@slates: my habit is to look at the position with my own eyes first without referring to theory.. so perhaps in this way get more out of reading opening books. No book is perfect, I am sure RIzzi's book is good (that it mentioned Rogozenko-Ibragimov is a sign that its a thorough effort).
by the way, i think 11... Bd6 is superior to 11... Bb4. Main line after 11... Bb4 with queenside completely busted after 12. Qd3 Bd2 13. Bd2 Rb2 14. Rac1 (14. Bc1!? ) 0-0 15. Rc5 looks appealing for white because its much harder for Black to try something cheap on the kingside (which is his only plan

) Both Semkov and yours truly think 11... Bd6 is better.
@john simmons: 11. b3 was played recently in Van Wely-Sasikiran and annotated by Ruslan on chesspub. The reason why i don't like 11. b3 so much is because i think White needs to seize more space on the queenside (ie. pawns on a3 and b4), so as to organise his major pieces to penetrate on the queenside.
To be honest, I don't think that White has much of a "+=" in this whole 7. Be6 line, perhaps it should be "+==", ie. a very small edge.

Just out of curiousity, what do you guys hate to see most as Black, and what do you feel about 7. Bb3 and 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3. Personally i found the former has too subtle theory to remember, and the latter too much theory to remember!