beyond my capability, but just tossing a bit with the pieces a bit further down the line with different programmes kibitzing - and looking at the game excamples from Taljechin -  have made me realize that 4...b5 may actually not be that good. 

I then looked at 4...Ne7, which is interesting, but I failed to find anything good after 5.Qh5! d5 (5...Ng6 6.d4!) 6.exd5 cxd5 7.Nxd5 Nxd5 8.Bxd5 Qe7+ 9.Ne2 with good play for White. 

Thus, so far my conclusion is that 3...c6 probably doesn't yield Black better chances than 3...Nf6. It is still interesting though that it scores better and seems to have a higher average rating amongst it's followers, at least in my database. I may have to buy Johanssons book to get deeper into it. 

Anyway, since the release of Shaws book, my personal preference has clearly been 3...Nc6, which has also paid of in terms of many good practical results. That move has been discussed at some length in the thread on Shaws book elsewhere on the forum (and where I'm still hoping for some feedback to a replay (139) I made 25 november 2014...). 

Thanks again both to Tony and Taljechin!
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