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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) The Forum is back! (Read 7821 times)
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #31 - 01/13/19 at 16:27:14
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I revived this old thread, which suggests that there is a problem with the Forum every ten years!!
Early in the morning of the 1st January the Forum went AWOL. When I awoke the next day I discovered a number of emails from members who were wondering where it had gone! So, before setting off for my next tournament that afternoon I had a look at the usual suspects, spammers, hackers, etc. and could find nothing odd, so I got in touch with the server hosts who said that no server software had been updated, Very strange,
When I realised that there was nothing I could do I got in touch with the main YaBB software specialist and she downloaded the Forum onto her testbed, Apparently everything worked fine!
She thought that the server host had change something, but might not even know what that was! I asked them again, very politely, but they thought it was a problem with the Forum. Of course, nothing had been changed here for over two years, so it seemed impossible that it could be that.
Nothing was progressing, and meanwhile I had finished my tournament and come home. We decided to move the Forum to another server (as it turns out, to another continent!)
So, to cut a long story short, we have finished setting things up on a new server, we've changed the domain nameservers, and finally we are up-and-running again!
Thanks to everyone who sent words of support and encouragement! Smiley
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #30 - 01/04/08 at 18:46:58
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I wouldn't miss email notifications myself since I check the site regularly. 

Hmm, I must be an adict, especially finding myself having to contact the support address late last night - how can I sleep without knowing chesspub will be there for me in the morning   Wink

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Michael Ayton
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #29 - 01/04/08 at 15:17:36
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Points taken, Tony, and thanks for all your hard work.
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #28 - 01/04/08 at 12:46:43
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Michael Ayton wrote on 01/04/08 at 09:44:43:
In circumstances like these what would really help would be a prominent and immediate notice on the ChessPublishing website itself saying what's happened. That would have prevented me sending a message to Support last night.

Unfortunately, as they never thought to warn me that they were closing the site (!) I didn't know there was a problem until I suddenly received loads of emails from members! I immediately sorted it out (well at least I managed to get the site back, albeit in 'Maintenance mode') with a few emails, otherwise I would, indeed, have left a message on the ChessPublishing site. Smiley

Regarding email notifications, I agree that losing them is a pain, but apparently they consume a lot of resources, and also cause the site to exceed the '200 email/hour' barrier imposed by the Web host (which is why some members, including myself, weren't even getting them!), so it was either that or something more important. The RSS still works fine, though! Smiley

It may be that the only way around these problems is to convert to different Forum software, or pay for a dedicated server - but these are not cheap!
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Michael Ayton
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #27 - 01/04/08 at 09:44:43
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In circumstances like these what would really help would be a prominent and immediate notice on the ChessPublishing website itself saying what's happened. That would have prevented me sending a message to Support last night.

Email notifications are a sad loss. I wasn't receiving these before yesterday anyway, but I hope sincerely that you can negotiate their return in the near future -- it's tedious trying to follow multiple threads quickly without them.

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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #26 - 01/04/08 at 08:17:23
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The Web host turned off the Forum late last night (GMT, that is!) without warning and put up the rather startling This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.
page, which gave a lot of subscribers the impression they were being personally suspended! Shocked
It seems the Forum was using too many resources for their liking (a victim of our own success?!) and so I have turned off a number of functions (like email notifications) to keep our resource usage down.
Sad Sorry about this, hopefully it is only temporary.
It would have been nice if they had warned us beforehand ...! Angry
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #25 - 11/04/07 at 17:25:01
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dfan wrote on 10/30/07 at 15:32:25:
I'm glad to see the forum return.

There are lots of internal links in the forum to other threads that no longer work.  It looks as if just replacing "" with "" in the URL is sufficient to get to the right place.  Is it possible for this to be automated, either by having a script do the search and replace on all posts, or by having a redirect from

I've just done an enormous search and replace, and hopefully these all work again?! Anyway, if anyone finds any internal links that still don't work please post the details here! Smiley
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #24 - 11/04/07 at 14:25:15
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 10/28/07 at 09:44:37:
Since the Forum returned, I get a message from Windows Internet Explorer asking me if I wish to grant access to my clipboard.  

What's going on?

I found a patch to fix this annoyance, now a checkbox is added to the post/reply page where users can enable/disable the auto-copy function. Smiley
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #23 - 10/31/07 at 11:31:31
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If someone can explain how I can redirect the links from ChessPublishing I will try to do it.
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #22 - 10/30/07 at 15:32:25
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I'm glad to see the forum return.

There are lots of internal links in the forum to other threads that no longer work.  It looks as if just replacing "" with "" in the URL is sufficient to get to the right place.  Is it possible for this to be automated, either by having a script do the search and replace on all posts, or by having a redirect from
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #21 - 10/29/07 at 15:09:03
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 10/29/07 at 14:44:46:
Smyslov_Fan wrote on 10/28/07 at 09:44:37:
Since the Forum returned, I get a message from Windows Internet Explorer asking me if I wish to grant access to my clipboard.  
What's going on?

I got this message before as well, ever since I upgraded to IE 7 - I assume it is a security feature that is turned on by default?!

Yep the forum uses an inherent copy/paste I think.

If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #20 - 10/29/07 at 14:44:46
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 10/28/07 at 09:44:37:
Since the Forum returned, I get a message from Windows Internet Explorer asking me if I wish to grant access to my clipboard.  
What's going on?

I got this message before as well, ever since I upgraded to IE 7 - I assume it is a security feature that is turned on by default?!
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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #19 - 10/29/07 at 14:06:53
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Hi all!
Thanks for GM Tony Kosten's hard work.The Chess publishing is now in order.It was like hell as this site always give us the best of chess. :)Hope it is always great.

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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #18 - 10/28/07 at 09:44:37
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Since the Forum returned, I get a message from Windows Internet Explorer asking me if I wish to grant access to my clipboard.   

What's going on?
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Mr Dynamic?

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Re: The Forum is back!
Reply #17 - 10/26/07 at 08:57:03
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I missed the Forum too ...  Smiley
The sys admin bods didn't like it too much on our servers, though, they reckoned it was a major security risk. Sad
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