I am not sure about this book.
Although I have played mostly the Pirc against 1.e4 in recent years, and QP and flank openings with White, I have, in my time, played a number of Sicilian variations with Black, before I decided I had to do some real (paid) work occasionally, and still play the Classical from time to time (especially now I am dissatisfied with the Pirc). I also played Open Sicilians as White for quite a while in my youth (again, work commitments made me decide to play less theoretical stuff).
Some of the lines in the book look distinctly unthreatening, especially some of the stuff against the Taimanov. Perhaps it is because they are jumping through hoops to avoid Black transposing to a Scheveningen, because they only recommend the Keres Attack against that.
It is better viewed as a collection of interesting ideas and games rather than a water-tight repertoire, imho.
Can't wait to see what Khalifman comes up with in his
Opening for White According to Anand series, although since he still has to wade through the French, the Alekhine and the Pirc/Modern complex (which, I fear, may spell curtains for Black in the Austrian Attack
), it may be a while before we get to the Sicilian