Hi everybody! these are the last news !!!
I finally found time to analyse a little more this variation and it seems to lead to a draw!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe this is not completely forced but there are two lines which lead to a three move repetition:
After the seemingly fantastic move 17 Bh3 !! first it seems possible to take both rooks and surviving:
17... Q*a1+ 18 Kf2 Rb7 and 2 lines:
1) 19 N*b7 Q*h1 20 B*d7+ K*d7 (if 20... B*d7 ?? mate in 2)21 Qb6 Q*h2+ 22 Ke3 Qh6+ 23 Nf4 B*b7
24 Q*b7+ Kd8 25 Qb8+ Kd7 with a draw
2) 19 B*d7+ R*d7 20 Qa8 Q*h1 21 Q*c8+ Rd8 22 Qc6+ Rd7 22 Qc8 also with a draw
Larsen once said that any long line is innacurate but this seems quite forced to me.
Maybe White should pay more attention to 15 Rb1 !? (instead of 15 Na5) to generate winning chances but this is really unclear.
Gentlemen ?????(especially Mister Palliser who had the great idea to start this dicussion and whom I enjoy reading, please come back !!!)