Clearly Mr. Aagard has paid close attention to the points raised in my posts, but I'm disappointed that he chose to cleverly justify his position by not dealing with my points in full, but instead using partial excerpts of these same points to essentially alter their intended meaning.
Anyway lets not harp on that too much, we will wait and see if indeed all the updated, revised and corrected material is provided free of cost to those with the 1st edition. Until then I will suspend further judgement. I do find it curious though, that quite a few posters here have chosen to laud the appearance of this 2nd edition while at the same time not commenting on its timing.
To the guy that tried to claim that Kaufman's work was more or less just a database dump, I would say that such a view is simply ridiculous to me. Over time I would say that Kaufman's analysis, strengthened by engines of course, has held up quite well and if I am not mistaken, according to sources, his analysis of the Evans Gambit seems more convincing than what Marin gives in his more recent book covering the same recommendation.
Looks like this already distended thread isn't about to come to an end any time soon.
I propose that this thread be now locked and a fresh thread started devoted to this new updated, expanded, corrected, revised and more expensive second edition.
Can I have this motion seconded?