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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) What's the status of the Perenyi attack? (Read 18637 times)
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #13 - 02/19/11 at 10:35:57
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Reading Kasparov's comments and analysis on his book "Revolution in the 70s" we see what he thinks about the status of the Perenyi attack.After:

7... e5 8. Nf5 g6
(8... h5 is recommended by Ftacnik his Najdorf "GM Reperoire" book and looks topical) 
9. g5 
(9. Bg2 is another option) 
9...gxf5 10. exf5 d5 11. Qf3 Ne4
(instead of 11...d4 which is the complex main line)
12. Nxe4 dxe4 13. Qxe4 Nc6 14. Bc4 Qd7!
(the move Kasparov likes} 
15. g6
(15. Bd3 was played by Chiburdanidze but is not dangerous) 
15... hxg6 16.fxg6 Qg4 17. Bxf7+
(17. Qxg4 Bxg4 18. Rg1 f5 is good for Black) 
17... Ke7 18. Qxg4
(18. Qd5 Kf6)
18... Bxg4 19. Rg1 Bf5
"further analysis does not demonstrate any advantage to White", Kasparov

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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #12 - 02/19/11 at 09:51:59
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OrangeCounty wrote on 02/18/11 at 16:49:47:

With the rehabilitation of the Poisoned Pawn, I would think 6 Bg5 would be making a comeback, but somehow it hasn't happened; probably too many forcing lines leading to draws.

I am expecting the opposite. I think the english attack will be more popular as the poisened pawn is back.
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #11 - 02/18/11 at 16:49:47
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I used to "debate" this with a chessplaying friend, mostly in blitz, to the tune of multiple games a week.  He was a Najdorf guy, and I had nothing but 1. e4, so we inevitably played either the line 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 a6 6 Be3 e6 7 g4 (the Perenyi), or 6 Bg5 e6 7 f4 Be7 8 Qf3 Qc7 9 0-0-0 Nbd7 10 g4 b5 11 Bxf6 Nxf6 12 g5 Nd7 13 f5 Nc5 ("Old" main line).  I eventually gave up the Perenyi; the ...h5 idea is no fun, and the older lines are not amazing either.

With the rehabilitation of the Poisoned Pawn, I would think 6 Bg5 would be making a comeback, but somehow it hasn't happened; probably too many forcing lines leading to draws.
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #10 - 02/14/11 at 13:16:51
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Whats the reason for not mentioning 8...h5? After GM6 I suppose one would meet it quite a lot.
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #9 - 02/14/11 at 07:48:55
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kevinfat wrote on 02/14/11 at 04:19:28:
So you're saying that I can play a repertoire based around the English Attack with the Perenyi attack vs e6 and its sound for white?

Yes, but it's one of those openings I can only recommend to players 2500 and above.

It's much easier and probably more worthwhile to just learn the English Attack with 7.f3. If for some reason you absolutely loathe the English Attack then there's the classical 7.Be2 and the tricky (but equal) 7.Qf3.

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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #8 - 02/14/11 at 04:19:28
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So you're saying that I can play a repertoire based around the English Attack with the Perenyi attack vs e6 and its sound for white?
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #7 - 02/14/11 at 00:44:54
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Why? If Material on one side and Force and Time at the other side are in equilibrium the draw is the logical outcome. That's what we call sufficient compensation.
Or see the Perenyi Attack as a long tactical combination. The only difference with usual tactics is that this one is beyond human vision (and for the time being also beyond silicon horizon). Still it's thinkable that with correct play the outcome must be a draw.
It's a real pity you don't have access to Fire on Board nor NIC. About each game by Shirov has been heavily analysed.

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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #6 - 02/13/11 at 23:32:10
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MNb wrote on 02/13/11 at 11:22:55:
Fire on Board and NIC yearbooks.

Don't have access to either of those Sad

What amazes me is the statement that white sacrifices a knight early on but that black can't push for win and its an inevitable draw.
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #5 - 02/13/11 at 11:22:55
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Fire on Board and NIC yearbooks.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #4 - 02/13/11 at 06:47:09
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MNb wrote on 07/28/06 at 03:07:40:
Sjirov has not played it anymore since 2003 (and in this year only in rapid). In his notes he invariably analyzes variations until forced draws.
As an alternative, have you already considered 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxe4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 e6 7.Be2 ? The plan Rad1-d3, Rfe1, Bf3 and Nd5 is quite attractive in the main line.

What analysis of Shirov's are you talking about? Where can I find this analysis of Shirov's?
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #3 - 08/04/06 at 08:46:38
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I certainly wouldn't fancy playing this as Black! If you are a fairly good tactical player then this is a good choice as White, and will undoubtedly notch up lots of quick points. Wink
Timman's 13th move seems very interesting - see the July update. Smiley
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #2 - 07/28/06 at 04:18:12
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You might look at Timman-Smeets, played last month in the Dutch championship.  It was a quick win for Timman against his young GM opponent.  According to Dutch websites, it was a result of Timman's preparation in a line he first analysed with Judit P. some time ago.
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Re: What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
Reply #1 - 07/28/06 at 03:07:40
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Sjirov has not played it anymore since 2003 (and in this year only in rapid). In his notes he invariably analyzes variations until forced draws.
As an alternative, have you already considered 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxe4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 e6 7.Be2 ? The plan Rad1-d3, Rfe1, Bf3 and Nd5 is quite attractive in the main line.

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What's the status of the Perenyi attack?
07/28/06 at 02:38:42
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I currently play Be3 against the Najdorf and am happy with my reponses to e5 and Ng4. I was wondering what the alternatives to the English attack are against e6. In particular how effective is the Perenyi attack? I saw the spectacular wins that Judit and Shirov have scored with it. On the other hand being down a piece indefinately concerns me. What are peoples' opinions on this razor sharp line and does anyone have any analysis on it?
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