I have bought this DVD and I will give a short overview of its repertoire.
1. Fianchetto variation - Black plays Bg4 followed by Nc6.
2. White plays e3 instead of e4 - Black plays two different sytems depending on weather white puts his dark squared bishop on f4 or g4.
3. London system -Black has this setup : Bishop on g7 (did you expect anything else
)d6-b6-ndb7-Bb7-Rfe8 with the plan of playing the aggressive e5.
I have tested this sytem on ICC with sucess. I consider this system to be easy to learn and play.
4. Averbakh -h6-Be3 -c5 system
5 Classical variation - Roman gives two options here
1. 6...Bg4
2. 7...Na6
6. White plays Bd3 followed by Nge2. Black plays a Nc6 setup followed by e5. If white plays d5 which he often does then black plays Nd4 !?.
7. Hungarian variation - Nge2 followed by Ng3.Black plays c5 before castling. Then black plays b5!? which leads to a Benko gambit kind of position.
9. Sämisch variation - Roman gives an easy to learn system where black plays c6-a6- followed by b5. Roman considers this to be a good system and easy to learn.
Thats all in brief.
I am personally glad that I bought this DVD