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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Yugo (Read 9866 times)
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Re: Yugo
Reply #15 - 11/21/05 at 13:26:58
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So i took a new look at the levenfish and was surprised it was based on mostly traps. But if black is very carefull he can escape with a nice endgame. Somthing which should be good for black. Makes me wonder what Mr.Levenfish was thinking. but i would imagine at my level i could take my fair share of points with it. But untill i find some inprovement for white i dont think ill play it jsut yet.
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Yugo
Reply #14 - 10/26/05 at 09:24:41
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You might want to check out the poll I started titled "Hardest system to meet OTB?".  At the time I write this only 34 people have answered the poll but the 9.0-0-0 yugoslav was clearly in the leat at this point.  I would say that is also the theoretically toughest challenge at this point as well.  9.Bc4 is in second place and the only other variation in my opinion that might threaten the viability of the Dragon.  That doesn't mean of course that the other variations don't have practical merit and as I noted in my first post there I found variations like 6.Bc4 and the Classical harder to meet OTB (apparently others don't feel the same way!).  However, I think that if I were playing correspondence/email chess then I would already feel comfortable seeing any system besides the yugoslav variations.
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Yugo
Reply #13 - 10/26/05 at 08:53:59
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Every Dragoneer meets the pawn storm by a well timed Rxc3. Then White's attack comes to a halt and White must try to win with his small material advantage - which is a hard and sometimes impossible task.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: Yugo
Reply #12 - 10/26/05 at 08:02:16
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Isnt that idea a little to simplistic nowadays or does it still have enough venom. Venom is somthing which i take into consideration a lot these days. Some lines are full of it others are lacking. I really think the Dragon is not 100% sound and i have taken it out a number of times. But then again just cause its not sound doesnt mean its bad. I play a lot not 100% sound openings! Smith-Morra, BDG on occassion i am not a member of the cult...yet, Kings Gambit, Basque Gambit in the Ruy Lopez which has to be bad but it bares my ancestry, Not to mention the Milner-Berry Gambit vs the caro-kann. I can name others such as the Rouseau which i am trying out and the Blackburne gambit in the philidor. Any way just dont yell at me for saying the i dont think its 100% sound cause i dont care.
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Yugo
Reply #11 - 10/26/05 at 05:37:41
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Yeah, Fischer's opponents did not know yet how and when to sac the exchange.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Yugo
Reply #10 - 10/25/05 at 22:11:26
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I dont see what is the problem. I got one draw against the dragon. Just do the standard setup and follow Fischer's advice. No player at my level is capable of weathering that.

What is that Open the H file sac sac mate. I dont know if anything can be that easy and as of late more and more players i have been facing have not been to opptimistic of letting me open the h-file. I still get a good game but its not as easy as fischer put it.
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Re: Yugo
Reply #9 - 10/25/05 at 19:05:53
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There was a flash-lecture on the pages on the dragon.  The lecturer, a GM whose name I cannot remember, [color=Red]was not optimistic on behalf of dragon-players.[/color] He showed a game resulting in a position that he deemed uncomfortable for black. Unfortunately I cannot remember the moves and ICC has removed the old flash-lectures. I talked to Pete Tamburro and he said that ICC planned to put them up again, but that it took "ages". If you send them a mail it might speed things up.

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Re: Yugo
Reply #8 - 10/25/05 at 17:05:47
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I dont see what is the problem. I got one draw against the dragon. Just do the standard setup and follow Fischer's advice. No player at my level is capable of weathering that.

If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.
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lost highway
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Re: Yugo
Reply #7 - 10/25/05 at 17:05:43
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well i guess that answers that question. Thanks are there any other big trys to the dragon?

The classical line with 6.Be2 has always been one of the best lines for white.

- Lost Highway
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Re: Yugo
Reply #6 - 10/25/05 at 15:03:27
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well i guess that answers that question. Thanks are there any other big trys to the dragon?
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lost highway
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Re: Yugo
Reply #5 - 10/24/05 at 21:55:20
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Innocent after 6...Nc6.

Agree.  White's game is full of holes after 6...Nc6.

- Lost Highway
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Yugo
Reply #4 - 10/24/05 at 20:58:43
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Innocent after 6...Nc6.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Yugo
Reply #3 - 10/23/05 at 22:51:01
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Hmm so the dragon is under a bit of a cloud when it comes to white maybe. The yugoslav has been thought to be the toughest test i thought. But the karpov system looks interesting and rather common for anatoly with Be2. 

What is the view on the Levenfish these days?
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Yugo
Reply #2 - 10/20/05 at 22:23:24
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When I used to play the Dragon, I met 6.Be2, o-o and Be3 with Rc8 preparing Rxc3.
More difficult for Black is the Karpov Variation 6.Be2 Bg7 7.o-o o-o 8.Nb3 Nc6 9.Bg5 or even first 9.Kh1, leaving the choice between Be3 and Bg5 open.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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lost highway
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Re: Yugo
Reply #1 - 10/20/05 at 19:08:29
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I didnt know where to put this post as most of em dealt with move orders. So i was wondering. I am not a big fan of the yugoslav i know i am crazy. I hate the dragon and not a big fan of the yugo i must be crazy. But anyway i played it today and played it well. Im not sure why and im not sure how but i beat someone with about 300 points on me. 

So is the Yugoslav still the ultimate test of the dragon or is there somthing else these days that is giving you crazy dragon players problems. 

I know this is like talking to the enemy not only do i only play the white side only of the dragon but i also play a Najdorf! The other sicilian cult! But your words would be appreciated

I like playing against the Yugoslav.  The Dragon is a right-handed opening and when white plays O-O-O, he's putting himself directly where I want him to be.  Of course, from white's perspective, he's thinking the same thing about me.   

I have had a little trouble against the classical approach with 6.Be2, O-O, and Be3.  I haven't been able to use my right side against that setup as much as I do against the Yugoslav.   Meanwhile, white's right hand still has some power behind it when he plays f4.  I'll eventually figure it out.

- Lost Highway
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