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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Solid Defense against English?!?! (Read 31690 times)
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #64 - 12/23/06 at 08:40:01
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I prefer playing 1...c6 cos I play Slav Grin. I am also quite happy if White plays 2.e4 because I like the positions that arises, especiallt the positions when Black sacs a pawn. Black gets great activity
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #63 - 12/22/06 at 15:47:27
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I understand it is in decline at the top levels, but I have had some success (corr. and blitz) with the Rubinstein variation lately (I have also had success against it, so take that with a grain of salt). My prefered defense to 1. c4 is the hedgehog.
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #62 - 12/19/06 at 12:07:53
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I would say this is a question of taste - there are many English players who are quite happy to enter QGD, but then are quite unhappy to find they get outplayed  Wink
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #61 - 12/19/06 at 00:56:03
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Mortal Games wrote on 11/22/06 at 02:16:30:
Against 1.c4 if one chooses 1...e6 (having a Frech, Nimzo and Mortal_Games0 repertoire) - 2.Nc3 d5 (to avoid Mykenas system) 3.d4 it is an option to choose 3...Nf6 (or 3...c6) to enter the Semi-Slav or 3...dxc4 to enter QGA, but white can always play 3.cxd4 and enter the exchange variation of the QGD. Most solid choice here can be Tartakower QGD.

Choosing 1...c6 is an option to enter the Slav but one must have a defence against 2.e4 entering the Caro-Kann.

Not wanting to play 1...e5 or 1...c5 to give white the game he knows and wants better, another option is to play 1...Nf6 and transpose to the fighting King´s Indian defence (the Grunfeld is possible too, but white can avoid it by playing e4) and this must be the better fighting option and this defence is a very important defence to learn if one plays 1.d4 with white colors.   

Practically no one plays the English who is not happy to enter the White side of the the QGD.  So while I agree that 1...e6, 2...d5 is an adequate and solid defense, it is nevertheless not exactly a defense >>to the English<<, and it is indeed a bit concessive.  I understand, as a longtime Tarrasch player, that it does make sense from a practical viewpoint simply to ignore that the first move was 1. c4 and not 1. d4.

But I hold that the most solid and challenging defense to the English is 1...c5. 

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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #60 - 12/12/06 at 11:45:43
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Solid defence - how about the double fianchetto . Adorjan and Kasparov have played this so it must be ok !

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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #59 - 12/12/06 at 10:41:57
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I believe it's called Yorzh, at least that's the best transliteration I can manage. The Russian for 'hedgehog', I understand.

I've forgotten the name of the site I got it from, but it's quite easy to find with a bit of googling (, maybe?!) . Very good book, but rather uncompromisingly in Russian. I've been having to bribe our office assistant (who is Russian) to translate bits for me.
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #58 - 12/11/06 at 23:45:14
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Personally i play the KID as well as the English. Even though i am enthousiastic about both openings, i am not so keen on playing the KID against the English because White can aim for d2-d3 (instead of d2-d4) and play on the Queenside (unless Black plays Nbd7 when White can play d2-d4 to transpose into the variation of the Fianchetto KID that many KIDers hate). Anyway, when White plays d3 followed by b4-b5, etc, i have found that it is easier to play the position with White as Black has to find a checkmate that is harder to attain than normal KID in order to justify his wrecked Queenside. 
Finally, Black also has to prepare for the Botvinnik System (lethal in an experienced English player) as well as several systems involving e3 or d3&e3. 

But this is just my two cents.

I was wondering can anyone tell me the name of that russian hedgehog book. I had been interested in the hedgehog for quite a while but whenever i flick through the Suba book, i just end up saying to myself: "Why do you need to prepare against the English? Hardly anyone plays it and you play is so you can just use your experience to fight against it...Mmm a game on playchess sounds good  Tongue"
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Mortal Games
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #57 - 11/22/06 at 02:16:30
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Against 1.c4 if one chooses 1...e6 (having a Frech, Nimzo and QID repertoire) - 2.Nc3 d5 (to avoid Mykenas system) 3.d4 it is an option to choose 3...Nf6 (or 3...c6) to enter the Semi-Slav or 3...dxc4 to enter QGA, but white can always play 3.cxd4 and enter the exchange variation of the QGD. Most solid choice here can be Tartakower QGD.

Choosing 1...c6 is an option to enter the Slav but one must have a defence against 2.e4 entering the Caro-Kann.

Not wanting to play 1...e5 or 1...c5 to give white the game he knows and wants better, another option is to play 1...Nf6 and transpose to the fighting King´s Indian defence (the Grunfeld is possible too, but white can avoid it by playing e4) and this must be the better fighting option and this defence is a very important defence to learn if one plays 1.d4 with white colors.

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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #56 - 11/21/06 at 13:16:01
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I think an English Botvinnik Setup as black could be a solid weapon against Eglish
even if there would be some problem in order to avoid an early d4 by white.

I invite you to view the new topic about this interesting  plan.
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #55 - 09/09/06 at 05:40:09
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I play the Slav:
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 c6 with the clear idea 3...d5-Slav Defence. If 3.e4 to prevent 3...d5 I play 3..e5 which leads to a solid but a bit passive system which is not prevalent in GM-play. Instead of 3...e5 often is played 3...d5 which leads to Caro Can.
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #54 - 08/31/06 at 09:04:10
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[quote author=Dinomike100 link=1149934999/0#0 date=1149934998]
Is black's position after the 1. ...e5 reply better or worse than white's position in the Sicilian? [/quote]

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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #53 - 08/31/06 at 03:48:46
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Maybe I'll just use those lines.  That's an interesting post, MarineFan.  I looked for such a game at, and the kibitzing I saw for it was such that if Karpov had drawn (or won) that game, maybe he would be considered the #1 chessplayer, and not Kasparov.  So I guess if it's good enough for Kasparov, it's more than good enough for me.
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #52 - 08/30/06 at 14:50:30
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Botvinnik played many games with

1. c4 e6  2. Nf3 d5  3. b3 --> and possibly following up with a double fianchetto. 
1. c4 c6  2. Nf3 d5  3. b3.

Kasparov played the first line or something like it in a must win situation in a WC match against Karpov.
      So both lines are quite decent, although black should be able to keep equal changes with best play. The main point with such lines is to keep the tension and see how opponent plays chess, rather than get into a opening theory memory test.

Bye John S
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #51 - 08/27/06 at 05:45:06
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Just want to mention that 1. c4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. cxd5  is NOT the exchange variation. There is an exchange of pawns alright but exchanging before black plays Nf6 is a sideline with little ambition.
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Re: Solid Defense against English?!?!
Reply #50 - 08/27/06 at 04:33:18
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There's been quite a bit of discussion of the QGD Slav in the QGD section, so I'll try to keep my comments brief.  There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

If you take a look at the Slav Exchange and weed out all the short draws, you will see that it's a fighting opening that Black has to know very well to survive.  Trading off a single set of pawns should not make a position drawish, but players who want a draw often play the Slav Exchange as a tacit offer of peace.

There are so many ways to play against the Slav for White that it's a wonder it's popular at all below the professional level.  Right now, one way that seems to be getting more time is a type of Semi-Slav for White that goes: 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3?! (premature in my opinion) followed by Nf3 and Qc2.   

The play works well in blitz, but I think Black should be able to equalise.  Still, it's relatively untried compared to the Euwe/Morozevich lines.  You will still need to have some idea of what to do against 3...a6, but chess was never meant to be easy.
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