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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Queens Gambit accepted (Read 21918 times)
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #22 - 08/23/05 at 00:44:55
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Thank you every one for your advice and history. I appreciate it. didnt think this thread would start such talk. Not many of mine do that. Thanks again
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #21 - 08/19/05 at 14:07:58
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Smyslov_Fan, I see we have many similar interests! I graduated from Sofia university with an excellent dyplom in history. And I'm also a big fan of Smyslov, especially after he crushed me nicely long ago after... 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dc 3.e4 Nc6 4.Nf3! Bg4 5.d5 Ne5 6.Bf4 Guess who was Black!
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #20 - 08/17/05 at 20:06:27
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Thanks for that bit of enlightenment.  I didn't find your comments too academic at all  (Then again, I am too academic being a History teacher).  You've given me in a few words enough information to go get into trouble on my own, wandering through various minefields of ChessBase to find games that support/refute your comments.  Thanks again! 8)
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #19 - 08/17/05 at 05:10:07
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1. Frankly, 3.e4 b5 4.a4 is not "so" bad. It's just better for White because of free development and spatial advantage. There are no forced variations - White plays chess, well, eying Black's king.

2. In2, I was "extremely optimistic about 3... Nc6 in the first edition of the QGA book" because it offers interesting tangled play and because Black found  a couple of very good ideas in problem before lines like 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.Be3 or 4.Be3. However in positionally correct openings White always has some sound strategical line which ensures him normal play with possibly a slight edge. The riskier Black's strategy is, the bigger White's edge could be. I think that 3...Nc6 is a good compromise as it is complex while remaining objectively solid enough, perhaps up to a level of 2600. Higher up I suppose Black is doomed to struggle. At that level 3...e5 4.Nf3 ed4 5.Bc4 Bb4 is probably more viable (I personally do not trust in 3...e5 4.Nf3 ed4 5.Bc4 Nc6 6.0-0 Be6 because of 7.Be6!. White still has reserves for improving there).
All that is a bit too academical. Every one should find his own line depending on his style. For instance I feel claustrophobic in KID and it is not sexy at all to me!
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #18 - 08/15/05 at 17:19:09
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And yet, in spite of the very uneven English, I think that practically all the Chess Stars books are worth owning.

Quite.....So far the offerings have been let us say TopNotch.

TN Grin

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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #17 - 08/15/05 at 13:19:50
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I agree.  It annoys me when an otherwise very well translated book from German say, has grating errors like 'a brilliant sacrifice of quality' when they mean 'a brilliant exchange sacrifice' because of translators' ignorance of chess expressions - a simple proofread by a chess-playing native speaker would eradicate that completely.

I for one would be happy to undertake this in return for a free copy of some of the Chess Stars books ... much cheaper than paying 'professional' proofreaders who know nothing about chess. 

I took Semkov to task for this on another thread, and he said that they are making improvements.   

He also said that it may not be that important since many of the readers are non-speakers of English.  But that is specious, since with non-English-speaking readers, it is even more important that the English be correct!

And yet, in spite of the very uneven English, I think that practically all the Chess Stars books are worth owning.

The Great Oz has spoken!
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #16 - 08/15/05 at 08:24:15
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I noticed there is a new book coming out in September from Gambit - How to beat 1.d4 by James Rizzitano.

It deals with the QGA and also gives black lines for defending against those systems where White omits c4 (Torre, Stonewall, Colle etc.)
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #15 - 08/15/05 at 07:53:55
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Did you regard 3...b5 as so bad in the e4 lines that you did not bother to include it?

I see from that it still gets played, and does not do all that awfully.

I like it when Black plays 3...b5 instead of e5, but the variations tend to get sharp quite quickly.
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #14 - 08/14/05 at 02:08:05
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Having the QGA in one's repertoire is certainly useful but I wouldn't want to have it as my only weapon if only because I think it could be hard to play for a win in the tedious dxc5 variations.  

Good point, I totally agree.

Tops Grin

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Glenn Snow
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #13 - 08/14/05 at 00:47:56
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I think the QGA is unfairly underrated, its an ideal defence for Club players. 
Sure its not sexy like a KID, Grunfeld or Benoni but its reliable and fairly solid without being passive. 
Toppy   Grin

Having the QGA in one's repertoire is certainly useful but I wouldn't want to have it as my only weapon if only because I think it could be hard to play for a win in the tedious dxc5 variations.
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #12 - 08/13/05 at 21:29:07
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If you play 3...Nc6 against a good positional player you might dream about some more restricting lines like 3...e5. After all 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.d5 Ne5 6.Bf4 ensures a better pawn centre and a spatial advantage which might last life-long.

Semkov is absolutely right here, though he was extremely optimistic about 3... Nc6 in the first edition of his QGA book that I have! 

I fail to see White's advantage after both 3. e4 e5 4. Nf3 ed4 5. Bc4 Nc6 6. 0-0 Be6 7. Bb5 and 7. Bxe6. Is 7. Bxe6 the way to go now? If so, then Black's position seems defensible to me, and unlike Alumbrado, i cannot see white's kingside attack!
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #11 - 08/13/05 at 21:12:00
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I think the QGA is unfairly underrated, its an ideal defence for Club players.

Sure its not sexy like a KID, Grunfeld or Benoni but its reliable and fairly solid without being passive.

Toppy Grin

The man who tries to do something and fails is infinitely better than he who tries to do nothing and succeeds - Lloyd Jones Smiley
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #10 - 08/13/05 at 15:33:59
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If you play 3...Nc6 against a good positional player you might dream about some more restricting lines like 3...e5. After all 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.d5 Ne5 6.Bf4 ensures a better pawn centre and a spatial advantage which might last life-long.
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #9 - 08/10/05 at 21:49:12
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About the QGA:   

I often play the White side of 3.e4!? and have found 3....Nc6 to be the most challenging defense.  It is so challenging that if I think my opponent has made a special study of that opening just for me, I will play 3.e3! in order to get a quieter game with a smaller but probably more lasting advantage.
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Re: Queens Gambit accepted
Reply #8 - 08/10/05 at 21:41:47
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As Smokey R used to say, 

"I second that emotion."   

Alex Yermolinsky's potentially excellent book, The Road to Chess Improvement, was so marred by "little" grammatical errors that in places he wrote exactly the opposite of what he obviously meant.  I know, English is soooo confusing because of our rule about double negatives.  There were other places that just didn't scan.   

It isn't just German translators, the Russians also have to find great translators.  Don't let the Russian GMs think they can write as well as they play chess in English! Wink  Even Vladimir Nabokov had difficulty writing in English!
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