Quote:Markovich wrote on 08/08/06 at 00:03:12:
I don't share your view that 9. f4 Qxf4 10. Nxa7+ is critical. My present view is that Black is doing well enough there.
it's critical in the sense that if it works then Black is completely busted (as opposed to just being worse)
but maybe Black is OK. I dunno. what do you reckon to 10...Bd7 11 Bxd7+ Kxd7 12 Qb5+ Ke6 13 Qxb7 Bd6 14 Qb3+ Kd7 15 Qf7+ Be7 16 Nc6 Kxc6 17 Qxe7 Rae8 18 Qb4 Rhf8 19 b3 ?
Markovich wrote on 08/08/06 at 00:03:12:
But that is moot, since I've found nothing against 9. Nxa7 etc. 13. d4! and Black plays a very dreary, pawn-down ending. Who cares whether it's a grind or not? White tortures Black forever, and probably lands the whole point. To play such a game is not why I play 1...e5.
actually it's not so easy to win the endgame after 9.Nxa7+ Bd7 10 Bxd7+ Nxd7 11 f4 Qc5 12 Nb5 Qxc2 13 d4 Bb4+ 14 Kf2 Qxe2+ 15 Kxe2 0-0-0.
well, OK, this is not why I play 1...e5 either, but maybe it's enough to know that Black can put up a long defence here? Since in all my years with the Schliemann no one has ever played 9 Nxa7+ against me OTB, never mind getting any further into the variation.
I have notes on 12...Ke6 and so forth, and have played it in a few games with success. But I don't have my notes with me, and I doubt if I'll take the trouble to post here on this subject since I regard the evaluation of this variation as moot.
I think one reason you don't have more people playing 9. Nxa7!+ is that the theory books don't sufficiently recommend it, most of them even awarding the exclam to 9. f4. Even the updates here completely pass over it (hint, hint, Olivier).
I don't know many strong players who object to playing a long game so long as the win is in view. The object of this game is to win, you know? And I opine that White's win is in view after 15. Kxe2. From a White perspective, a solid plus in the endgame sure beats preparing the blazes out of 10. Nxa7+ and then trying to remember the notes on the rare occasions of encountering 3...f5.
On the other hand, very few strong players want to be caught in a long, difficult struggle, particularly with a weaker player, where a draw is the best possible result -- especially if defeat is not altogether unlikely.
To score the half point, I would be willing to play a "worse" ending so long as I pretty well knew the technique for drawing it. But after 15. Kxe2, I don't. Maybe somebody with more chess education than I have could enlighten me on that subject, but for the time being, I consider 3...f5 unsound precisely because of this line.