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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #29 - 09/23/07 at 10:20:47
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Dont be too quick Wink Check this months analysis of Shirov-Guliyev and Shabalov-Ehlvest. I have some ideas in the former, but unfortunately Richard has published part of my idea before I have a chance to show it on the board. I think he is rather optimistic about white's chances in one line. So I am still hoping to get to show it in my ICCF game...

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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #28 - 09/23/07 at 07:23:09
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I am rather proud to have correctly predicted the return of 6.Bg5 over a year ago (I think) on this very forum, much to the scepticism of Semprun and others.

As I said back then that the decline of 6.Bg5 was more due to fashion than anything else, as players continued to investigate fresh fertile ground like the English attack as a universal weapon against the Sicilian defence. Now that the 6.Be3 hysteria has begun to wane a bit, players are re-discovering what I already new, that is 6.Bg5 is still an extremely dangerous and strong move that is far from being played out.

I totally disagree that 6.Bg5 is unsuitable for correspondence play, quite the opposite in fact. I believe that a strong creative player with a powerful chess engine would be deadly with this line in correspondence play.

In an interview on WCN, that is when there was a WCN, Larry Christiansen in an interview noted that there was a computer on ICC that was virtually invincible with 6.Bg5 as White, especially against PP practitioners, Human and Computer opposition alike.

The fact is that the PP is so complex and engines so powerful now as to render most of the ancient analysis on this variation virtually obsolete. Nowadays, particularly in sharp lines like the PP everything must be re-checked with a a fine toothed comb.

Much has been made of how well computers defend bad positions, but in truth when guided they are just as ruthless in attack.

I wonder what Semprun and some of the others who proclaimed 6.Bg5 a dead fossil must be  thinking now.

Anyway I will try not to say I told ya so.  Wink

Toppy Smiley      

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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #27 - 08/17/07 at 10:05:43
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looking at this thread it might be that Shirov found the "antipoison".


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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #26 - 08/14/07 at 09:51:38
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salut Photophore,
Very good idea !   

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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #25 - 08/13/07 at 21:57:33
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Salut Dji!
I shall comment it on forum as sonn it is finished Bien Amicalement Claude
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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #24 - 08/13/07 at 18:09:07
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On peut la voir cette partie!

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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #23 - 08/13/07 at 13:10:04
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However 6 Bg5 has known a revival these recent years  , leading to PP , by top GMs ( namely Radjabov , Shirov , and Anand ) , with some success
They all adopted the rather ill-famed 10 e5
Most significative is Anand-Van Wely Corus 2007 : it's a "long" game , between top players and analysis shows it's surely a prepared variation (by Anand )
I replayed this game in French Championship 2007-2008 , up to move 22 , but my opponent found an improvement on the play of Van Wely ,and , most likely , it will be drawn
It will be my third draw with the PP
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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #22 - 08/13/07 at 13:02:14
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Somewhere I saw a detailed analysis by Tim Harding of a correspondence game that he played featuring the poisoned pawn. He claimed that the line leads to a forced draw. Furthermore most of the analysis is very well known.

So only play Bg5 in correspondence if your opponent has a much higher rating and a draw is a great result.


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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #21 - 08/13/07 at 11:37:38
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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #20 - 07/24/06 at 13:49:13
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Those interested in the PP have probably seen this, but if not do visit:
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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #19 - 07/24/06 at 01:22:32
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Any improvements for White in the main line 10.Bxf6 gxf6 11.Be2 Nc6 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.0-0 Qa5 14.Kh1 Be7 15.f5 h5 ?

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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #18 - 07/23/06 at 18:37:59
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I think a nice simple line for White against the Poison Pawn variation which also gives Black a lot of problems is :

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6 Angry

8.Qd2! - this move has to be played if white wants to try for an advantage; 8...Qxb2 9.Rb1 Qa3 10.Bxf6!? gxf6 11.Be2!?

This is the starting position and now white's plan ( put simply) is to 0-0....f5....and Bh5 putting Black's king and f7 square under a lot of pressure. This is one of the main lines and can get very tactical but if white keeps to his plan of hitting f7 and a possible attack on the kingside with his idea is to play Rb3 and swing it across to the kingside..another to infiltrate with Qh6 if Black plays Be7. A very difficult game ensues, but white should not be worse in any line unless he allows Black to swop off the heavy pieces when Black's pawn advantage will usually tell. 

|I think this is a good antidote and takes the game to Black who is then more under pressure in the middlegame; however, you need strong nerves !

Kenny Harman
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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #17 - 07/21/06 at 12:09:28
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Salut Photophore,

Have a look to Adamson,R  - Shabalov,A  and Andrade,R  -  Novikov,I

The second is draw but the position of the B97 Najdorf specialist Novikov was very bad at move 39.

That one of the main line and i wouldn't play it as black!


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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #16 - 04/24/06 at 15:29:03
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Hi Fernando!
I played a Nd5 sac some months ago , and it was sound! : it was against a 2150 ICCF
Recently , I played a Rxf6 in the game I reported higher in this thread
and yet it's far less common tha Nd5
Moreover , I have much better than Fritz , and I use it to check my moves :
Then , unless you have Hydra....
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Claude Le Page
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Re: Najdorf Poisoned Pawn : I need an antidote!
Reply #15 - 04/20/06 at 20:10:10
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I would also add that 6.Bg5 is unsuitable for correspondence unless you are part of the few chosen that can find novelties BETTERING fritz/friends (it happens sometimes, but you have to be extremely lucky that your opponent follows suit)

For example all those Nd5 sacs in the Be7 (Nbd7) lines are simply unsound in correspondence chess (IMHO) Unless you are a Shabalov or Maia Chiburdanidze in her younger years!

Fernando Semprun
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