Quote:Yes Marko, there was that one post about the Dragon and also
This One from some time back. Now if we can just get a useful one from you that would be nice.
That other was before my membership here, but yes, thanks for pointing it out. I do maintain my view that your posts here are long on blanket opinions and personal swipes, and short on actual chess.
As for mine, I do so regularly write here about specific chess ideas that I should hardly need to point to any of my posts. But for example, I
am putting a proverbial part of my anatomy on the line in my BDG demonstration game here versus ArKheiN.
I am always grateful to stronger players for their insights, expecially when they
are insights and not blanket opinions such as "5...Be7 draws easily against the Belgrade" and "the King's Gambit is weak." And although you
seem to be a strong player, I'm not entirely certain that you are. (Parenthetically, I myself am only a middling USCF NM; I can aquit myself reasonably well against FMs; IMs I rarely defeat, though I have done so; GMs never; in cc I play to a somewhat higher standard.) I do generally shut up and listen hard when an IM or GM is talking -- but I am not necessarily in similar awe of anonymous interlocutors here who merely claim to be strong players.
I would be quite happy to converse with you at length here, but I sincerely wish that you would talk about
chess and not make so many personal swipes and little digs that seem purposed to aggravate people. For example, I said that modern chess is full of excellent gambits, but typically based on something more than the advantage of the first move only. I would be intested to hear how that fits in with your evident distaste for play in gambit fashion.