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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #18 - 07/04/08 at 13:45:24
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Isn't the Colle-Zukertort the recommended white repertoire in Purdy's Action Chess ?
Anyway, there is now Rudel's Zuk'em, too.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #17 - 07/03/08 at 22:30:25
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I purchased the Susan Polgar DVD. She explains it well for Class players. I thought her insight into this opening, revealed by her explanation of the strategical ideas, was somewhat like an oasis for this opening! I wished she had done two or three more! 

Nigel Davis recently produced a DVD on the Colle Zukertorte (CZ). I've looked through all the games and it is difficult to say how it ranks against the ideas presented in the Summerscale book. The Davies DVD and the Summerscale book both have the same style of presentation. They both give you an annotated tour through a list of high quality games. There is a small amount of overlap between the two lists presumeably because of the dearth of CZ games at the highest levels. The Davies DVD, predictably, has more recent games. 

GM Davies used good teaching technique because he reviewed the highlights of each annotated game and compared the style of play  to the previous game. However, even though middle game ideas were clearly presented and I was clued in as to what was going on, I was left with the impression that this was a whirlwind tour of the CZ opening. GM Davies also presented the line 1.d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 leading into a CZ. This raised my eyebrows a little since I didn't think entombing the Bc1 so early was the best idea. Maybe this move order was given to keep "inside the repertoire". I immediately cocked my ear for a comment about reasonable alternatives but none were given.

It appears that GM Palliser is in the process of completing another book on the Colle -- this time it's the CZ. It's called Starting Out: Colle Zukertorte, Barry, and 150 Attacks. They say it will be on sale this fall, 2008. I look forward to that book. I hope it has a significant sprinkling of strategical ideas embedded in the games. I openly wonder how it will be different from the Summerscale book since the title and the contents of the Summerscale book appear to be similar. Maybe GM Palliser can tell us something about it. 

It seems to me that a book with full explanations of how the Colle Zukertorte should or can fit into a White repertoire along with a serious set of explanations about the strategy and theory to glue it all together has yet to be published. Maybe GM Palliser has led the way on this. I hope so.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #16 - 11/02/06 at 14:39:03
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Any online reviews of this Susan Polgar DVD about? Or anybody who has it care to give us an opinion? I am curious if this DVD series is aimed at the "beginner/intermediate" player, or if there anything new and worthwhile in it.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #15 - 10/31/06 at 22:51:18
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jeupham wrote on 07/15/06 at 10:06:41:
Can anyone recommend in print books / DVDs / CDs / VHS covering the Zukertort Variation of the Colle System? Cheesy

Ultimate Colle appears to be out of print. Sad

Regards, John

You might be interested to know that Susan Polgar has just released a DVD on the Zukertort:
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #14 - 10/31/06 at 03:25:07
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Bruzon,L (2652) - Anand,V (2803) [D05] 
Leon, 08.06.2006 
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Bd3 c5 5.b3 Bd6 6.0-0 0-0 7.Bb2 Nc6  etc etc see above...

Bruzon is a god. I love the stuff he plays. One of the few GM I follow.  Very Classical at times.... and pulls it off.  One of the few GM's above 2600 that plays D60-D66 stuff once in a while  Old school  Cool.......  
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #13 - 10/16/06 at 10:43:23
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I hope Richard will do his usual great job and also pay a little more attention to move order than Summerscale did in his earlier work.  In the C-Z lines, it would be helpful to have a little more guidance on when to play a3 or c4, and when to go Ne5.  For example, in 

[Event "SWE-chT 0001"]
[Site "Sweden"]
[Date "2000.??.??"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Ingbrandt, Johan"]
[Black "Berg, Emanuel"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D05"]
[WhiteElo "2402"]
[BlackElo "2432"]
[PlyCount "51"]
[EventDate "2000.??.??"]
[EventType "team"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "SWE"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2000.11.22"]

1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. e3 d5 4. Bd3 c5 5. b3 Nc6 6. O-O Bd6 7. Bb2 O-O 8. Nbd2
Qe7 9. Ne5 Qc7 10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. Nf3 cxd4 12. exd4 a5 13. c4 a4 14. Qc2 h6 15.
Rfc1 Ba6 16. Ne5 dxc4 17. Bxc4 a3 18. Bc3 Bxc4 19. bxc4 c5 20. Qe2 Rfc8 21.
dxc5 Qxc5 22. Rab1 Bxe5 23. Bxe5 Ra4 24. Bxf6 gxf6 25. Qf3 Rb4 26. Qxa3 1/2-1/2

Black's 8..Qe7-9..Qc7 was an effective way to keep White from setting up his ideal position.

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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #12 - 10/11/06 at 14:30:38
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IMJohnCox wrote on 10/10/06 at 23:04:40:
Bronznik has a book on it, which I know nothing about, but he has a good reputation.

Bronznik's book (now available in both German and English) is really good (and yes, much better than Lane's) - but is deals only with the Colle-Koltanowsky (with c2-c3), NOT with the Colle-Zukertort (with b2-b3). It's title is actually The Colle-Koltanowsky - or something very close to that.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #11 - 10/10/06 at 23:04:40
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Greetings Krzysztof. You will not remember the game, but you were the first titled player I ever played in a slow-play game, at Lloyds Bank 1980.

Richard Palliser is doing a book on the Colle, which will no doubt be very good. Bronznik has a book on it, which I know nothing about, but he has a good reputation.

Summerscale's book has very breezy coverage, but in that style it is fine.

I would steer clear of Lane's Ultimate Colle.

Frankly the best approach would be a database and a search for "White - Jussupow."
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #10 - 10/10/06 at 16:11:32
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I also found Foxy Opening DVD number 20 : d4 Dynamite to be very handy supplementing Summerscales book very nicely.

John Grin
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #9 - 10/10/06 at 16:03:31
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Try The Dogs of War Practical Play in the Colle System.  It is loaded with Colle-Zukertort games.  I found it to be very readable and the analysis was very appropriate for anyone rated 1700 or below.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #8 - 08/02/06 at 00:03:37
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Shocked I almost forgot that Soltis has a book out on the Colle Zukertorte and I believe Smith and Hall wrote a book on both the Colle Zukertorte and the Colle Koltanowski combined.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #7 - 08/02/06 at 00:00:39
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Regarding books on the Colle Zukertorte
There is a recent book by Schiller called the Rubinstein Attack. Another huge source is the very large book on Amos Burn. He played the Colle Zukertorte.  Cheesy
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Pytel krzysztof
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #6 - 08/01/06 at 09:20:49
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"Something which is old and forgotten is... a novelty.”
That saying is perfectly grounded in chess. Many my victories, especially quick ones, I owe to the usage of the forgotten openings. The number of my miniatures highly arose since I began to play Zuckertort or Colle openings. Adopting the repertoire based on the reversed colours openings leads to the same results. 
Pytel,K (2405) - Narchi,M (2205) [D05]
Reims, 15.11.2003
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 e6 4.Bd3 Be7 5.b3 0-0 6.Bb2 Nbd7 7.Nbd2 Re8?! 8.0-0 Nf8 9.Ne5 c5 10.f4 a6 11.Qf3 Qc7 12.g4 g6 13.g5 N6d7 14.Ng4 b5 15.dxc5 Diagram 1-0
Pytel,K (2400) - Loizel,J (1912) [D05]
Niort, 10.07.2006
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 Nf6 4.Bd3 Nbd7 5.b3 Bd6 6.Bb2 c6?! 7.Ne5! [7.0-0?! Qc7 8.Nbd2 e5=] 7...Qc7 8.f4 c5 9.0-0 0-0 10.Nd2 b6 11.Rf3 Re8 12.Rh3 Bf8 13.dxc5 Nxc5?! Diagram 
[13...Bxc5 14.Nxd7 Bxd7 15.Bxf6+/-] 14.Bxh7+ Kh8 [14...Nxh7 15.Qh5] 15.Bg6+ 1-0
My opponents were weak players! By the way, such “weak” players are sometimes able to play  20 moves with a strength of… a world champion. It is not too difficult to copy and use well - known plans. Meanwhile, it is not the same when you are made to invent something. Anyway, the “forgotten” openings can also trouble even the grandmasters.  
Pytel,K (2424) - Spiridonov,N (2400) [E14]
Paris, 30.12.2000
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 b6 3.e3 Bb7 4.Bd3 c5 5.0-0 cxd4 6.exd4 e6 7.c4 Be7 8.Nc3 d5
[8...0-0 9.d5+/-] 
9.cxd5 Nxd5 10.Ne5 0-0 11.Qh5 g6?!
[11...Nf6 12.Qh4 Ne4 13.Qh3 Qxd4 14.Bf4~~] 
12...f6?! Diagram
[12...Bf6 13.Bh6 Bg7 (13...Re8 14.Bb5) 14.Bxg7 Kxg7 15.Be4+/=] 
13.Nxg6! hxg6 14.Bxg6?!
[14.Qg4! g5 (14...Rf7 15.Bxg6 Rg7 16.Qxe6+ (16.Bh6) 16...Kh8 17.Be4 Nc7 18.Qh3++-) 15.Qxe6+ (15.Bxg5? f5) 15...Kg7 16.Re1 Rf7 (16...Bb4 17.Qf5) 17.Bc4] 
[14...Qd7 15.Qg4 Bd6 16.Bh6; 14...Nxc3 15.Qh3! (15.Qh5? Ne2+ 16.Kh1 Bxg2+ 17.Kxg2 Qd5+) ] 
[15.Qh3 Bh4] 
15...Nf6 16.Qh4 Rf7
[16...Nc6 17.Bg5 Qxd4 18.Qh6] 
17.Bxf7+ Kxf7 18.Bg5 Nbd7 Diagram
[18...Na6!? 19.Rfe1 a)19.Bxf6 Bxf6 20.Qh7+ Bg7 21.Qh5+ Kf8 22.d5 (a)22.Rfe1 Nc7) 22...Bxd5 23.Nxd5 Qxd5 24.Rfd1 Qc6 (a)24...Qb7 25.Rd6) 25.Rac1 Qe8; b)19.d5!? Bxd5 20.Rad1 Nc7; 19...Qg8!] 
I was proud of this move generating the energy into my my pieces. All the same time, the chess computer programs, dating from the time when the game was played, did not take it into account at all. What is more, when this move surfaced on the board they changed the evaluation of the position from „equal” into „slightly better for black.” 
exd5 20.Rfe1 Nf8
[20...Qg8 21.Qf4 Qg6 22.h4]
[21.Bxf6 Bxf6 22.Qh5+ Ng6 23.Qxf5] 
21...Ng6 22.Qd4 Qd7 23.h4 Re8 Diagram 
It is the next move dynamising the play, which was neglected by the computers.
[24...Ne4 25.Nxe4 fxe4 26.Rxe4] 
25.Rxe8 Qxe8
[25...Nxe8 26.h5 Ne7 27.Qh8]
26.Nb5 Qd7 27.Nxa7 Nf8 28.Nb5 Ne6 29.Qe5 Nxg5 30.hxg5 Ne4
[30...Ng4 31.Qd6] 
31.f3 Nxg5 32.Nd6+ Kg6 33.Nxb7 Qxb7 34.Rxd5 Be7 35.Qxf5+ Kg7 36.f4 Nh7 37.Rd7 Qc8 1-0
If you are able to get your opponent off the beaten track it can bring you the points even on the highest level. Here is the latest example. 

Bruzon,L (2652) - Anand,V (2803) [D05]
Leon, 08.06.2006
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Bd3 c5 5.b3 Bd6 6.0-0 0-0 7.Bb2 Nc6 8.Nbd2 cxd4 9.exd4 b6 10.a3 Bb7 11.Ne5 Qc7 12.Qe2 Ne7 13.f4 b5 14.Rf3 Rac8 15.Rc1 [15.Rh3 Ne4] 15...b4 16.a4 Ng6 17.Rcf1 Ne4 18.Rh3 f5 19.Bxe4 dxe4 20.Qh5 Bxe5 21.fxe5 Qxc2 22.Qxh7+ Kf7 23.Rg3 Qxd2 24.Rxg6 Rg8 Diagram
25.Rxe6! Kxe6 26.Qxf5+ Ke7 27.Qf7+ Kd8 28.e6 1-0
Krzysztof Pytel
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #5 - 07/31/06 at 10:17:25
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Quite right Krzysztof! Very nice post, thanks for showing a couple of your games. I noticed the Bruzon-Anand game myself - I think it was a faster than normal time limit but it shows the potential of the set-up, after all Anand is not bad no matter what time limit  Wink 
Lets not also forget that such masters of the game as Capablanca and Tigran Petrosian were fond of playing this way on occasion. It is no accident in my opinion since the development of the pieces is very harmonious.
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Re: Colle - Zukertort Books in print?
Reply #4 - 07/23/06 at 10:39:06
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I think Mark Diesen ( From ICC webcasts) has done a lecture on this opening as prt of his 'attacking chess' series. I've played the opening and have had good results. It's the type of opening where if your opponent chooses to play natural looking moves as black, he will soon face troubles and a srong attack from white.
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