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Normal Topic Dragon 6.g3 (Read 3543 times)
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Dragon 6.g3
Reply #6 - 08/10/05 at 21:12:57
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And TopNotch becomes infamous because of bad reading and twisting other people's words.

OK, for the dozenth time I have learned, that typing from memory is a bad habit.
After 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 and now 6.Nde2 is the ambitious way to reach the Fianchetto. 6.Be3 Nf6 7.g3 does not look dangerous.

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.g3 Nc6 7.Bg2 Bg7?! 8.Nxc6 bxc6 9.e5 is good for White. So 7...Bd7 8.o-o (8.h3 Bg7 9.Be3 does not look frightening) Bg7 and again White has nothing, if he avoids 9.Nde2 or 9.o-o o-o 10.Nde2.

Pardon me, if my English is not 100%. When I wrote "has to", I meant that the move Nde2 is the only way for White to set Black some problems.
« Last Edit: 08/10/05 at 22:37:11 by MNb »  

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Re: Dragon 6.g3
Reply #5 - 08/09/05 at 19:09:28
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I thought MNB didn't post in Dragon threads, as by his own admission he knows nothing about the Dragon.

Tops  Grin

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Re: Dragon 6.g3
Reply #4 - 08/09/05 at 05:46:13
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I probably found an antidote with a logical pawnsac:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.g3 g6 7.Bg2 Nxd4 8.Qxd4 Bg7 9.a4 0-0 10.a5 Ng4 11.Qb4 Ne5 12.Nd5 Bg4 13.Qxb7 [13.f4 Nf3+ 14.Kf1 Nd4 15.Qxb7 e6 16.Ne7+ Kh8=] 13...Nf3+ 14.Kf1 Bc8!? 15.Qb5 [15.Nxe7+?? Qxe7! 16.Qd5 (16.Qxe7 Ba6+ 17.c4 Bxc4#) 16...Bxb2-+] 15...Bd7 16.Qd3 Ne5 17.Qe2 [17.Qd2 Rb8=] 17...Rb8 18.Kg1 Bb5 19.Qe1 e6 20.Ne3 [20.Nc3 Nc4=] 20...Bc6 [20...Qc7 21.h3=] 21.f4 Nd7 22.Nc4 [22.c3 Nc5 23.Nc2 Qc7=] 22...d5 [22...Qc7 23.c3³] 23.exd5 [23.e5 f6 24.exf6 Qxf6=] 23...Bxd5³ 24.Bxd5 exd5 25.Ne3 Re8 26.Qd2 [26.Qd1 d4 27.Nc4 Qc7µ] 26...d4µ [26...Bxb2?! 27.Bxb2 Rxb2 28.Ng4=] 27.Ng4 [27.Nd1 Qe7µ] 27...Nc5 [27...Qc7µ] 28.Nf2  28...d3-+ 29.Nxd3 [29.cxd3 Nb3] 29...Bd4+ 30.Kf1 Qd5 31.Qg2 Qc4 32.Ra3 Nb3! 33.Bd2 Qxc2 [33...Qxc2 34.Qd5 Qxd2 35.Qxd4 Nxd4 36.Nf2 Rxb2 37.Kg2 Qxf2+ 38.Kh3 Nf3 39.Rxf3 Qxf3 40.Rd1 Qh5#]  0-1


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Re: Dragon 6.g3
Reply #3 - 08/05/05 at 08:54:44
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has MNb -

You said "Black is not obliged to exchange on d4. Sooner or later White will have to retreat with Nde2." 

That's true, black can play 7...Bd7, Bg7, and O-O.  But why do you then say that white has to "retreat with Nde2"?  If black doesn't have to do something, why not allow white the same privilege instead of saying that he has to play Nde2?  I don't get it.  White may want to play O-O, Nd5, and Nxf6, followed by either Be3 or c3.  No retreat of the knight to e2 there.
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Dragon 6.g3
Reply #2 - 08/05/05 at 05:46:54
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Black is not obliged to exchange on d4. Sooner or later White will have to retreat with Nde2.

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lost highway
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Re: Dragon 6.g3
Reply #1 - 08/04/05 at 19:50:15
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10...Nd7 11.Qb4 Ne5 looks ok for black, with Nc6 coming up soon.
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Dragon 6.g3
08/04/05 at 11:49:56
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I played a game against R. Vasquez (2558), he surprised me with:
6.g3 Nc6 7.Bg2 Nd4 8.Qd4 Bg7 9.a4!? 0-0 10.a5!? Bd7 11. Qb4 with some pressure on my queenside;
up to this game I didn`t fear the g3-line, due to the game Adams - Kramnik, but right now I`ve some probs to find an antidote.
Any ideas?

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