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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) recent Trompowsky crush (Read 42333 times)

Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #18 - 03/01/06 at 20:42:27
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Hi everybody! these are the last news !!! Wink

I finally found time to analyse a little more this variation and it seems to lead to a draw!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe this is not completely forced but there are two lines which lead to a three move repetition:

After the seemingly fantastic move 17 Bh3 !! first it seems possible to take both rooks and surviving:

17... Q*a1+ 18 Kf2 Rb7 and 2 lines:

1) 19 N*b7 Q*h1 20 B*d7+ K*d7 (if 20... B*d7 ?? mate in 2)21 Qb6 Q*h2+ 22 Ke3 Qh6+ 23 Nf4 B*b7
    24 Q*b7+ Kd8 25 Qb8+ Kd7 with a draw

2) 19 B*d7+ R*d7 20 Qa8 Q*h1 21 Q*c8+ Rd8 22 Qc6+ Rd7 22 Qc8 also with a draw

Larsen once said that any long line is innacurate but this seems quite forced to me.

Maybe White should pay more attention to 15 Rb1 !? (instead of 15 Na5) to generate winning chances but this is really unclear.

Gentlemen ?????(especially Mister Palliser who had the great idea to start this dicussion and whom I enjoy reading, please come back !!!) Wink

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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #17 - 02/27/06 at 10:04:07
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Hi !

Sacapawn's idea to sacrifice both rooks with 17... Bh3 !! has been played against yours truly in blitz last Friday !!

Defending this position was a real nightmare !!! Anyway, it was only a blitz game !

Thanks everybody for your interest !

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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #16 - 02/25/06 at 08:01:16
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9...Qe3+ 10.Ne2 d6 11.Nc4 Qh6 12.Bxb8 (12.Rb1 certainly is worth looking at)Rxb8 13.Qa4+ Nd7 (b5 14.Qxa7 Nd7 is only a transposition) 14.Qxa7 b5 15.Na5 (15.Rb1!?) Qh4+ 16.g3 Qf6 17.Kf2 and now e6 must be critical, as Qxa1 18.Bh3! is nasty. So e6 18.Rd1 Be7 and now what? The attractive 19.e5 is parried by the cool Nxe5 20.Qxb8 Qxf3+ 21.Ke1 o-o! So White must try 19.Nc6 Rb7 20.Qa5.

17.Bh3!! inviting Black to take two rooks (but losing on the spot) is an improvement.

For example 17.-,e6 18.0-0 Be7 19.Nf4 and White should be winning.
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #15 - 02/22/06 at 10:26:31
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60+ moves is due to Grishuk's tough resistance, unwillingness to resign and not so accurate moves by Cernyshov to finish his poor partner off around the 30th move !!!

9...g6 ?! is probably not critical to test the validity of white's idea.

Take a look at 9...d6 or maybe 9... Qe3+ 10 Ne2 d6 

There is plenty of play for white but we have to check  Mnb's line which seems to keep black in fine shape.


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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #14 - 02/21/06 at 20:40:21
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Geof_Strayer wrote on 05/18/05 at 23:01:37:
I think you are probably thinking of the game Chernysov(2531)-Grischuk(2724), Russian Club Ch.'s, Dagomys, 2005.

A nice win for White a very interesting TN in the 7.e4!? line.  It was analyzed in Chess Today, Issue No. 1631, by the way, if you are a subscriber or can get your hands on a copy.

Moves were as follows, with some limited paraphrasing of IM Barsky's comments:

1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 Ne4 3.f3 Qa5+ 5.c3 Nf6 6.d5 Qb6 7.e4!? Qxb2 8.Nd2 Qxc3 9.Bc7! TN (Black's Q is now somewhat inconvenienced as it can no longer retreat via a5) g6 10.Rc1 Qe3+ 11.Ne2 Na6 12.Nc4 Qh6 13.Bf4 Qg7 14.Qa4! (preventing ...d6 and further development by Black) g5 15.Be5 g4 16.f4 Qg6 17.Ng3 Rg8 18.Ne3 Nb4 (Black decides to sacrifice a piece to complete development) 19.a3 Nc6 20.dxc6 dxc6 21.Be2 Nd7 22.0-0 (Fritz likes 22.Bc7!? once again) Nxe5 23.fxe5 Bh6 24.Qb3 Be6 25.Qc3 b6 26.Rcd1 Bxe3+ 27.Qxe3 Qg5 28.Qc3! (avoiding Q exchange due to Black's vulnerable K position) Rd8 29.Nf5 h5 30.a4 (30.Bc4!? Rg6 31.Rxd8+ Kxd8 32.Rd1+ Kc7 33.Qd3 +- may be stronger) h4 31.a5 Rxd1 32.Rxd1 Bxf5 33.Qd3! Kf8 34.exf5 Qf4 35.Qd8+ Kg7 36.Qxe7 Qxf5 37.Qxh4 Re8 38.Rf1 Qxe5 39.Qxg4+ Kf8 40.Bc4 Re7 (despite a tough defense by Black, he is still lost) 41.Rf4! Qe1+ 42.Bf1 Qe5 43.g3 Re6 44.Qh4 b5 45.Qd8+ Kg7 46.Qd7 Rf6 47.Rg4+ Kh6 48.Qd2+ Kh7 49.Bd3+ Kh8 50.Re4 Qd5 51.Qc3! (the pin is decisive) Qd6 52.Rf4 Kg7 53.Kf2 c4 54.Be4 c5 55.Ke3 Qd4+ 56.Qxd4 cxd4+ 57.Kxd4 Ra6 58.Bd5 f6 59.Rg4+ Kh8 60.Kc5 Rxa5 61.Kb4 Ra1 62.Kxb5 c3 63.Rc4 Rc1 64.Kb4 Rc2 65.h4 a5+ 66.Kb3 1-0

hardly a CRUSH if the game goes to 60+ moves
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #13 - 02/21/06 at 02:45:26
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9...Qe3+ 10.Ne2 d6 11.Nc4 Qh6 12.Bxb8 (12.Rb1 certainly is worth looking at)Rxb8 13.Qa4+ Nd7 (b5 14.Qxa7 Nd7 is only a transposition) 14.Qxa7 b5 15.Na5 (15.Rb1!?) Qh4+ 16.g3 Qf6 17.Kf2 and now e6 must be critical, as Qxa1 18.Bh3! is nasty. So e6 18.Rd1 Be7 and now what? The attractive 19.e5 is parried by the cool Nxe5 20.Qxb8 Qxf3+ 21.Ke1 o-o! So White must try 19.Nc6 Rb7 20.Qa5.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #12 - 02/20/06 at 07:22:29
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Hi chess lovers !

No news since the recovery of this forum !!!!

So I refresh this topic with the sempiternal question:what is really happening in this variation ?

Is black busted or is he simply 2 pawns up in this fascinating Chernyshov gambit ?

Any ideas ? After playing some quick games with black, I find his position quite hard to defend despite my last approximate analysis (see this topic since it's beginning).

This line is really worth a look !!!! Wink

Thanks in advance.

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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #11 - 11/17/05 at 07:37:01
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After checking a little I wonder if black can play 14...b5 !? after Qa4+. 

It's also playable after 15 Q*a7 b5 !?

Also to take into account is the possibility to give a check on h4 with th queen followed by Qf6 attacking the rook on a1!

All in all white's perspectives remain obscure for the 2 pawns investment.

Maybe there is another way with 11 Rb1 ?

I prefer d6 for black instead of the other move suggested (Na6) because in thisz casewhite can retain some sort of initiative by attacking the queen and threatening e5 at some point.

Ideas ????

Please refute these variations, it would be a pity to annihilate such a wonderful idea (Bc7!!).
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #10 - 11/16/05 at 12:44:49
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Simple and effective variation !
I don't have much time to analyse it properly yet but it seems to be quite forced.
Maybe Kna6 is better than d6 but I doubt it at first sight.
E5 is a strong threat in many lines.
I'm coming back after checking!

Thank you for showing interest in this facsinating new line!!  Grin

9.Bc7! is really a brilliant move. 

As for kaspirarateur's suggestion:
9.-,Qe3+ 10.Ne2 d6
White can continue 
11.Nc4 Qh6 12.Bxb8! Rxb8 13.Qa4+ Nd7 14.Qxa7 with the threat of Nb6. Looks quite troublesome for Black.

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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #9 - 11/15/05 at 16:08:37
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the gms recommend qe3+ne2 Na6, the idea is that qhites bishop is stuck on f1, if u play Na6 right away then i can play ne2 or bb5, but this is an interestinf idea  anyway,  worth trrying in a blitz game
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #8 - 11/11/05 at 02:50:01
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9.Bc7! is really a brilliant move. 

As for kaspirarateur's suggestion:
9.-,Qe3+ 10.Ne2 d6
White can continue 
11.Nc4 Qh6 12.Bxb8! Rxb8 13.Qa4+ Nd7 14.Qxa7 with the threat of Nb6. Looks quite troublesome for Black.
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #7 - 11/09/05 at 10:56:08
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also glad that my pseudo is well received/

I also think that Bc7 !! is a real great idea but unfortunately it seems to me that there is not enough compensation in the lne I mentioned earlier.

I would be glad if anybody finds a way to refute my idea.

I wish there is a way but I also like objective views !

Thanks for attention
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #6 - 11/08/05 at 18:28:17
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Second place:  Zarvox (conjures an image of some awesomely knowledgeable/powerful alien entity).
Thanks! Glad you like the name. Smiley One time someone said that my voice sounds like an alien's; I was quite surprised by that, and I'm still not sure if it was a compliment or an insult!

Back on topic, I haven't analyzed this game in detail, but 9.Bc7!! is startling and beautiful.
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #5 - 11/07/05 at 18:42:11
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I just had to mention that "kaspirateur" (a blend of a retired chess player's name with the French word for vacuum cleaner) is my favorite user name on Chess Publishing so far.

Second place:  Zarvox (conjures an image of some awesomely knowledgeable/powerful alien entity).

As you were.    Grin
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Re: recent Trompowsky crush
Reply #4 - 11/07/05 at 16:52:03
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I can't find these comments.
It's a pity because this variation is really fascinating and I can't find an improvement for white after the following moves:9... Qe3+ 10 Ne2 d6 !
I know that the black queen will find herself en h6 but is it so critical with 2 pawns up?

Any analysis will be welcome!!


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