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Re: Help with Benoni Beast
Reply #5 - 03/20/05 at 03:51:25
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Play the Snake Benoni.  I saw a 2100 player take down a 2300 player with it.  Suprise value in the short time control (G60) paid off.
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Re: Help with Benoni Beast
Reply #4 - 03/02/05 at 04:44:09
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What the Iljin-Zjenevsky is to me, is the Modern Benoni for Alumbrado - a substitute for a beautiful woman. Neither of them is trusted by top GM's.

Of course some would argue that beautiful women are to be trusted even less than the Dutch or the Benoni ...

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Re: Help with Benoni Beast
Reply #3 - 03/01/05 at 21:47:57
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What the Iljin-Zjenevsky is to me, is the Modern Benoni for Alumbrado - a substitute for a beautiful woman. Neither of them is trusted by top GM's.
Anyone interested in the Snake Benoni must visit the website of Thomas Johansson:
click chess!
click Opening Tips
click New Defences

The third diagram will give you a game collection of Snake Benoni's

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Re: Help with Benoni Beast
Reply #2 - 03/01/05 at 17:39:04
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OK, I somewhat agree, but is it any good, does it provide good counterplay and have some solid ideas attached to it. Any established Theory?

I do not want to make the snake a regular thing over a long period but I would like to incorperate it with the Modern Benoni at a later stage. I Ideally want to get to a stage when I will play the Snake, Modern Benoni & defered Benko as well as the Benoni via the KID with C5 move order. But for now it will be the Snake assuming it is not a total pushover.

I do like slightly offbeat ideas in the opening and have a few that I will let out of the bag as I post more  Smiley. Some are quite old now but I have so far not seen any references to them in this forum yet.

With regard to the Benoni I have noticed that there still exists a problem with the F4 & B-b5+ variation. I always play this for white Vs the Benoni and have always obtained good positions. This is the one I would need something against if I was to use the Benoni via the "pure" move order. Is an early A6 an option to avoid it? Do not mind since most of the Benoni setups I would use include a6 & B-G4. 

Thoughts then on the Snake OR the F4 & B-b5+ variation?
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Re: Help with Benoni Beast
Reply #1 - 03/01/05 at 15:15:33
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Well, I think the variation you cite with ...Bd6 is called the Snake Benoni, which I assume refers to the curious path taken by Black's bishop (sometimes it ends up going to c7 and a5).

Regular visitors here though, will not be surprised when I urge you to shun it and stick with the Modern Benoni.  Most of my best results and games, Black or White, OTB or e-mail, have come with the Modern Benoni.  And it is just so rich with ideas and resources that I can't resist it ...  Watson's book is more than enough to see you through theoretically.

Incidentally, I recently also returned to OTB competitive play after a similar lay-off and had surprisingly good results, beating some seasoned campaigners along the way, so don't be afraid!  I was a little bit edgy my first few games back and that cost me a few half points, failing to convert good positions and failing to hold bad ones.  But once I got some confidence, I was surprised by how easily it all came back to me (including the tendency to occasional blunders, unfortunately Undecided ).  All of which is but a long-winded way of saying "break a leg"  Cheesy

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Help with Benoni Beast
03/01/05 at 06:38:31
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I am at present preparing to restart compedative play after a ten year absence and so am now faced with the work of preparing a new set of openings.

I am currently interested in the state of the variation below. When I was playing before I knew of it but didn't 
even know its name!

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. Nc3 exd5 5. cxd5 Bd6

I have never been adverse to something a little off the beaten path (more than ever now!) Wink

please give some opinions on this including a general starategy in the opening, for eg if 6. Nf3 does not get played is 6......Be5 in keeping with the opening? Is the main idea the usual Benoni breaks and the undermining of E4 by snaking the bishop to E5/A5

I used to play the Dutch and really grew to hate it!! Have played the normal Modern Benoni from time to time but would like something a little less mainstream.

Would like to play the Nimzo but the work involved is a little off putting. And I rememder the days when I could reel off theory 20 deep...........that seems long ago! Sad
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